Address of the main building:
100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
Sorry, this entry is only available in Oʻzbek.
16:52 / 15.02.2025
Samarkand — a city where history and modernity harmonize
16:01 / 15.02.2025
Students of the National University of Uzbekistan won 2 medals in the finals of the “Universiade” wrestling competitions.
17:53 / 14.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti o‘quv binolarida talabalarga yaratilgan sharoitlar o‘rganib chiqildi
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(Oʻzbek) Quyidagi normativ-huquqiy hujjatlardan xabardormisiz?
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(Oʻzbek) Talabalar ishtirokida profilaktik tadbirlar muntazam tashkil etib borilmoqda
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Announcement of the Erasmus KA171 Programme for International Mobility
21:00 / 13.02.2025
The rector presented a collection of books to students living in rented apartments.
12:39 / 13.02.2025
The scientist is a symbol of dedication and selflessness in science.
12:06 / 13.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Abdunazarov Oybek Abdumutalibovichning iqtisodiyot fanlari bo’yicha falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiya ishi himoyasi to‘g‘risida
22:47 / 12.02.2025