Rakhimov Mirakhmad Makhammadkhasilovich– Director of center
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246-67-71
Brief information about the center
The National University of Uzbekistan began its work on may 12, 1918. Together with the university, the library was also formed. In the 1920s, the library funded the publication of 75,000 editions, 500,000 editions in the 40s, 1million editions in the 60s, 2.5 million editions in the 80s. In the 1920s, the number of readers in the library increased to 1,000, to 4,000 in the 40s, to 7,000 in the 60s, and to 21,000 in the 80s. In 1938, the Scientific Library was included in the list of 30 major libraries in the country, and in 1969 it was granted the status of Scientific Library in accordance with the order of the Union of High Schools Affairs Committee. In 1944 the Scientific Library wasmovedto the second category, in 1990 transferred to the first category of salaries for employees of the Scientific Library.
Scientific Library was established on December 16, 1976 as a methodological center of libraries of Higher Education Institution of Uzbekistan in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2006, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-381 “On organization of information and library provision to the population of the Republic” was adopted. Based on this resolution, the library activity focuses on the implementation of information and telecommunication technologies and transition from traditional form of activity to modern form.
Currently, the only complex includes all 3 functional units of the Information Resource Center, electronic resources department, 12 informational-library resources, service departments, 700-seat reading rooms. The Information Resource Center participates in the educational process and research. The main purpose of the university library is to provide university professor teachers and educational process with academic, artistic and educational literature. Information Resource Center offers a diverse range of services for all categories of readers of university.
Today the Information Resource Center has 21650 readers.
Annual number of visitors – more than 350 thousand.
The number of literatures that is given throughout the year is over 740 thousand.
Each year, the Information Resource Center has 10,000 publications in circulation and periodicals are 120 titles. 80-90% of them are new textbooks and study guides that have been funded by the Information Resource Center . The Information Resource Center spends on average of 200 million for books and more than 180 million uz soums for subscription.
There are more than 3 million books in uzbek, russian and foreign languages.
The center is well equipped with the university studying process and the students‘ manuals and textbooks, and the academic literature consists of 1 million 200 thousand editions, fiction literature – 250 thousand editions and the scientific literature – 650 thousand editions.
The Information Resource Center has very interesting and rich content, and the periodicals (magazines, newspapers) have been preserved since long.
The Information Resource Center has a rich and invaluable source of tajik, persian, arabic and rare manuscripts and lithographs dating back to the 12th and 20th centuries. There are 1465 manuscripts and lithographs in this fund Information Resource Center very different from its content. This fund provides interesting information on the development of Central Asia at that time in the fields of history, geography, religion, medicine, sophism, philosophy.
In the reading rooms the Information Resource Center created electronic versions of educational, scientific and fiction literature for readers (30,000) and provided access to world information resources: Jstor, Ebsco, Springer Nature, Proquest Thesis and Theses Global via the Internet.
The Information Resource Center employs 42 people special educators.