U.E.Adambayov – Head of department 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 9
History and activities of the department
In connection with the establishment of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at Tashkent State University in 1971, the department began to operate under the leadership of Academician N.Y. Satimov under the name «Mathematical Software of Electronic Computing Machine» (MSECM).
The main goal of the faculty, including the MSECM department, is to train high-level specialists who will be able to model and automate the management of practical problems encountered in various sectors of the economy of the Republic at that time.
Since 1992, the department has been operating under the name «Mathematical support of computing and automated systems», since 2002 «Programming technologies», since 2005 «Programming and network technologies», since 2016 «Algorithms and programming technologies».
Over the years, the department has been headed by:
1971-1972 years, DSc., prof. N.Y.Satimov,
1972-1997 years, DSc., prof. B.Kurmanbaev,
1998-2010 years, DSc., prof. A.A. Khaldjigitov,
2010-2016 years, DSc., ass. prof. Sh.F.Madraximov,
2016-2017 years, Ph.D., ass. prof. A.X.Ishmukhamedov,
2017-2022 years, DSc., ass. prof. Sh.F.Madraximov
From 2023 to the present PhD. ass. prof. U.E.Adambaev is leading.
Up to this time, the department has trained specialists with high academic degrees and titles, in particular, DSc. B.Kurmanbaev, I.Mirzaev, U.Y.Yuldashev, A.A.Xaldjigitov, N.A.Ignat’ev, A.M.Polatov, Sh.F.Madrakhimov and candidates of sciences M.Kh.Khakimov, T.T.Imamov, S.M.Gaynazarov, A.M.Ikramov, U.E.Adambaev, PhD D.Y.Saidov, K.Khudoiberganov, Y.S.Yusupov, B. Haytkulov.
Until this day, the department has trained thousands of software developers. They work effectively as IT specialists in government agencies, banks and firms. Most of the graduates of the department are engaged in pedagogical and research work, and among them there are many candidates of sciences and doctoral dissertations. Among them are Ph.D., prof. Sh.U.Nazirov, K.S.Fayazov, M.Tukhtasinov, I.Mirzaev.
Most of the talented graduates of the department are engaged in pedagogical activities and research, and among them are many candidates of sciences and doctors. Among them we can list the following: DSc. K.S.Fayazov, DSc. M.Tukhtasinov, DSc. Sh.U.Nazirov and others.
Professors I.Mirzaev, U.Yuldashev, B.F. Abdurahimov, associate professors: V.B.Buzrukhonov, M.Ikramov, A.Sattorov, T.Imamov, T.Azlarov, N.R.Kadirova, A.A.Abdukadirov, who have carried out scientific and pedagogical work at the department can be reached.

Educational activities of the department
At present, DSc., prof. N.A.Ignat’ev, DSc., prof. A.M.Polatov, chief of the department DSc. Sh.F.Madrakhimov, Ph.D., ass. prof. Gaynazarov, Ph.D., ass. prof. M.Kh.Hakimov, Ph.D., ass. prof. S.I.Pulatov, Ph.D., ass. prof. A.M.Ikramov, Ph.D., ass. prof. U.E.Adambaev, Ph.D., ass. prof. D.Saidov, Ph.D., ass. prof. Q.Xudaybergenov, ass. prof.. TAMakharov, senior teachers Y.S.Yusupov, N.Latipov, teachers Sh.Sapaev, Sh.Ramazanov, R.Mukhammadiyev, R.Bahramov, doctoral students A. Mirzaev, U.Tuliev, E.Navruzov , M. Rakhimova, K. Makharov, D. Nigmanova, M. Lolaev, head of the cabinet M. Khakimova and others work actively at the Department.
Department professors and teachers teach bachelor (including full-time, evening-time and part-time) students at following academic majors:
60540100 – “Mathematics”;
60531000 – “Mechanics and mathematical modeling”;
60540400 – “Mathematical and computer modeling”;
5330200 – “Informatics and information technologies”;
60610100 – “Computer science and programming technologies”;
60610200 – “Information systems and technologies”;
60610300 – “Information security”;
about theoretical and practical subjects:
- Programming basics;
- Algorithmic languages and programming;
- Algorithms and data structure;
- Database;
- System programming;
- Programming technologies;
- Creating mobile applications;
- Web technologies;
- Network technologies;
- Multimedia technologies;
- Cloud technologies;
- Methods of teaching computer science.
In addition, they supervise qualifying, pedagogical and industrial internships, as well as graduate work in the bachelor’s degree programs 5330200 – “Computer Science and Information Technology”, 60610100 – “Computer Science and Programming Technology”.
The teacher teach the master students at the following academic majors:
70610204 – Information systems (by networks);
70610101 – “Computer Science and Programming Technologies (by industries)”;
70610201 – “Computer systems and their software (fields and industries)” about the subjects:
- Information systems design;
- Cloud computing;
- Computer networks;
- SQL technologies;
- Formal languages and grammar;
- Distributed systems;
- Computer network administration;
- Web application creation technologies;
- Fundamentals of parallel calculations.
Scientific activity of the department
05.01.07- “Mathematical modeling” under the guidance of Professor A.M. Polatov. Conducts scientific activities in the field of “Set of numerical methods and programs”. The seminar on “Mathematical and numerical methods of solving practical problems” is regularly held in the department. In it, doctoral students of the department will give lectures on their scientific results, dissertations will be discussed
Defense of doctoral dissertations: Kurmanbaev B. (1992), Ignat’ev N.A. (2005), Polatov A.M. (2016), Madraximov Sh.F. (2020),
Defense of doctoral candidate dissertations: Gaynazarov S.M. (1994), Abduqodirov A.A. (1994) Madraximov Sh.F. (1994), Rasulov S. (1994), Matlatipov G‘. (2001), Ikramov A.M. (2005), Adambaev U.E. (2008), Yuldashev R. (2009), Eshmurodov Sh. (2010).
Defense of Ph.D. dissertations: Saidov D.Yu. (2018), Qalandarov A.A. (2018), Xudaybergenov Q.Q. (2020), Yusupov U.S.(2021), Hayitqulov B. (2021).
Members of the department publish their scientific works in prestigious national and foreign scientific journals, participate in scientific conferences. Examples of scientific articles published in recent years:
- A.A.Khaldjigitov, A.Kalandarov, M.Babajanov, U.E.Adambaev, D.A.Sagdullaeva. Three-Dimensional Coupled Dynamic Thermoplastic Boundary Value Issue for a Transversely Isotropic Parallelepiped Numerical Solution. AIP Conference Proceedings 2686, 020008 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0114004
- A.A.Khaldjigitov, Yu.S.Yusupov, U.E.Adambaev, D.A.Sagdullaeva. Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Coupled Thermoplastic Problems. AIP Conference Proceedings 2637, 040007 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0118532 «Scopus»;
- Хайиткулов Б.Х. Complete Solution of a Class of Differential Pursuit Games with Integral Constraint and Impulse Control// Russian Mathematics. Россия. 2022. 22-29. https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S1066369X22030069
- Полатов А.М. Investigation of the Amplitude-Frequency Response of a Dam-Type Viscoelastic Body with Steady-State Forced Harmonic Vibrations// The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics. Россия. 2022, vol. 39, pp. 51–61. https://doi.org/10.26516/1997-7670.2022.39.517670.2022.39.51
- Полатов А.М. Study of the dam-type body under seismic impact // AIP Conference Proceedings. США. 2022, 8 р. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0118686
- Пулатов С.И. Investigation of the Amplitude-Frequency Response of a Dam-Type Viscoelastic Body with Steady-State Forced Harmonic Vibrations // The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics. Россия. 2022, vol. 39, pp. 51–61. https://doi.org/10.26516/1997-7670.2022.39.51
- Пулатов С.И. Computer simulation of two-dimensional nonstationary problems of heat conduction for composite materials using the FEM // AIP Conference Proceedings. США. 2022. 11 p. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0118684
- Латипов Н.К. Influence of kinematic flow parameters on vacuum in jetters // AIP Conference Proceedings. США. 2022, 68 стр. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0089505
- Юсупов Ю.С. Математическое и численное решение двумерной связанной задачи термоупругости на основе деформацион теории // PERIODICAL, Periodica Journal of Modern Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN NO:2720-4030, SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 5.911 Польша. 2022год. 11 стр. https://www.periodica.org/index.php/journal/article/view/244
- Юсупов Ю.С. Numerical Solution of a TwoDimensional Dynamic Related Problem of Thermal Support // Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN (E): 2795-7640, Journal Impact Factor: 7.995. Бельгия. 2022г. 10 стр. https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejet/article/view/1272
Halgoff Cipher (DSP) Special Agreement. the chief prof M.H.Hakimov;
ОТ-Атех-2018-224 – “Predicting the development, course and consequences of inflammation of the colon and colorectal cancer, as well as the development of information models for diagnosis and treatment, taking into account the etiopathogenesis and risk factors”. the chief prof. Ignatev N.A. (2018-2020);
А-ОТМ-2020-2 “Development of an intelligent software product that predicts and diagnoses pulmon ary aspargilosis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchial asthma”. the chief prof. Ignatev N.A. (2020-2021).
The scientific results of the staff of the department are reflected in the following monographs:
- Игнатьев Н.А. Обобщенные оценки и локалные метрики объектов в интеллектуалном анализе данных. Монография. – Ташкент: Издательство «Университет», 2014.
- Мадрахимов Ш.Ф., Хуррамов А.Х. Умумлашган коърсаткичлар ва улардан билимларни шакллантиришда фойдаланиш. Монография, Қарши: Қарши давлат университети, 2014.
- Игнатев Н. А. Интеллектуалный анализ данных и гипотеза о компактности классов. Меры компактности, критерии оценок. Палмариум Аcадемиc Публишинг, Саарбрюккен, 2016.
- Ишмухамедов А.Х Моделирование оценки надежности управления системой связи. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2019.
- Полатов А.М, Компютерное моделирование волокнистых материалов МКЭ. Монография. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2018.
- Икрамов А.М. Конечноэлементное моделирование трехмерных упругопластических задач. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2018.
- Ишмухамедов А.Х Моделирование оценки надежности управления системой связи. LAP LAMBERT Akademik Peblishshing RU-2019.
- Хакимов М.Х. Технология многоязыкового моделируемого компютерного переводчика. ЛАМБЕРТ. Академие Публишинг, 2019.
- Халджигитов А.А., Қаландаров А.А., Юсупов Ю.С. «Связанные задачи термоупругости и термопластичности», “Фан ва технологийа”, 2020.
- Мадрахимов Ш.Ф. Системы обнаружения скрытых закономерностей на базе методов вычисления обобщенных оценок. Монография // Ташкент, «МУМТОЗ СЎЗ» 2021.
- Марахимов А.Р., Худайбергенов К.К. Структурно-параметрический синтез нейросетевых моделей для задач интеллектуалного анализа данных и распознавания образов. // Монография. – Ташкент: «МУМТОЗ СЎЗ» 2021.
Educational and methodical activity of the department
In addition to teaching activities, professors and teachers of the department are engaged in educational and methodological work. In particular, they are working effectively to create textbooks and manuals.
In the last 10 years, a number of textbooks and manuals have been prepared by teachers of the department:
- Ш.А.Назиров, Г.С.Иванова, С.М.Гайназаров. Дастурлаш технологияси. Тошкент-2014 й.
- Т.А.Махаров. Компьютер сервис хизмати. Тошкент. “Баркамол авлод” 2013
- Ш.Ф.Мадрахимов, А.М.Икрамов ва М.Р.Бабажанов. «C++ тилида программалаш бўйича масалалар тўплами» ўқув кўлланма 2014
- Игнатев Н.А. Обобщенные оценки и локалные метрики обектов в интеллектуалном анализе данных. 2014й.
- М.Х.Хакимов, Д.Б.Нигманова. “ТОАД ДАТА МОДЕЛЕР” муҳитида берилганларни моделлаш. (услубий қўлланма). Тошкент. 2015 й.
- Д.Нигманова, Б.Хусанов, Д.Қодирова. Эстетика фанидан ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент. 2015й.
- Т.А.Махаров, Қ.Т. Махаров, К.Нортиллайев. Паскал тилида дастурлаш асослари. КҲК ва АЛ учун услубий қўлланма. Тошкент. 2015
- Махаров Т.А., Махаров Қ.Т., Раҳимова М.А. Wеб-дастурлаш бўйича услубий қўлланма. ЎзМУ, 2017й. -160б.
- Игнатев Н.А., Усманов Р.Н., Мадрахимов Ш.Ф., “Берилганларнинг интеллектуал таҳлили” (ўқув қўлланма). Тошкент “Мумтоз сўз” 2018й.
- А.М.Полатов “Компьютер воситасида моделлаштириш асослари” (Ўқув қўлланма) Тошкент “Университет”. 2019.
- Т.А.Махаров, Қ.Т. Махаров, М.А.Рахимова. Wеб-дастурлаш. И-қисм. HTML, SS, JavaScipt. Ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент. “МУМТОЗ СЎЗ”, 2019
- Т.А.Махаров “Дастурлаш асослари (Visual studio). Ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент “Ижод-Пресс” 2019й.
- Д.Ю.Саидов Python tilida dasturlash: Uslubiy qo’llanma. Tashkent. 2020 y.
- Ҳакимов М.Х., Гайназаров С.М. “Берилганлар базасини бошқариш тизимлари” дарслик Тошкент-2021 й. 3-нашр.

Achievements of the department
Student life and their achievements (academic and scientific achievements, winners of prestigious scholarships)
The student of the department Rustam Kasimjanov is the Asian champion in chess (1998), the silver medalist of the World Championship (1999), the world champion in FIDE (2004, supervisor, assoc. prof. Madrakhimov). International chess master Nodira Nodirjanova is the champion of Uzbekistan in chess (2017). Students of the department Makharov Q.T. (2009, supervisor, assoc. prof. Madrahimov Sh.), Rakhimova M.A. (2011, assoc. prof. Makharov T.) were winners of the Beruni State Scholarship. Ibragimova Zulaykho Ergash qizi (2009 assoc. prof. Hakimov M.) was a State Scholarship named after Mirzo Ulugbek.
Professors and teachers who have won prizes in prestigious international and national competitions and received awards (diplomas)
assoc. prof. M.Kh. Hakimov “10 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN” was awarded a badge in 2001.
The teacher of the department A.A.Djamirzaev was awarded the badge “20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN”, established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 17, 2011.
Teacher of the department A.A.Djamirzaev was awarded the badge “25 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN”, established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 1, 2016.
Associate Professor M.X. Hakimov in 2007 as the winner of the Republican competition “English-Russian-Uzbek Explanatory Dictionary of Computer Science” “Author of the best textbook and manual of the year” He was awarded a diploma of II degree and a cash prize.
In 2014, associate professors Hakimov M.H., Gaynazarov S.M. The textbook for universities “Database Management Systems” was awarded the first degree diploma and cash prize as the winner of the Republican competition “The best textbook and textbook author of the year.”
In 2018, Hakimov M.X. and in 2021 Polatov A.M. Elected Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Engineering.

Teacher R.Kh.Bakhromov was awarded with “Mercy Badge” for his works of fighting the pandemic and working tirelessly to protect the health of the population on a regular basis and in the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and higher education institutions by the result of the president’s of Republic of Uzbekistan decree No. PF-5999 about awarding the staffs who made devotion.
In 2023, Professor Polatov Askhad Mukhamedjanovich was awarded the medal “Veteran of Labor” by the decision of the Board of Trustees of the “Nuroniy” foundation to support the social activities of Uzbekistan’s veterans.
Contact the department
Tashkent city. Student campus of Almazar district. University Street 4. Tel: (71) 246-16-27.
Subjects taught at the ATP department
№ | Name | Brief information about the discipline |
Undergraduate | ||
Basics of programming | The purpose of teaching the subject is to teach students the basics of programming at a sufficient level, on the basis of this knowledge to teach the implementation of software for applied problems of computer modeling and to give basic knowledge for mastering subjects in the specialty, finding optimal solutions to problems, and also transfer skills and competencies. | |
Algorithmic languages and programming | The basics of creating computer programs for solving scientific problems are taught. The C# programming language examines the principles of structured and object-oriented programming. | |
Database | The aim of teaching the subject is to teach methods of designing and modeling databases; based on the knowledge gained, teach how to analyze arbitrary objects and data modeling in a special Toad Data Modeler environment; provide basic knowledge for creating database systems; to teach methods of designing and modeling databases and analyzing arbitrary objects based on the knowledge gained, as well as to model data in a special Toad Data Modeler environment. | |
Multimedia technologies | The main goal of the subject is to teach students the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of computer graphics, the creation of multimedia products using multimedia tools and technologies. For these purposes, the basic concepts of programs and technologies used in the creation of multimedia products are given, as well as training in their use. | |
System Programming | The purpose of the subject is to provide students with theoretical knowledge of translation methods, installation of the file system, bootloaders and networking, practical skills in creating system programming tools and applying the knowledge gained to solving applied problems. The main objectives of the course are: mastering the general principles of organizing system software, the basics of compilers; creating system utilities and building interpreters, – formation of knowledge about assemblers, loaders, compilers, macro tools and mastering the principles of their application. | |
Programming technologies | The subject “Programming Technologies” is one of the main disciplines of the bachelor’s degree. The main goal of this subject is to teach students to create computer programs that solve problems using the technologies of the programming environment. For this, the basic concepts of programming languages, environments and technologies are taught, as well as trained in their application. Within the framework of the course, students are taught the use of modern programming languages and technologies, such as Visual C++, Visual C#, Java, Windows Forms, WPF, LINQ, Java Servlet / JSP. | |
Teaching Methodology for Informatics | This subject is the most difficult part of the practical method. The purpose of the subject is considered in the unity of teaching, education and development in general didactics. Computer science also takes into account the practical aspect of preparing a young person for life in a computerized society. The practical component of training is manifested in the knowledge of the practical advantages of communicating with a computer (queries to search engines, the Internet, small calculations, etc.) and which determines the quality and standard of living. | |
WEB technologies | Science provides knowledge about the theoretical foundations of web technologies, the level of development of modern web technologies and their role in the functioning of computer networks Internet / Intranet, directions and problems of the development of web technologies, means and methods of design automation, the creation of complex web applications. The objective of the course is to provide skills in creating complex user-friendly web applications using modern web technologies, using various tools to create web applications. | |
Python programming language | The main tasks of science are the study of the algorithmic foundations of solving problems, the principles of computer operation, classification of programming languages, description of computer data and commands, work in programming environments, object-oriented programming, visual programming in Python using various technologies. | |
Problem solving in the Python programming language | The main goal of the subject “Problem Solving in the Python Programming Language” is to teach students the Python programming language at a sufficient level, to teach them how to implement software for applied computer modeling problems based on this knowledge, as well as to gain basic knowledge in mastering specialties. | |
Creation of computer games | The main goal of the Computer Games course is to teach students how to create games with various functions for a computer based on Unity. | |
Creation of mobile applications | Within the framework of this subject, such tasks as the role and importance of software in mobile devices, operating systems of mobile devices, their architecture, structure, principles of operation, services, skills of creating applications compatible with the Android operating system using the modern Java programming language, management events and processes in applications, creating and customizing the user interface when creating applications, studying the problems of various services on mobile devices (messaging, device management, working with databases, etc.) | |
Information technology standardization | Teaching students to standardize information technology at the national and international levels | |
Master’s degree | ||
SQL Technologies | The aim of teaching the discipline is to study technologies and methods for creating local, distributed and object-relational databases using structured language queries and a dynamic SQL interface. The objective of the discipline is to create for undergraduates the practical skills of mastering the theoretical foundations of SQL technologies, design and management of databases using SQL technologies. | |
Information systems design | The purpose and task of the discipline is to train specialists in the field of creating complex information systems and managing their life cycle; mastering the practice of basic constructive concepts, international standards; formation of a systematic approach to the creation of complex systems; the formation of the ability to develop future prospects for a systematic approach to the creation of complex projects. |
Disciplines taught at the department for magistracy
№ | Name | Brief information about the discipline |
Information systems design | The aim of the discipline is to train specialists in the field of creating complex information systems and managing the life cycle of the software of these systems; study of basic systemic concepts, international standards and methods; training in such issues as the formation of a systematic approach to the creation of complex systems. | |
SQL Technologies | The aim of the discipline is to study technologies and methods for creating local, distributed and object-relational databases using structured language queries and a dynamic SQL interface. | |
Formal languages and grammars | The goal of the discipline is to obtain theoretical knowledge in formal grammar and languages, translation methods, lexical analysis, syntactic and semantic analysis, methods of code generation and optimization, practical exercises on creating high-level language translator elements, and also to apply the knowledge gained in solving practical problems. | |
Network technologies | The purpose of the discipline is to study the architecture and elements of networks and information transmission systems, the principles of operation and functioning of networks and information systems; structure and functions of technical and software components of local and global computer networks and data systems; data transmission technologies in data transmission systems, computer network protocols; characteristics of the use of networks and information systems in accordance with the requirements of information security. | |
Technologies for creating WEB applications | The purpose of the discipline is to teach students the theoretical foundations, basic concepts and principles of knowledge on the technology of creating web applications and the ability to apply them in practice. | |
Distributed systems | The goal of the discipline is to give students knowledge of highly efficient information processing tools, to have an idea of distributed systems, to understand the importance of the architecture of a distributed system in information processing, to form an understanding of the use of highly efficient tools in a complex computing process. | |
Parallel computing fundamentals | The objective of the subject “Fundamentals of Parallel Computing” is the formation of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, a methodological approach to the process and the formation of the scientific worldview of masters. | |
Administration of computer networks | The purpose of the science is to study the basic laws of information exchange in information systems and networks and ways of their implementation in communication systems and networks, to familiarize students with the basic concepts, models and principles of building information systems and networks, standards in this area and the traditions of the observed development. | |
Technologies for creating mobile applications | The purpose of the discipline is to study the role and importance of mobile devices and software in them, operating systems of mobile devices, their architecture, structure, principles of operation, services, gaining skills in creating applications compatible with the operating system of mobile devices, managing events and processes in applications, creating and customization of user interfaces when creating applications, studying problems with various services on mobile devices (messaging, device management, database management, SQLite, etc.) |
The department cooperates with domestic and foreign scientific and educational organizations in educational, methodological, scientific activities and staff mobility.
Foreign higher education institutions:
1. International grant of the European Union “Informatics – an additional specialty” 544319-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-FRTEMPUS-JPCR PROMIS. Preparation of normative, educational and methodological documents for the opening of a magistracy in informatics for non-specialists (2013-2015).
2. International project of the European Union “Erasmus + Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education student and staff mobility” on employee mobility. Coordinator: N.A. Ignatiev. (2017-2019)
3. On the basis of the Polish program “KATAMARAN” preparation of the necessary regulatory documents, teaching materials on disciplines for the opening of the master’s program “Mobile Application Development – Joint Master Studies in English” at the Lublin University of Technology (Professor Marek Milosz) and the National University of Uzbekistan, teaching 3D scanning of historical monuments and artifacts within the framework of the 3D DIGITAL SILK ROAD project (2019-2021);
4. With Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilov (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sharipboy Altynbek Amirugli) in the city of Nur-Sultan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for lecturing at the National University of Uzbekistan;
5. With University of the United Arab Emirates (Associate Professor, PhD Sherzod Turaev) for lecturing at the National University of Uzbekistan.
Organizations in our country:
1. With the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy for the training of qualified specialists in the field of information technologies in medicine;
2. With the Central Clinical Hospital No.1 of the Main Medical Department at the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MD Rozikhodzhaeva G.A.) on the preparation of PhD in the application of intellectual methods in medical problems;
3. With Kibera Technology LLC, training of specialists with the qualification of programming in groups;
4. With the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Resistance of Structures of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, training of programmers for checking mechanical processes and seismic resistance of structures;
5. With Karshi State University (Department of Applied Mathematics) for training personnel with academic degrees;
6. With the Secondary School No. 249 of the Almazar District of the city of Tashkent, training of teachers of informatics and mathematics.
3. About applicants and scientific works
№ | Full name of the applicant – professor-teacher | Academic degree, title | Dissertation topic |
1 | Polatov Asxad Mukhamedjanovich | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor | Numerical modelling and algorithms of problems solving of construction materials’ nonlinear deformation by finine elements method |
2 | Gaynazarov Sulton Mamanazarovich | Ph.D., associate professor | Numerical modeling of dynamic three-dimensional bodies |
3 | Khakimov Muftokh Khamidovich | Ph.D., professor | Research and development of models and design methods in problem-oriented dialogue systems |
4 | Pulatov Sukhbatulla Ismatullaevich | Ph.D., acting associate professor | Numerical modeling of some technological processes in microelectronics |
5 | Adambaev Uchkun Erkinovich | Ph.D., acting associate professor | Elastoplastic problems of transversely isotropic bodies |
6 | Yusupov Yusufbay Saidjonovich | Ph.D., acting associate professor | Mathematical and numerical models of related problems of thermoplasticity |
7 | Ikromov Akhmad Maoripovich | Ph.D., associate professor | Modeling of the stress conditions of the three-dimensional elastic-plastic solids with geometrical features |
8 | Navruzov Erkin Ravshanovich | Ph.D. student, senior teacher | Detection by machine learning methods of malicious computer programs |
9 | Nigmanova Dilobar Bakhramovna | Ph.D. student, senior teacher | Mathematical modeling of nonlinear processes in a two-component medium with absorption or source |