Kurbanova Muhabbat – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
Today, the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, which is part of the Faculty of Journalism, was a part of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology from 1991 to 2016, ie for 25 years of independence. Uzbek Linguistics (Head of the Department Prof. K. Nazarov, Yo. Tojiyev, R. Sayfullayeva, Prof. M. Kurbanova), General Linguistics (Head of the Department Prof. Sh. Rakhmatullayev, Associate Professor M. Kadyrov, A. Jurayev) , H.Dadaboyev, associate professor B.Abdushukurov), interdepartmental Uzbek language and Turkology (head of the department I.Kuchkartoyev, associate professor A.Rafiyev, H.Kahhorova) conducted lectures and practical classes on linguistics. Ayub Gulyamov founded Uzbek linguistics, he established a large school of linguistics in Uzbekistan. In a number of universities, prestigious research institutes and other scientific centers of the country, representatives of this school, students of the scientist, are working as leaders of Uzbek linguistics.
In accordance with the Annex to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2016 No 2527 “On measures to further improve the activities of the National University of Uzbekistan”, the Department of Uzbek language and speech culture was established. The department has been teaching Uzbek, Russian languages and speech culture to students in 10 faculties of the university in 36 bachelor’s and 67 master’s specialties. Since September 2016, the department was headed by dots. M. T. Abdurahmanova. In September 2017, the department was renamed the Department of Uzbek and Russian Languages. After 2018, the Department of Uzbek Philology was re-established, Philology language teaching (Uzbek) evening, correspondence course, specialties of Linguistics (Uzbek) and Computer Linguistics, 10.00.11 – Language Theory and Computer Linguistics, 10.00.01 – Uzbek language were opened.
Since November 2019, the department of “Uzbek Linguistics” has been operating as a separate department. Currently, the department is headed by prof. M. Kurbanova and has 23 full-time and 7 part-time professors.
The department has published several books during its history. Yo.Tojiev’s “Affixal synonymy in the Uzbek language” (verb formation, verb makers, verb formers 1992), “Morphemics of the Uzbek language” (1992), “Grammar of the Uzbek language” (1999), “Fundamentals of Uzbek speech culture and methodology” (textbook, co-authored 1994, 2006).
“Modern Uzbek Literary Language” by Professor R.Sayfullayeva (R.Sayfullayeva et al.), “Modern Uzbek Language ” by Professor M.Kurbanova (in collaboration with the team) 2013, “Uzbek Dialectology”, “Computer Linguistics” (A.Pulatov), “ Foreign Sociolinguistics ”(H. Dadaboyev, Sh. Usmanova),“ Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages ”(Sh. Rahmatullaev),“ Modern Literary Uzbek Language ”(Sh. Rahmatullayev),“ Methods of Teaching Mother Tongue ”(M. Kadyrov and others). ), “Theory of Linguistics” (Z.Kholmanova, 2019), “Uzbek language” (M.Abdurahmanova et al.), “Modern Uzbek language” (R.Sayfullayeva, M.Kurbanova et al. 2010), “Modern Uzbek language” (R.Sayfullayeva, M.Kurbanova et al. 2021) textbooks and manuals are actively used in the higher education system.
Teachers of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics have established contacts with the world’s leading scientific schools in the field of philology. Scientific and pedagogical works are carried out in cooperation with Ankara University (Turkey), Baku-Slavic University, Eurasian University named after Gumilev and Al-Farabi National University and other research centers. As a result, several international scientific conferences are held, language and literature are taught on the basis of joint programs.
Address of the building: 1st building, 1st floor, room 104, Department of Uzbek Linguistics.
Subjects taught at the department
№ | The name of the subject | Brief information about subjects |
1 | Modern Uzbek language | Levels of modern Uzbek literary language, structural-semantic, functional features of language units, phonetic and phonological relations, oral and written forms of speech, features of stable compounds are covered. |
2 | Methods of teaching Uzbek language | Coverage of the subject and objectives of the methodology of teaching the Uzbek language and literature, defining the content of the main issues studied in the field of subject, the relationship of the subject with the social sciences, the process of formation, development, teacher-student relationship, analysis of this relationship on the basis of modern educational standards. To provide students with knowledge of subject in the lessons of Uzbek language and literature, to direct them to read fiction and scientific literature, to form written and oral competencies. |
Subjects taught at the department | ||
№ | Subject name | Brief information about science |
1 | Modern Uzbek language | The levels of modern Uzbek literary language, structural-semantic, functional features of language units, phonetic and phonological relations, oral and written forms of speech, features of stable compounds are covered. |
2 | Methods of teaching Uzbek language | Clarification of the subject and objectives of the methodology of teaching the Uzbek language and literature, defining the content of the main issues studied in the field of science, the relationship of science with the social sciences, the process of formation, development, teacher-student relationship, analysis of this relationship, in the course of Uzbek language and literature lessons to provide students with knowledge in the field of science, to direct them to reading fiction and scientific literature, to form written and oral speaking competence. |
3 | History of the Uzbek language | The subject “History of the Uzbek language” is to observe the dynamics of the formation and development of the Uzbek language over several centuries, to provide knowledge about the phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic features of manuscripts and their existing editions. The purpose of teaching the subject is to analyze the theoretical and practical issues of historical linguistics, to comment on the chronology of the history of the Uzbek language, to describe the old Turkic literary language and its monuments, to analyze the old Uzbek literary language and written sources, phonetic, lexical, grammatical generalization of information on the development of the Uzbek language, analysis of the stages of formation and development of the Uzbek literary language, coverage of the relationship of the Uzbek literary language with the sister Turkic languages on the basis of factual material. |
4 | Linguistic Theory and General Linguistics | The subject and tasks of the field of linguistics, the social nature of language, the process of formation, development, language and society, the relationship of language and thinking, the language-language-speech relationship are covered. |
5 | Uzbek dialectology | Knowledge of the main issues in the field of Uzbek dialectology, dialectal concepts, theoretical foundations, practical aspects of Uzbek dialectology, transcription, linguistic map, the formation of skills and abilities to use them in practice. Features of Uzbek dialectology as a science, the meaning of the terms “dialect”, “dialect”, “dialect”, an integral part of the national language, the area of distribution of dialects and dialects, Uzbek dialects, dialect features, dialect classification, phonetic, lexical and grammatical features to imagine. |
6 | Introduction to Linguistics | The subject and tasks of the field of linguistics, the social nature of language, the process of formation, development, language and society, the relationship of language and thinking, the language-language-speech relationship are covered. |
7 | Turkish language | Functional classifications of language, the interdependence of language and society |
8 | Sociolinguistics | The social nature of language, the interdependence of language and society, linguistic situations, functional classifications of language, literacy issues in sociolinguistics are covered. |
9 | Computational linguistics | teaching computer linguistics, using media techniques and technologies using modern software. Working on the Internet and its application in practice. |
10 | Comparative-historical grammar of Turkish languages | to subject and tasks of the field of linguistics, the social nature of language, the process of formation, development, language and society, the relationship of language and thinking, the language-language-speech relationship are covered. |
11 | The Uzbek language | to form exchange of mutual reflection in study and scientific, occupational, social- cultural, to study uzbek and russian languages more deeply |
Master degree | ||
№ | Subject name | Brief information about science |
1 | Corpus Linguistics | The purpose of teaching the subject is to explain the specifics of the corpus, its importance in social, lexical, educational and other fields, the history of corpus linguistics, corpus types, the linguistic value of corpus, to analyze the linguistic basis of the Uzbek national corpus and the student’s ability to create the corpus. formation |
2 | Linguoculturology | The purpose of teaching the subject “Linguoculturology” is to acquaint undergraduates with the language, which is a universal tool for expressing the worldview and form of ethnic culture, the relationship of language and culture, modern Uzbek linguistics, linguistic-cultural approach to the formation of knowledge about its branches, phonetics, lexicology, morphology, syntax, to form the capacity to analyze the degree of reflection of language and cultural relations in the subject of sections. |
3 | Psycholinguistics | for undergraduates to study the underlying processes of speech activity, in particular, speech formation, speech reception, coding and decoding, language ability, language acquisition, communication, as well as the psychological and linguistic perspective of the expression of mental phenomena in the individual psyche. |
4 | Machine translation technology | The purpose of teaching the subject – in the subject “Machine translation” it is observed the emergence and development of modern machine translation, the provision of formal operations providing analysis and synthesis in machine translation system, machine translation strategy, automated and semi-automated translation system, field of application of machine translation, its practical significance and relevance, linguistic problems of machine translation, methods of selecting lexical equivalents using translation and polysemy, problems in translating morphological and nouns, translation of terms, translation of applications and related issues. |
5 | Pragmalinguistics | to achieve to gain knowledge of the problems of pragmalinguistics, which studies the situation and the personality factor in the speech realization of linguistic possibilities, and discusses theoretical issues of improving the effectiveness of the use of the mother tongue, as well as linguopragmatic analysis and teaching of various texts. |
6 | Statistical methods for the process of natural languages | to inform the future specialist about the study of statistical methods for the process of natural languages, to explain to him the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches, to form and develop skills and abilities to study several steps using different approaches. |
Master’s degree
№ | The subject | Brief information about the subject |
1 | Corpus Linguistics | The main purpose of teaching the subject is to explain the corpus, the peculiarities of the corpus, its importance in social, lexical, educational and other fields, the history of corpus linguistics, corpus types, the linguistic value of corpus, analysis of the linguistic basis of the Uzbek corpus and the creation of the corpus. skills development.The purpose of teaching the subject is to explain the specifics of the corpus, its importance in social, lexical, educational and other fields, the history of corpus linguistics, corpus types, the linguistic value of corpus, the analysis of the linguistic basis of the Uzbek national corpus and the student’s ability to create the corpus formation. |
2 | Linguoculturology | The main purpose of teaching the subject “Linguoculturology” is to acquaint undergraduates with the language, which is a universal tool for expressing the worldview and form of ethnic culture, the relationship of language and culture, modern Uzbek linguistics, linguistic-cultural approach to the formation of knowledge about its branches, phonetics, lexicology, lexicology, lexicology. to form the capacity to analyze the degree of reflection of language and cultural relations in the subject of sections. |
3 | Psycholinguistics | to study from a psychological and linguistic point of view the processes underlying speech activity, in particular, speech formation, speech reception, coding and decoding, language ability, language acquisition, communication, as well as the speech expression of mental phenomena in the individual psyche. |
4 | Machine translator technology | The purpose of teaching the subject – “Modern machine translation”, the emergence and development of machine translation, the provision of formal operations providing analysis and synthesis in machine translation system, machine translation strategy, automated and semi-automated translation system, field of application of machine translation, its practical significance and relevance, linguistic problems of machine translation, methods of selecting lexical equivalents using translation and polysemy, problems in translating morphological and nouns, translation of terms, translation of applications and related issues. |
5 | Pragmalinguistics | to gain knowledge about the problems of pragmalinguistics, which studies the situation and the personality factor in the speech realization of linguistic possibilities, and discusses theoretical issues of improving the effectiveness of the use of the mother tongue, as well as linguopragmatic analysis and teaching of various texts. |
6 | Statistical methods for the process of natural languages | to provide information on the study of statistical methods for the process of natural languages, which should be acquired by the future specialist in the field, explain to him the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches, the formation and development of skills and abilities to study and apply several steps using different approaches |
№ | Name of the researcher professor, teacher | Scientific degree, position | The topic of the research works |
1 | Kurbonova Mukhabbat Matyakubovna | DSc candidate, professor | Formal-functional direction and interpretation of simple sentence construction in Uzbek linguistics |
2 | Sayfullayeva Ra’no Raupovna | DSc candidate, professor | Formal-functional interpretation of compound sentences in the modern Uzbek language |
3 | Abdurakhmanova Muqaddas Tursunaliyevna | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Comparative study of noun categories in Uzbek and Turkish languages. Turkish languages. |
4 | Keldiyorova Gulchehra Saydiyevna | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Antithesis in Uzbek artistic speech |
5 | Alavutdinova Nodira Ganiyevna | PhD candidate | Methods of developing independent thinking skills in mother tongue lessons (on the example of 5th grade) |
6 | Ubaydullayev Alisher Abdusalomovich | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Lexicographic study of the “Lugati turkiy” |
7 | Fattakhova Dilorom Abdurakhmanovna | PhD candidate | Methods of teaching the means of speech expressiveness of the Uzbek language to Russian-speaking students of language universities |
8 | Bekmukhamedova Nargiz Islamovna | teacher | Sociopragmatic features of advertising texts |
9 | Inagamova Nargiza Shavkatovna | teacher | Linguopoetic analysis of Iqbol Mirzo’s works |
10 | Khalmukhamedova Umida Rasulovna | teacher | Factors of speech development of Uzbek language group students |
11 | Isroilova Saodat Turopovna | teacher | The semantics and thesaurus of the “ko`k” lexeme |
12 | Topildiyeva Feruza Rahimjonovna | teacher | Linguocultural features in the work of Farida Afroz |
13 | Yulbarsov Ochilbek Obidjon ugli | teacher | Linguistic principles of creating a thesaurus in law |
14 | Aliyev Farhodbek Mirzoulugbek ugli | teacher | Giving verses and hadiths of the Qur’an in Navoi’s prose works |
15 | Khomidova Mahfuzakhon Farhodjon qizi | teacher | Intertextuality in the Perception of Literary Text |
16 | Abdurakhmonova Nilufar Zaynobiddin qizi | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Linguistic support of the program for translating English texts into Uzbek |
17 | Nasriyeva Dilnoza Muhiddinovna | teacher | Linguopoetics of the works of Isajon Sultan |
18 | Qobilova Nargiza Eshimovna | teacher | The pragmalinguistic feature of a paragraph in a literary text |
19 | Bakhodirova Shakhlo Bakhodirovna | teacher | Psycholinguistic bases of oral speech formation |
20 | Khujamkulova Makhbuba Bobonazarovna | teacher | The relationship between communication and pragmatism in simple terms |
21 | Abdusagatova Firuza Khamidovna | teacher | Coverage of national values in the years of independence on the radio of Uzbekistan |
22 | Rasulov Namoz Murodulloyevich | teacher | Reflection of the linguistic landscape of the world in Uzbek euphemisms |
23 | Tairov Zair Tairovich | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Formation of pragmatic semantics in the Uzbek language and the emergence of subjective relations in them |
Local and foreign cooperation
This year, in order to increase the ranking of the University, many foreign professors and teachers have been involved in the educational process by all departments, and this process is still ongoing.
Department of Uzbek Linguistics Aynur Ozjon, Professor of Ankara State University, Hikmat Korash, Professor of Niyda Kholisdemir University, Zilola Khudoibergenova, Professor of Bartin University, Nurida Navruzova, Professor of Baku Slavic University, Ph.D. Professor of the Eurasian National University Karligash Sarakenova and Professor of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farobi Raushangul Avakova give lectures on the subjects taught at the department on an hourly basis.
We plan to summon Gayrat Samiullin, a professor at Kazan State University, who is included in the federal 300 list. Memorandums have been signed with Baku Slavic University, Firat University of Turkey, LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Professor Karligash Sarakenova, and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
In order to increase the national ranking of the university, international scientific conferences are held within the staff of the department and partner universities.
The structure of the department
№ | Last name first name | |
Kurbonova Mukhabbat Matyakubovna | qurbonova2007@mail.ru | |
Sayfullayeva Ra’no Raupovna | r.sayfullayeva@nuu.uz | |
Abdurakhmanova Mukaddas Tursunaliyevna | MPARFI2005@yandex.ru | |
Keldiyorova Gulchehra Saydiyevna | n.keldiyorova@nuu.uz | |
Alavutdinova Nodira Ganiyevna | n.alavutdinova@nuu.uz | |
Ubaydullayev Alisher Abdusalomovich | a.ubaydullayev@nuu.uz | |
Fattakhova Dilorom Abduraxmanovna | d.fattoxova@nuu.uz | |
Bekmukhamedova Nargiz Islamovna | n.bekmuxamedova@nuu.uz | |
Inogamova Nargiza Shavkatovna | Inagamova74@gmail.com | |
Xalmukhamedova Umida Rasulovna | u.xalmuxamedova@nuu.uz | |
Isroilova Saodat Turopovna | israilovasaodat64@gmail.com | |
Topildiyeva Feruza Rahimjonovna | n.topildiyeva@nuu.uz | |
Yulbarsov Ochilbek Obidjon о‘g‘li | uzochilbek91@gmail.com | |
Aliyev Farhodbek Mirzoulug‘bek о‘g‘li | farhod.aliyev94@mail.ru | |
Xomidova Mahfuzaxon Farhodjon qizi | mahfuzaxon.xomidova@mail.ru | |
Abdurakhmonova Nilufar Zaynobiddin qizi | abdurahmonova.1987@mail.ru | |
Nasriyeva Dilnoza Muhiddinovna | delmik1979@gmail.com | |
Kobilova Nargiza Eshimovna | n.qobilobva@nuu.uz | |
Bakhodirova Shakhlo Bakhodirovna | Shaxlo.bakhodirova@mail.ru | |
Khujamkulova Makhbuba Bobonazarovna | m.xujamqulova@nuu.uz | |
Abdusagatova Firuza Khamidovna | firuza.10@mail.ru | |
Rasulov Namoz Murodulloyevich | rasulovnamoz89@gmail.com | |
Tohirov Zohir Tohirovich | n.tohirov@nuu.uz |
“Turkish language” M.Alkaya,