Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Foundations of philosophy and spirituality

Head of the department

History of the department

Professors and teachers of the department “Foundations of Philosophy and Spirituality” to the undergraduate students of all faculties of the university on subjects of Block I “Philosophy” to the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences “Introduction to Philosophy”, “Ontology and Theory of Knowledge”, “Philosophy of Being and Development” “, “Philosophy of Religions”, “Philosophy of Culture”, “Philosophy and Methodology of Science”, “Basics of Globalization”, as well as “Scientific Research Methodology” for all master’s majors, “Philosophy (by fields)” for master’s major “Philosophy of Science”, Lectures and seminars on “Hermeneutics and Semiotics”, “Philosophy of Man”, “Philosophy of Education”, “Philosophy of Technology”, “Fundamentals of Synergetics” are held.
    The activity of the department started on September 1, 1991 under the name of the department of “World Culture and History” within TashSU, based on the decision of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 42.
    From 1995 to 1999, it was renamed the “Cultural studies and human rights” department. In 1997, after teaching the basics of spirituality in all higher education institutions, the department was named “Basics of Spirituality” in 1999.
    From February 10, 2005, by the decision of the Senior Scientific Council of UzMU, the “Basics of Spirituality” and “Religious Studies” departments were merged, and the department received the status of “Basics of Spirituality and Religious Studies”.
    In the period from 1991 to 2019, he served as the head of various departments. prof. Abdusamedov, Ph.D. E. Gulmetov, Ph.D. Assoc. Sh.Shoabdurakhimova, Ph.D., prof. M. Abdurahmonov, PhD, prof. M. Nurmatova, PhD, prof. etc. O. Nishonova, Ph.D. A. Tashanov, Ph.D. F. Bozorova worked.
    On October 6, 2019, taking into account the teaching of specialized subjects at the department, it was changed to “Fundamentals of Philosophy and Spirituality” by the decision of the Senior Scientific Council of UzMU and
    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Shermukhamedova Nigina Arslonovna was elected as the head of the department.

The composition of the department


Berdikulova Gulsarvinoz Aslamovna



Scientific activity

In the department two in the direction scientific research works take will go

  1. Philosophy methodological and epistemological directions​ 
  No Research professor- teacher FISH Scientific rank , rank   Dissertation work topic Specialty password  and protection last day     Scientific leader
1 Shermukhamedova Nigina Arslonovna chair head , philosophy sciences doctor , prof Social and philosophical aspect y style m y shlenie uchenogo 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic 2002, November 1 ffd ., Professor Nikitchenko
2 Makhkamov Ulugbek Abdug’apporovich philosophy sciences candidate , associate professor Dialogue is social processes explain methodological factor 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic 2019 August 28 ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
3 Khidirov Mustafa Toyirkulovich teacher , Ph.D of the world esoteric landscape and his evolution 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic 2021 July 26 ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
4 Kadyrov Javlonbek Abdusattar son teacher Evolutionary epistemology development main directions 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
5 Tyukmaeva Aida Maratovna teacher Philosophical and methodological aspect y hermeneutic bro ob shch hey theory interpretation Text 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
6 Sunnatov Nurali independent researcher Education of innovations philosophical and methodological aspects 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
7 Usmanov Mukhriddin support PhD student of the world mythological landscape and his evolution 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedo-va
8 Pardaev Sultan Murad support PhD student of the world natural scientific landscape and his evolution 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
9 Khaydarova Aqida Farmanovna independent researcher Virtual reality of philosophy methodological directions 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
10 Qalandarova Gavhar independent researcher Knowledge and faith of harmony philosophical methodological aspects 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
11   Ramazonov dear support PhD student of the world classic landscape  and evolution 09.00.01-Ontology, epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova
12 Abdullaev Timur support PhD student Mind and perception of harmony philosophical methodological aspects 09.00.01 Ontology , epistemology and logic ffd ., Professor NAShermukhamedova


  1. Of society  social spiritual in the update a person factor scientific in the direction of activity take going scientists
  No professor- teacher , researchers FISH Scientific rank , rank Dissertation work topic Specialty password Scientific leader
1 Abdullaeva Luck Boronovna philosophy sciences doctor , professor etc. Artistic and aesthetic culture in development immanent features of design 09.00.02-Consciousness, culture and practice forms philosophy
2 Nishonova In peace Djalolitdinovna philosophy sciences doctor , professor etc. Uzbek of ethnoculture aesthetic essence and functions 09.00.02-Consciousness, culture and practice forms philosophy Ffd . prof. Karaboev
3 Djalilov Happily Khidaevich philosophy sciences candidate , associate professor Nauchnoe administration ob shch estvom – zakonomernost development socialism 09.00.02-Consciousness, culture and practice forms philosophy  K. Sodikov
4 Namazova A star Muzaffarovna big teacher , Ph.D 19th century Medium in Asia combativeness philosophy 09.00.03- History of philosophy ffn . associate professor D. Fayizho’jaeva
5 Menglikulov hope Mamadievich teacher Surkhan oasis of ethnoculture to himself special features 09.00.02-Consciousness, culture and practice forms philosophy ffd . O. Nishonova
6 Parpiev Muhammadjon independent researcher Spiritual perfection factors 09.00.02-Consciousness is culture and practice Shalks philosophy ffd . Abdullaeva NB
7 Jabborova Dilfuza independent researcher Worldly and religious of knowledge importance 09.00.02-Consciousness is culture and practice forms  philosophy ffd . Nishonova OJ
8 Safarova Tomaris support doctoral student Ethnoculture tourism development socio-cultural factors 09.00.02-Consciousness, culture and practice forms philosophy    ffd . Nurmatova MA
9 Isakhova Shaklo support doctoral student In Bioethics conservative and innovative of approaches philosophical and cultural analysis 09.00.02-Consciousness is culture and practice Shalks philosophy ffd . Abdullaeva NB


International cooperation

Ensuring the integrity and continuity of higher education and secondary special vocational education in the implementation of the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and the “National Program of Personnel Training” , to improve the effectiveness of scientific-research work and the training of scientific-pedagogical personnel, and to involve students studying in higher educational institutions (undergraduate and graduate) in our country in scientific-research work, to ensure the effective integration of education and science, It consists of rapid development of science in educational institutions and training of competitive personnel on this basis.

Social cooperation of the department with higher education institutions and scientific centers of the republic – International Islamic Academy, Samarkand State University, State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan, National Institute of Painting and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Scientific, cultural and educational cooperation has been established with the Republican Spirituality Propagation Center, National Idea and Ideology Scientific-Practical Center, Fergana State University, Andijan State University, Bukhara State University.

Cooperation with international higher education institutions and scientific centers – Dagestan State University (Russian Federation), Sofia State University named after Klement Orkhidsky (Bulgaria), Kazakh National University, South Kazakhstan State University named after Mukhtar Auzev (Kazakhstan) , Tajik National University, Khojand State University, Russian Philosophical Society, Kazakh Philosophical Association, and members of the Kyrgyz Republic Philosophical Association.