Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Vice-Rector of NUUz delivered a report at a conference in Paris.

As previously reported, an international conference on “Science and Education: Uzbekistan-France Bridge” is currently being held in Paris. A delegation of our university, headed by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Shukhrat Toshmatov, is also participating in this prestigious conference.

The Vice-Rector delivered a report at the conference on “Uzbekistan and France: Strategic Prospects for Educational and Cultural Cooperation.”

– The National University of Uzbekistan has been actively cooperating with leading French universities. A striking example of this is our cooperation with CNRS (National Research Center of France) and the University of Poitiers. In particular, NUUz is developing a strategic partnership with the University of Poitiers on the implementation of academic mobility programs and inclusive education initiatives.

Cultural cooperation plays an important role in strengthening our ties. The French language and culture have traditionally been of great interest in Uzbekistan, and our universities are actively implementing programs aimed at the in-depth study of the French language and the development of intercultural communication.

In November 2024, with the support of the French Embassy, advanced training courses for French language teachers were held at the National University of Uzbekistan throughout the republic. “The participation of leading French professors made it possible to introduce the application of modern teaching methods,” says Shukhrat Toshmatov.

NUUz Information Service