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Chinese scientist Xiaojun Chen delivers lecture to NUUz students

Today, a meeting was held at the National University of Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Mathematical Society of Uzbekistan, bringing together young mathematicians, doctoral students, and university students from across the country to meet with Chinese scientist Professor Xiaojun Chen from Chengdu University. The foreign guest delivered an engaging lecture to Uzbek youth on the topic “The Role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence.”

As part of the event, a lecture on artificial intelligence by Matyokub Bakoyev, the Academic Director of the Tashkent branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, also generated significant interest among the students.

Following the lectures, students and young researchers shared their thoughts and received answers to their questions.

For information, the Mathematical Society of Uzbekistan, as an equal member of the prestigious International Mathematical Association in the world, performs important tasks in the development of mathematical science and increasing its prestige in the universities of our republic.

In particular, in order to improve the quality of education in the field of mathematics, further develop scientific research, and attract young people to science, it is widely established to teach young teachers, researchers, doctoral students, and talented students the experience of well-known foreign scientists and their scientific achievements.

NUUz Information Service