Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

A training session was held on the topic of nature and human health.

At the Faculty of Biology and Ecology of the National University of Uzbekistan, a regular session of the circle of the Academy of Young Physiologists of New Uzbekistan on the topic “Nature and Human Health on the Example of the US Botanical Gardens” was held.

The event was moderated by Academician Bakriddin Zaripov and Associate Professor Anarjon Matkarimova. During the event, the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the University, Yakub Ergashov, and the Dean of the Faculty, Rustam Allaberdiyev, delivered introductory remarks, emphasizing the importance of young scientists conducting scientific research to improve the ecological environment and develop a green economy in Uzbekistan.

Academician B. Zaripov spoke in detail about the importance of plants in purifying the air, reducing stress, and strengthening the immune system, based on the leading botanical gardens of the USA – the Pittsburgh Botanical Garden and the New York Botanical Garden.

At the end of the event, participants were given recommendations on deepening scientific research, developing environmental education, and environmental protection.

NUUz Information Service