Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Representatives of NUUz took part in the work of the international media school on artificial intilligence

Researchers of the Faculty of Journalism and Uzbek Philology took part in the work of the XXII International Winter School “Journalism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: How Technologies Change Media in Central Asia and China”, which took place in Almaty and TauTuran  educational and health complex(Kazakhstan).

The initiator of the media school was the Central Asian-Chinese Association of Journalistic Research, which, in addition to the faculty of journalism and Uzbek philology of NUUz, includes departments and faculties of journalism of leading universities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Karakalpakstan. For the first time, the winter school was attended by scholars and graduate students from the School of Journalism and New Media at Xi’an University of the People’s Republic of China, young researchers and students from Bangladesh, Yemen and Afghanistan.

The event, held with the support of the Representative Office of the Department of Global Communications, the UN Information Bureau in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Narxoz University, was timed to coincide with World Radio Day, which is celebrated worldwide every February.

The three-day school included lectures and reports on trends, tendencies and prospects for using artificial intelligence capabilities in the activities of the media of the region and China. Representatives of NUUz shared experience of using artificial intelligence technologies in the practice of the national  information agency UzA and a number of online media.

Professors, students and young scientists from other participating countries noted the positive impact of artificial intelligence in transforming the work of journalists and media editors. Colleagues from China shared the first results of the implementation of DeepSeek technology in the media and education sphere.

During the XXII International Winter School, active dialogues also took place between students and media researchers on issues of media literacy. Following the dialogues, representatives of the partner universities expressed their intention to organize a media festival in the near future to present the best scientific and creative works of student journalists from the Central Asian region.