Bolibekova Mavjuda – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 94 692-70-30
e-mail: Mbolibekova1970@mail.ru
Department of Practical English and Literature was opened in 2021 on the basis of English philology department at the faculty of Foreign philology, National University of Uzbekistan. The department has 20 staffs: 3 PhDs, (2 Associate professors), 2 senior teachers, 9 teachers.4 assistant teachers.
It is carrying out teaching modern methods, new pedagogical and information-innovative technologies, video courses on the subject, electronic manual, slide presentation, multimedia using educational resources, conducts lectures and practical classes for bachelors in the department. Following lectures and practical classes are being conducted in the disciplines:
For Bachelor’s – “Reading and writing skills”, “Speaking skills”, “Listening skills”,”Practical aspects of the teaching language”, “Communicative grammar”, “Independent learning skills”, “Theoretical aspects of the teaching language”, “Introduction to Linguistics”, “Cross-cultural communication”, ” Country study of Uzbekistan”, “Country studies”, “Mass media” “Language of tools”, “Lexicology”, “General Linguistics”, “World literature”.
All lectures and practical classes on these subjects are conducted in well-equipped classrooms in the form of electronic presentations with extensive and effective use of multimedia educational resources, and online or offline, if necessary.
Head of the Department of Practical English and Literature is Bolibekova Mavjuda Mardievna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological sciences, the Associate of professor.
Bolibekova Mavjuda Mardievna was born on August 30, 1970 in Koshrobot district of Samarkand region, nationality is Uzbek. In 1992 she graduated from the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after F. Engels on specialty English language.
General work experience: 31 years, scientific and pedagogical work experience – 31 years, has been working at the Faculty of Foreign Philology of the National University
of Uzbekistan since 1999:
1987-1992 – Student of the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of English;
1990-1993 – English teacher at secondary school № 49, Koshrabat district, Samarkand region;
1993-1999 – Teacher of English language, secondary school No. 34, Koshrabot district, Samarkand region;
1999-2005 – Senior Lecturer of Language Department for Social-Political and Philosophical sciences, Faculty of Foreign philology, National University of Uzbekistan;
2005-2008 – Senior Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages, Interfaculty Socio-Political Sciences, Business and Law; Faculty of Foreign philology, National University of Uzbekistan
2008-2010 – Senior Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages, Department of Socio-Political Sciences, Business and Law, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan;
2010-2013 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Department of Social Sciences and Humanitarian Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan;
2014-2016 – Head of the Department of Foreign Languages in the field of Social sciences and Humanitarian Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan;
2016-2020 – Senior Lecturer, Department of English language, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan;
2020-2021 – PhD, Associate Professor, Department of English Philology, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan;
From 2021- Head of the Department of Practical English Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan, PhD, Associate professor.
She received the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological sciences in 2019. The defense of the dissertation was held in 2019 at the Academic Council of the National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Andijan State University, DSc.26.04. 2018.Fil.01.10 on specialty 10.00.06 – “Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies”.
According to the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 31.05.2019 265/1, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philological sciences was awarded (diploma 01 № 001589).
Contribution to the training of scientific and pedagogical staff:
During her scientific and pedagogical activity, under the leadership of Bolibekova M. 6 master’s students defended their dissertations at the Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, specialty 5A111401 – “Foreign language and literature – English” at the Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan 5A12012 – Linguistics – English.
1. Matyoqubova Sh.A. “Essays on education in English and their alternatives in Uzbek”
2. Qobilova MA “Semantic and contextual features of phraseological units in Uzbek literary texts and their equivalents in English”
3. Jumanova O.S. “Lexicographical problems of compiling English-Uzbek bilingual dictionaries”
4. Kuchkarov N.E. “Semantic and structural analysis of tourism terms in English and Uzbek”
5. Alimjanova SH.A. “The structural and functional features of polysemy in the process of translation in Uzbek and English”
6. Arzieva Z.N. “Translation problems of English idioms and set expressions into Uzbek”.
Bolibekova M.M. Reviewed 2 dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology, 6 master’s dissertations, 2 textbooks in the specialty “Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies”:
On 01.12.2020, Radjabova Marjona Akhmedovna, a researcher at the Uzbek State University of World Languages, presented her PhD in Philosophy (PhD) in 10.00.06 – Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies. Linguocultural aspects and translation problems (in English, Uzbek and Russian).
In 2020, Muminova Dilshodahon Abduvakhitovna, a researcher at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, presented her PhD in English and Uzbek in the specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies. Linguoculturological features of terms related to fine arts and design in the languages of the Kyrgyz Republic.
M.M. Bolibekova works as a senior researcher in Grant A-OT-2021-419 under the Faculty of Foreign Philology for the implementation of the innovative project “Creation of an electronic platform for professional development of English language teachers in public and non-governmental preschool organizations (Рre-school PDP)” 08.09. From 2021 to 31.08.2022.
During her scientific and pedagogical activity M. Bolibekova published 48 works, including 1 monograph, 2 textbooks, 5 manuals, more than 40 scientific works, including those included in the database of Scopus and Web of Science. Published 4 articles in journals, 8 in journals with international and high impact index, 13 in scientific publications recommended for publication of the main scientific results of doctoral dissertations of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 15 in scientific journals and conferences. The manuals are available in the faculty libraries and are used effectively in the classroom.
Bolibekova M.M. has mastered innovative teaching methods, conducts lecture courses and practical classes in traditional, online and offline forms using advanced pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies at a high educational-methodological and scientific level. Bolibekova M.M. regularly improves her pedagogical qualification:
11.11.1995-24.11.1995 M.Bolibekova increased her qualification at the Samarkand Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers.
In 2004, 2005 and 2006 she graduated from the English section organized by the National University of Uzbekistan and the American Embassy.
23.04.2007-28.04.2007 at the Center for Development of Higher and Secondary Special, Vocational Education “Improved qualification on actual issues of the organization of higher education.
24.01.2013-03.02.2013 at the Distance Learning Center of the “ Istedod” fund of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 48 hours with the participation of Professor of the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations of Malaysia Mohd Ridzuan Mohd Shariff and Professor of Shanghai University of the People’s Republic of China Ma Jin Hua on the theme “Case-study method: theory, methodology and technology”.
20.05.2013-15.06.2013 she improved professional qualification at the National University of Uzbekistan 144 hours of advanced training “According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in December 10, 2012 18-75”.
From 16.09.2013 to 05.10.2013 she trained at the Uzbek State University of World Languages in a 144-hour training course on “Practical Foreign Language”.
From 02.10.2019 to 30.10.2019 she improved her skills in the retraining course “Philology and language teaching (English)” for 288 hours at the UzSPIC at the Uzbek State University of World Languages.
Bolibekova M.M. regularly participates in international, republican and university scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conferences. She is actively involved in the attestation process in the higher education system. Bolibekova M.M. also takes an active part in public affairs.
On May 31, 2019, she was awarded the Diploma of Doctor of Philosophy in Philology.
On July 11, 2019, she was transferred to the position of Acting Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology.
Since 05.01.2021, PhD, Associate Professor, etc. Bolibekova Mavjuda Mardievna is an editor of the electronic scientific-methodical journal “Mental Enlightenment Scientific-methodological Journal” of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute.
Since September 6, 2021 she has been working as the Head of the Department of Practical English Language and Literature.
The Department of Practical English Language and Literature was separated from English Philology department and began its work from September 6, 2021.
Since September 6, 2021 the department of “Practical English and Literature”, has been headed by PhD, Associate Professor Bolibekova Mavjuda Mardiyevna. The staff of the department are actively involved in public affairs at the university and throughout the country.
Bolibekova Mavjuda Mardievna | Head of department | Mbolibekova1970@mail.ru |
Alimjanov Abduaziz Abduhakimovich | Teacher | alimdjanovaziz@gmail.com |
Maqsuda Xilola Ferdinantovna | Senior teacher | hilola-19833@mail.ru |
Yusupova Naima Muzaffarovna | Senior teacher | Naimaxon2017@gmail.com |
Yugay Nadejda Yurevna | Senior teacher | nadya_yugay@list.ru |
Akramova Nazira Abdusamatovna | Teacher | naziraakramova@gmail.com |
Qodirova Shaxrizode Solijon qizi | Teacher | Kadirova.sh.s@gmail.com |
Abdurahimova Noila Abduhalil qizi | Teacher | Nellynelly9160@gmail.com |
Eshchonov Sanjar Erkinboevich | Teacher | Ats.sale2018@gmail.com |
Abduqaxarov Qobiljon Abduqodir o`g`li | Assistant teacher | qobil2al@mail.ru |
Abulqosimova Nasiba Hasanovna | Assistant teacher | abulkasimova2016@mail.ru |
Yozilova Feruza Nurmamat qizi | Assistant teacher | Yunona9292@gmail.com |
Yaxshiboev Mirjalol Dilshod o`g`li | Assistant teacher | mirjalol.yaxshiboyev.96@mail.ru |
Madiyorova Valida Quvondiq qizi | Assistant teacher | volidaravshan@gmail.com |
Muxamedova Odinaxon Maxamadalievna | Teacher | odinashax@mail.ru |
Boboraimova Maftuna Asatullo qizi | Teacher | xadicha14@gmail.com |
Shorasulova Arofat Ibroxim qizi | Teacher | arofatshorasulova@gmail.com |
Yusupova Kandilat Begijanovna | Teacher | mrs.kandilat@mail.ru |
Atabaeva Nargiza Saloxiddinovna | Teacher | atabayevanargiza828@gmail.com |
Toshtemirova Adiba Saloxiddin qizi | Assistant teacher | Adiba.toshtemirova@mail.ru |
Educational and methodical work of the department:
- Bolibekova M.M. “Linguistic Interpretation of Predicate and Sentences in Uzbek and English”. Monograph. 978-9943-6325-5-4. Tashkent «Ilm-Ziyo- Zakovat» 2020. 168 p.
- Maksudova Kh.F. “Professional Lingvodidactic aspects in teaching languages” Monograph. Tashkent “Moliya Print” 2021, 140-p.
- Alimjanov A.A. “Functional semantics of introgative expressions in the (Example of modern American discourse) Monograph. Tashkent-2021, 154-p.
4. Bolibekova M.M. English (short grammar) textbook. ISB №978-9943-305-03-8. Tashkent “University” 2021.
5. Bolibekova M.M. English lexicology A textbook for students of “5120100 – Philology and language teaching – English” on the subject “Practical aspects of the studied language.” Toshkent 2021. 220 p.
Demo lessons are regularly conducted by the teachers of the department. There are some fragments of the demo lesson conducted by F.Yozilova:
Today, the department has 20 professors and teachers, including 3 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD)s, 2 of them on philological sciences and 1 is on pedagogical sciences. In addition to highly experienced professors, there are also young assistant teachers who have started their careers after graduating from the Master’s degree. The department conducts research in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages and lexicology.
In the academic years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, 29 scientific articles were published in international journals and 14 are in national journals. By this day the department has published 1 textbook, 3 monographs.
1. Bolibekova M.M. Comparative analysis of predicate in the Uzbek and English languages. Central Asia international journal of humanitarian sciences. Volume 1 issue 1. 2019.September 15-27 pp.
2. Bolibekova MM, Jalolova Sh., Nematov O. (Student, NUUz), Tangriyev V. (teacher of Termez U.) The importance of modern methods and technologies in learning English. ISSN-2394-5125. Volume 7 Journal of Critical Reviews. Issue 6, 2020. Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.06.28) P 143-148 H-index: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57216658205
3. Bolibekova M.M. Djumabaeva J.Sh. Khaydarova.D. Abdurahimova N. Kushmanov I. The importance of phraseology in teaching English. Ilkogretim. Online-Elementary Education Online, 2020, 19 (4) pp.810-813. Turkey.
4. Bolibekova M.M. Interpretation and Interpretation in Uzbek Formal Linguistics BUKHDU Information No. 2. 2020.
5. Bolibekova M.M., Juraeva I.A., Kakharova N.I., Nazarova D.O. Methods of Achieving High Effectiveness in Foreign Language Teaching Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. vol. 27 No1. 2021. pp.370-379. P-ISSN:2204-1990E-ISSN:1323-6903 https://cibg.org.au/index.php/cibg/article/view/article_7414.html
6. Bolibekova M.M., Elmuratova N.X., Mirsagatova P.A., Alimjanova Sh. Structural and Functional Features of Polysemy in The Process of Translation in The Uzbek And English Languages Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. vol.27 No1. 2021.pp.424-433. P-ISSN: 2204-1990 E-ISSN: 323-6903. https://cibg.org.au/index.php/cibg/article/view/article_7414.html
7. Bolibekova M.M. Israilova D. Use of E-learning resources in foreign language lessons and requirements to it. Academicia an international Multidisciplinary Research journal ISSN 2249-7137. P.424-433
8. Bolibekova M.M. O. Nematov. F.Nematova Maxim of politeness in Uzbek and English language. International scientific journal Theoretical and PRACTICAL science 14.10 2021, e-ISSN2409-0085. DOI 10.15863 / TAS
Scientific themes of the department are “Typological and comparative features of different systematic languages”, “The use of modern pedagogical technologies in teaching English”.
Research work is being successfully carried out at the department. The dissertation research themes were approved by High Attestation Commission of Doctoral student Madiyorova Valida Kuvondiq qizi. The theme is “Structural and semantic features of archaisms in English and Uzbek folk proverbs” Supervisor: (DS) professor D.Jumabayeva.
Independent researcher Iusupova Kandilathan Bekijanovna has been working on “Artistic and structural study of the works of Ernest Hemingway.” (in the example of author’s stories). Supervisor Ph.D. dots. Isomiddinov Zuhriddin. (Academy of Sciences)
The Department of Practical English and Literature of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of the National University of Uzbekistan has established training programs on the basis of joint educational programs and joint faculties.
1. The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek and the University of South Kazakhstan named after Mukhtar Auezov signed a 5-year cooperation agreement in 2019 in the field of education, science and culture, research.
2. In accordance with the agreement on cooperation between the National University of Uzbekistan and the Pedagogical University of South Kazakhstan, several students of Silkway International University of the Republic of Kazakhstan will continue their studies at the National University of Uzbekistan in 2019-2020 within the academic exchange program taken to push.
The following foreign citizens are involved in studying at the Department of English Philology, Faculty of Foreign Philology, National University of Uzbekistan:
1. Makhsumkhonova Gulchehra Kulfiddinhon – a citizen of the Russian Federation, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2018)
2. Minglieva Yulduzkhan – a citizen of the Russian Federation, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2018)
3. Fayzullaev Fakhriddin – a citizen of the Republic of Turkmenistan, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2018)
4. Ulukhmuradova Komila – a citizen of the Republic of Turkmenistan, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2018)
5. Geldinazarova Tovus – a citizen of the Republic of Turkmenistan, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2018)
6. Park Denam – a citizen of the Republic of Korea, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and Language Teaching (English)”. (2019)
7. Mamadjanova Odinakhan – a citizen of the Russian Federation, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2019)
8. Usmanova Gulzada – a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2019)
9. Eshmirzaeva Nilufar Mamadiyorovna – a citizen of the Russian Federation, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, “Philology and language teaching (English).” (2020)
Following students of International Kirgiz-Uzbek university were accepted for internship to Practical English and Literature department according to the cooperation contract between NUUz an KUIU:
2020 y. 20 November (Order № 03-2500)
5120100: Philology and language teaching directions (English language):
- Abdraimova Zhumagul 5120100: Philology and language teaching (English language), 3rd year student.
- Midin Kyzy Aiperi 5120100: Philology and language teaching (English language), 3rd year student.
- Sadirali Kyzy Elvira 5120100: Philology and language teaching (English language), 3rd year student.
- Bakytbek Kyzy Zhumagul 5120100: Philology and language teaching (English language), 3rd year student.
- Orozbai Kyzy Elzat 5120100: Philology and language teaching (English language), 3rd year student.
- Zhigitali Kyzy Gulzat 5120100: Philology and language teaching (English language), 3rd year student.
On the basis of agreements with foreign countries on the exchange of students, doctoral students, independent researchers, researchers and professors, the Department of English Linguistics and Practical English Language and Literature of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of the National University of Uzbekistan carried out the following work:
1. In the framework of the Mevlana exchange project, an inter-institutional agreement was signed with the National University and Necmittin Erbakant University of Turkey covering 2018-2023. The agreement provides for the mobilization of a number of students and professors from a number of faculties of the National University, including the Faculty of Foreign Philology, for a two-week internship.
2. In addition, an agreement on cultural and scientific cooperation was signed with Jalal-Abad State University and the National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek of the Kyrgyz Republic, in accordance with which:
a) cooperation in the study of practical forms of training;
b) student exchanges (including undergraduate and
postgraduate students to ensure the conduct of scientific research and internships);
c) faculty exchanges;
d) cooperation in the preparation of abstracts and dissertations to improve academic degrees;
e) research cooperation;
Meeting with writer Javlon Jovliyev
On November 2, 2021, the author of the work “Qo‘rqma”, a perspective young artist and researcher Javlon Jovliyev visited our faculty at the request of students. The meeting was attended by students of groups 303-304-305 with questions of interest to them and listened to interesting and meaningful answers from the author.
2. The Language Holiday, which is widely celebrated in our country every year, was greeted by the students of 304-305 groups of the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology. The students read poems written in our mother language dedicated to our glorious Language Day
3. On November 16 of this year, doctoral student of Istanbul University Burju Yilmaz visited our faculty. He lectured to students in the field of literature and the art of translation at the World Literature class.
4. The assistant teacher of the department Yakhshibaev M was awarded a letter of gratitude by the Deputy of Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Abdukhakimov for his services in the participation of international observers and representatives of foreign media in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He was also awarded with honorary diploma by the Minister of Higher and Secondary special education A. Tashkulov for his contribution to the translation and assistance of foreign observer.
Despite the fact that the department was recently established, the professors and teachers of the department are working on research papers, articles, monographs and manuals. So far, many articles have been submitted and published at conferences throughout the country, including Scopus, Web of Science, and Impafactor.
Cooperation is also being established with foreign universities, including leading universities in Kyrgyzstan, Russia, the United Kingdom and Turkey, to exchange knowledge and improve our skills.
In world-renowned exams such as TEFL and TESOL, our teachers successfully exchange experiences, acquire new knowledge, and use these new methodologies in university classrooms.
To date, 70% of teachers in our department have Aptis and IELTS certificates, almost all of them have a C1 degree.
The unity and high spirits of the department help us to work harder and strive for higher goals!