Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.



At the Faculty of Taekwondo and sports activities of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, on November 3-4, 2023, an international scientific and practical conference on “implementation of educational, educational and innovative technologies in the field of Physical Education and Sports: problems and solutions” will be held.

In this regard, we invite professors, scientific staff and independent researchers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students and specialists of the field to participate in the conference with their lectures. The purpose of the scientific and practical conference: to look for new ways to solve the problems of physical development in all spheres of Physical Education and sports, to study the laws, methodological and methodological conditions for improving the process of physical training and physical development of the younger generation. A scientifically based discussion of research, experiments and their results on the importance of physical education and sports in the lives of students, students and family.

The following branches are organized at the convention:

Subsidiary 1: problems in the system of training, training and retraining of personnel of the field of Physical Education and sports, and their solutions.
Subsidiary 2: issues of physiological, pedagogical-psychological approaches and interdisciplinary integration in improving the effectiveness of the field of Physical Education and sports .
3rd branch: problems and solutions of rviogization of life skills of a healthy lifestyle in all segments of the population.
Subsidiary 4: issues of medical and biological provision in the training of highly qualified athletes as well as compliance with anti-doping rules.
Subsidiary 5: prospects for the development of Physical Education and sports marketing.

Information for authors:

The text of the topics discussed at the conference is published in the form of an article in a scientific collection. The authors are responsible for the validity of the information contained in the text of the article.
– Text size in A4 format, using Microsoft Word text editor, Times New Roman in 14-dimensional font, 1.5 interval spacing, 2 cm from top and bottom, 3 cm from left and 1.5 cm from right;
– in the middle of the page in the first row, in capital and bold letters, the name of the article or thesis, in the second row, the author’s name-description, academic degree, Title, place of work, position, phone number and electronic address are indicated;
– the materials of the conference are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English;
– articles or theses show short annotation, key (base phrases) words in Uzbek, Russian and inglis;
– articles or abstracts are submitted to the organizing committee in paper and electronic form, edited in 1 (one) copy;
– the volume of articles or theses is required to be no less than 3 pages and no more than 7 pages;
– at the end of the article or thesis, a list of used literature is given, all link (snoska)are displayed in an upright Bracket [1];
– responsible for the scientific-theoretical substantiation and methodological aspects of the information stated by the authors;
– in the materials presented, the relevance of the topic, the study, the purpose of the study, tasks, methods of research, analysis and conclusions of the results must be expressed. Articles and theses are checked through the program “Antiplagiat”, the authenticity of the text should not be less than 65%.
– materials that have been formalized and submitted late in the deadline without meeting the requirements are not accepted and not printed;

The collection is assigned a book number of UDK, BBK, library indexes.
Participants are awarded the certificate of “Best Article”, “best lecture” and several similar nominations at the plenary session of the conference. The collection will be published at the expense of the authors. The contribution money for each article or thesis is set at US $ 10 (ten) or 100,000 (one hundred thousand). A 15% discount if one author participates in single authorship with two articles or a thesis, a 20% discount on this author if two in single authorship and one in co-authorship, and a 25% discount on this author If two in single authorship and two in co-authorship are introduced. The contribution money is accepted in the form of a cash payment or through transfers (through click, payme programs or to an account).

L / S 400110860262807094100079001
INN-2008-45944 (NUUz) OPERU Kaznacheystva MF Ruz
Bank: RKS GU sB g.Tashkent
R / S 23402000300100001010
INN: 201122919 (MF), MFA-00014 OKANX: 92110

To make payments by click:

+99891 334-55-76.
Note “when transfers are made to the account “for the conference, the payer must F.I.Sh.” will be marked.
Materials will be accepted by October 31, 2023.
Organizing committee: Tashkent City, Olmazor District, campus, University Street 4.
Maesul: Q.O.Arzibayev tel: +99899 736-04-11, +99893 492-40-01
telegram +99893 762-95-66 e-mail: