Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.



The Department of ethics and aesthetics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan in order to target scientific research activities in higher educational institutions, further expand the scope of scientific and scientific methodological work in the socio-humanitarian sphere, get acquainted with new views, ideas and theories advanced in research, scientific articles and popularize advanced experiments M.In cooperation with the Auezov University of South Kazakhstan, it plans to hold an international conference on “current issues and modern trends in the social and humanitarian Sciences” on April 24, 2024 and form an electronic scientific collection on the materials of the conference. The electronic scientific collection will be indexed in the Scientific Search Engine GoogleScholar (Google Academy) by modern standards for publishing articles, and the article will be assigned a DOI number.

The conference and scientific collection can be presented with an article on current issues of the social and humanitarian Sciences, on some topic in this area, on a scientific problem. Materials will be formed in the form of an electronic scientific kit in April 2024. The article can be presented in Uzbek and Russian until April 15, 2024. All materials are indexed on Google Scholar, Cyberleninka bases, and the article is assigned a DOI number. Expenses related to the formation of a scientific collection, editing and indexing in the Scientific Search Engine GoogleScholar (Google Academy) are made at the expense of the contribution money of the authors of the article (150.000 thousand rubles per Article).

Articles must meet the following requirements:

1.Text size should not be less than 5 pages;
2.In Word text editor with 14 pt size Times New Roman font in 1.5 interval, paper size a 4 210 x 197 mm; Text Area 2 cm from top and bottom, 1.5 cm from right, 3 cm from left.
3.It is necessary that the topic of the article is written in initials and in blackened form, the next line indicates the author’s name, spelling, place of work, academic degree and title, position, name of the educational institution, phone number, electronic address.
4.Article annotation (short content of the article) must be given in 3 languages (Uzbek, Russian, English).
5.Keywords by article (at least 7) are also required to be in 3 languages (Uzbek, Russian, English).
6.It is necessary that the literature used constitutes at least 3-4 titles of literature.
7. Link to Article (snoska) s [1,2,…] in the form and at the end of the article, the item “used literature” should be indicated in sequence as literature, in order with the reference number
8. The author is responsible for the accuracy, correctness and inadmissibility of information and evidence in the article.
9. Articles that are not subject-specific, not edited, and presented with spelling errors are not included in the scientific collection.

Note: the contribution fee for the article is Rs 150,000. Scientific articles will be accepted by April 15, 2024.

Coordinator: dots. Tangirov Nizam (mob) +99893-306-63-94, dos. Tulyaev Avazbek (mob) +99890-934-68-86

Scientific articles are accepted at the following address:
1. Telegram: +99890-934-68-86;
2. Department of ethics and aesthetics, 5th floor, room 514, faculty of Social Sciences.