The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+

Department applied mathematics and computer analysis

Head of department - doctor of science, DSc ,associate Professor Matyakubov Alisher Samandarovich

 100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent

 Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00

+998 9 (71) 246-70-51


Head of the “Applied Mathematics and Computer Analysis” department

Matyakubov Alisher Samandarovich - a scientist in the field of mathematical modeling, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. A.S.Matyakubov's scientific work made a significant contribution to the study of nonlinear parabolic systems in the form of nondivergent.

A.S.Matyakubov has published more than 100 scientific articles and theses, author of 2 monographs and 2 study books.

This department was established in 1978 at the initiative of Professor M. Aripov as a department of "Computer and ECM", and later in accordance with the "Informatics and Applied Programming" (1995-2016) and the decision of the University Council on May 25, 2016 - "Applied Mathematics and Computer Analysis”.

Currently, the department has 3 doctors of sciences, 5 candidates of sciences and several of young teachers.

The department conducts research in nonlinear processes (digital, automodel), information systems, data protection, cryptography, development of distance learning methods and tools, interval methods and other areas.

The department regularly conducts scientific seminars and student circles on "Approximate, automodel and numerical modeling of nonlinear processes."

The department has published more than 30 textbooks and manuals, more than 50 manuals.

Great attention is paid to the training of scientific and pedagogical staff at the department. Under the guidance of members of the department, more than 30 researchers have defended PhD (dissertations) and more than 10 doctoral (DSc) dissertations.

      In 2010 he successfully defended his dissertation on "Asymptotics and numerical solutions of Klein-Gordon-type equations and systems" under the supervision of M. Aripov, and in 2020 he defended his doctoral dissertation on "Numerical modeling of processes represented by nonlinear systems of parabolic type."

Since February 2021, A.S. Matyakubov has been working as the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Analysis at the National University of Uzbekistan.

Areas and specialties taught at the department

5130200 ‒  Applied mathematics and informatics (daytime, evening, extramural studies)
60540200 ‒ Applied mathematics (daytime, evening, extramural studies)
5A130201 ‒ Applied mathematics (by fields) (master degree)
70540201 ‒ Applied mathematics (by fields) (master degree)

Subjects taught at the department

Bachelor degree

Name Brief information
  Algorithmic languages and programming Creating programs in simple algorithms and C #, from working in Visual Studio to polymorphism, virtual methods and their redefinition, creating and managing WPF applications, teaching layouts and events
  Algorithms and data structure Algorithms, search and sorting algorithms and determine their complexity, teach to justify the theoretical and practical application of dynamic structures of data and graph elements in programming.
  Methods of teaching mathematics and computer science Methods of teaching mathematics and computer science, acquaintance with the scientific, psychological and pedagogical principles of science, teaching new pedagogical technologies and methods of their application, as well as teaching students to study mathematics and computer science, taking into account state educational standards 'preparation for the unit.
  Incorrect and inverse issues Teaches mathematical modeling of incorrect and inverse problems, conditional correctness, construction of numerical methods, and software development.
  Fundamentals of mathematical modeling Build mathematical models of various processes, analyze them, collect data to determine the stages and patterns of modeling, determine the purpose of the test, describe the problem, build a model, create an algorithm for solving the problem, develop a calculation method, develop software specifications, program create and adjust them, check the adequacy of the model, apply the results in practice.
  Computer graphics computer graphics and types, graphical information processing technology, graphical information input, color model and its types, editing and output software.
  Contemporary problems of applied mathematics Teaches mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and software development of current issues in applied mathematics.
  Cryptographic methods Solving problems in the field of cryptographic information protection, analysis of cryptographic algorithms, using them to understand and teach the use of encryption operations, electronic digital signatures, identification schemes.
  Python programming language Adequate training in the Python programming language will teach you how to implement the application problems that come with computer modeling based on this knowledge.
  Software engineering Concepts of software engineering, software life cycle, models and technologies of software development, archetype, ways of testing and verification, possible situations in software development and ways and means of their elimination, software software quality, software development and testing.
  Creating mobile applications Types of modern operating systems designed for mobile devices and their principles of operation, security and use of protection devices are taught.
  Java technologies Adequate teaching of JAVA technology and programming language will teach you to implement software for application problems that come with computer-based modeling based on this knowledge.
  Mathematical modeling in nature events Teaches mathematical modeling of nonlinear processes in nature, construction of numerical methods, and software development.
  Multimedia technologies Teaches how to work with distance learning technologies, how to create multimedia products using multimedia tools and technologies.
  Operating systems Provides hands-on training in modern operating systems, broadcasting methods, file system installation, process and memory management, and applies this knowledge to applied problem solving.
  Network administration The network and its types teach the formation and application of knowledge about the functions of administrators in the network.
  Database Adequate training in Database Management Systems (DBMS) teaches the design and creation of intelligent data analysis based on modern programming languages and technologies based on this knowledge.
  Programming technologies Algorithmic bases of problem solving, principles of computer operation, classification of programming languages, description of data and commands on the computer, programming using C # language and Windows Forms, WPF, LINQ, ADO.NET and MVC technologies, object-oriented programming technologies, working in a visual programming environment, etc.
  Mathematical systems Students are taught to solve and apply mathematical packages such as Maple, Mathematica, Mathcad, and MatLab as computer-based mathematical systems.
  Web programming technologies Web-based software tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP, MySQL to create web applications, electronic documents consisting of text, graphics, spreadsheets, databases and presentations on international and local networks using existing technologies. rgatildi.
  Digital and information technology In addition to providing information on the structural principles of modern information technologies used in education and work, as well as practical experience of their application in professional activities, their collection, processing, storage and transmission directly using computer capabilities such things are taught.
  Social modeling efforts and systematic analysis Introduced the study of social mechanisms that cause social processes and events, the adoption of systematic approaches to the analysis of social problems, and methods of formal modeling of social processes.
  Information Technology The principles of the structure of modern information technology, such as the collection, processing, storage and transmission of information needed to solve problems in the field using direct computer capabilities.
  Informatics Basic concepts of modern information technologies, as well as theoretical and practical aspects of their application in professional activities, the use of software necessary for maximum use of computer capabilities are taught.
  Informatics and modern information technologies In addition to providing the necessary practical and theoretical information on the role of modern information technology in solving problems in the field, the software capabilities needed to perform them directly using computer capabilities are taught.


Subject name Brief information about science
1. Research methodology In the process of scientific activity of masters to develop the skills of self-awareness and correct thinking, adherence to the unity of theory and practice in the development of research programs, selection of research topics, selection of materials, improvement of their scientific level. to study the content of the literature and to develop the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
2. Modern Mathematical Problems of Natural Science Selection and analysis of automodel methods for solving nonlinear problems, global and unlimited solutions, knowledge of new effects in one- and multi-component nonlinear environments, analysis of critical exhibitors and their role in solving problems, selection of differential schemes for them, in the application software package they are taught to solve them, to have the skills to visualize the results obtained.
3. Computer technology in mathematical modeling Theoretical and practical skills, scientific and methodological approaches to economic phenomena and processes are taught to build mathematical models of processes occurring in different fields, to show their adequacy and to solve them, as well as to visualize the process on a computer.
4. Data analysis Use them to gain useful knowledge from very large amounts of data in the form of digital arrays, facts, texts, graphics, images, sounds, analog or digital video segments obtained as a result of observations, measurements, experiments, arithmetic and logic operations. the basic features of Windows, Linux, Android, and UNIX operating systems required for tasks such as processing and analysis, as well as programming in high-level algorithmic languages.
5. Statistical methods for intellectual analysis It is intended to provide information on the study of statistical methods for the process of natural languages to be mastered in the professional field, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to it, as well as to develop skills for practical application.
6. Machine translation It is intended to provide information on the study of machine translation approaches that the future specialist should have in the field, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to machine translation and to develop skills for practical application.
7. Natural language processing The process of natural languages, which should be mastered in the professional field, involves providing information on methods of processing natural language data, analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, as well as developing skills for practical application.
8 Programming for the natural language process(Python) To provide information about the study of approaches to the Python programming language in the process of natural languages, which should be acquired by the future specialist in the field, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to machine translation and to develop skills for practical application is kept in.
9 Supercomputer modeling and technology An overview of the application of supercomputer technology in the mathematical model of the problem under consideration, an overview of computational methods used to solve problems, discuss the parameters of the mathematical model and approaches to digital modeling of the problem in supercomputer, the considered approach examples to be solved using, results obtained using supercomputer modeling, evaluation of the effectiveness and scalability of the solutions obtained.
10 GNU\Linux interface LINUX OS selection and installation in the context of Internet network and Internet services management, Linux network management, OSI model structure, TCP / IP, UDP, ICMP family of protocols, and the full address structure in their protocol, their analysis are taught to form making skills.
11 Interactive calculation methods The purpose of the master's degree program in "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" is to provide students with adequate training in interactive computer systems, practical training in solving mathematical physics equations and statistics based on this knowledge, and basic knowledge in the study of disciplines.

Doctoral students and independent researchers

  Name The topic of the dissertation
1 Pardayeva Gulmira Abdunazarovna Methods of distance learning of students of computer engineering: on the example of the subject "Creating mobile applications"
2 Allaberdiyev Bobur Baxtiyorovich Machine translation system in Uzbek and Kazakh languages
3 Alimov Akrom Abdurashidovich Models of cross-diffusion systems given with nolocal boundary conditions
4 Matlatipov San'atbek G'ayratovich Natural language processing for scarce training resources: the case of Uzbek
5 Alayev Ruhillo Models, Algorithms and Applications for Cryptographic Protection of Information
6 Raupov Dilmurod Numerical modeling in two-component blow-up mode nonlinear environments
7 Liu Lingyun (Хитой) Application of cryptanalysis methods to encryption algorithms
8 Muqimov Asqar Numerical modeling of absorption or thermal conductivity problems in one- and two-component nonlinear media
9 Boyqo’ziyev Ilhom Application of the integrated cryptanalysis method to the Kuznechik encryption algorithm
10 Nigmanova Dilobar Mathematical modeling of nonlinear processes in a two-component environment with absorption or source

Information on local and foreign partners

Professors and teachers of the department prof. M.M.Aripov, prof. Abduraximov B.F. and others have been focusing on professional development in many foreign countries, such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan, as well as scientific contacts with reputable foreign research centers. Good relations have been established with Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Mets (France), Madison (USA), Belfast, London (England).

The department conducts research in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Mets (France), Madison (USA), Belfast, London (England), Gettingen (Germany), Fukuoka (Japan), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Euphrates ( Turkey), Pitesti (Romania), Zurich (Switzerland), Vienna (Austria), Munich (GFR) and many other cities. Prof. Aripov has lectured at Piteshti (Romania), Mes, France, Uhan (PRC), Madison (USA), Euphrates (Turkey), Germany, Putra (Malaysia), Zurich (Switzerland). He delivered scientific papers at the World Congress of Mathematicians (Berlin) and chaired its meetings. He is a member of the Mathematics Society in the United States and Europe, and the Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Society in Germany. He is listed as "Who is Who" and "2000 World Intellectuals".

During the activity of the department prof. 7 international and national scientific conferences under the leadership of M. Aripov (OS, the use of computers in the educational process, the meeting of Chief Designers, Current issues of applied mathematics and information technology - Al-Khwarizmi 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2021 ) conducted.

The department organized a high-level international scientific conference "Modern Mathematics and its applications" (ICCMA2021) on November 19-21, 2021. The conference was attended by scientists from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, the United States, Kazakhstan, the republic's universities and a number of research institutes, including young scientists, masters and students, who were active in scientific discussions.

234 professors, doctoral students, masters and students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as scientists and doctoral students of research institutes (including 57 young scientists and researchers and 31 masters) will take part in the conference. 4 scientists from the Republic of India, 4 from the Russian Federation, 2 from Saudi Arabia, 3 from Egypt and the United States participated.

Members of the department

Full name e-mail
Matyakubov Alisher Samandarovich DSc. head of the department
Aripov Mersaid Mirsidiqovich DSc. prof.
Abduraximov Baxtiyor Fayzievich DSc. prof.
Muxammadiev Jabbor O‘raqovich PhD. prof. 
Xaydarov Abdugappar Toshpulatovich PhD. docent.
Kabiljanova Firuza Azimovna PhD. docent.
Mamatkulova Muyassar Shavkatovna PhD. docent.
Axmedov Odiljon S. PhD. docent.
Xojiev Toji Koyirovich teacher
Nurumova Aziza Yusupbaevna docent
Tillaev Azamat  Ibragimovich docent
Tulaganov Zakir Shakirovich teacher tzа
Axmedova Qunduz Samatovna teacher
Nazirova Dilorom Xusnutdinovna head teacher
Narmamatov Alibek teacher
Radjapov Jaloliddin Shamsiddin o‘g‘li The teacher is an intern
Boboqandov Maxmud Mamaraxim o‘g‘li teacher  
Mamatov Abrorjon Uyg‘un o‘g‘li teacher
Karimov Norbek teacher
Maxmasoatov Muxiddin G‘ayrat o‘g‘li. teacher
Raxmonova Moxidil yusuf qizi teacher
Ubaydullaeva Gulnora Oltinbek qizi teacher
Allaberdiev Bobur Baxtiyorovich teacher
Matlatipov San'atbek G‘ayrat o‘g‘li teacher
Alimov Akram teacher
Raxmonov Zafar Ravshanovich DSc. docent.
Shakarov Alisher PhD.
Xajiev Ikrombek Ozodovich PhD, docent.
Parovik Ivan Romanovich DSc. docent.  
Turg‘unov Abrorjon PhD, docent.  
Abdurahmanova Nilufar PhD. docent.  

Extra learning clubs:

Fundamentals of prgramming
(responsible: Matlatipov S, Mamatov A, Boboqandov M.)

Computer graphics
(responsible: Nurumova A, Tillaev A.)   

Additional info

The members of the department have fulfilled a number of contracts on the basis of economic contracts, and the results of scientific research have been implemented. For example, TashTransGas, Institute of Astronomy, Institute of Electronics, MSU, FOTON IChB in St. Petersburg, ASU "Malika", ASU "Tashgramplastinka" and others. Prof. Under the leadership of M. Aripov ASU VUZ was developed and launched in a number of universities of the republic (SamSU, FarPI, Bukhara State University).

From 2000 to 2020, the department graduated more than 100 masters, and now in all regions of the country, in various fields of production (schools, secondary and higher education, research institutes, finance, tax and banking systems, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and xk) are working.          

From 2003 to 2005 – "Hypersystem of education based on WEB-oriented client-server technologies" grant (supervisor M.M.Aripov).

2003 – 2007 years. – "Computer simulation of diffusion processes using multimedia technologies" scholarship (leader prof.M.Aripov).

2003 2007 years. – “ Posed Boundary Value Problems for Differential Operator Equations of Higher Order ” (supervisor prof. Fayazov Q. S.) fundamental grant.

2005 – 2008 years. – Tempus JEP 25-221-2004 COCUZ international grant completed. “Preparation of masters on the basis of computer science in the universities of Uzbekistan” in cooperation with the Vienna Institute, Technical University of Munich, DANUBE and Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (supervisor - Prof. M. Aripov), 3 master's students presented their master's dissertations in Munich. at the University of Germany. On the basis of this project, two computer classrooms equipped with modern computers and a server and a two-color printer were opened. On the basis of this grant, more than 150 publications in the field of applied mathematics and computer science were received and distributed to students. An electronic library system containing more than 50,000 books has been created at the department and put into operation through the university's local network.

2004-2006 years. – “Computer modeling of diffusion-reaction type problems” (youth grant, supervisor Matyakubov A.).

2007 – 2011 yy.– " Investigation of conditional stability and construction of numerical algorithms for solving ill-posed and nonlinear problems", as well as a basic grant “Computer modeling, visualization of nonlinear processes described by equations and systems such as reaction-diffusion and Klein-Gordon, ill-posed problems for abstract differential equations” (supervisor - Prof. M. Aripov) The Russian-Uzbek grant has been completed.

2009 – 2012 yy. –158918-TEMPUS-12009-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPCR CANDI: (supervisor - Prof. M.Aripov) " Learning Competencies and Infrastructure for e-Learning and Retraining" international grant completed. Partners are Open University of England, University of Vienna, Technical University of Vienna, Technical University of Munich, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Urgench State University, National University of Kazakhstan, International Kazakh-Turkish University.

2012-2013 yy. –“Numerical modeling of Kolmogorov-Fisher type biological population systems”. (leader docent Sadullaeva Sh. A.) youth grant completed.

2013 – 2015 yy. – UZWATER, Tempus granti prof. Aripov M.M. performed under the direction of.

2015-2017 yyА-5-44 "Numerical modeling of nonlinear biological population systems of the Kolmogorov-Fisher type". (Project Manager - Prof. M. Aripov)

2014-2017 yy. F-4-30 "Internal and boundary value problems for differential-operator equations with operator type coefficients". (Leader: Prof. Fayazov K.)

2015-2016 yy. I-2015-4-9 "E-HOSPITAL Corporate Medical Information System". (Leader: Prof. Aripov M.)

2015-2016 yy. I-2015-4-10/1 Creating an information system for calculating the rating of higher education institutions. (Leader: Matyakubov A.S.)

2017-2020 yy. Investigate the qualitative properties of a double nonlinear cross-system under the influence of source, convective displacement, variable density, source or absorption. (Leader: Prof. Aripov M.).