The year of establishment of the department: 1933
Head of the department: academician k.f.d. Talipov Sh.T. (1942-1990), Ph.D., Assoc. Shesterova I.P. (1990-1995), Ph.D., prof. Babayev N.B. (1995-2000), Ph.D., docent Turabov N.T. (2005- 2005), from 2016 to the present Smanova Z.A.
Analytical chemistry
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
“Usage of organic reagents in analytical chemistry”, which is one of the priority areas of analytical chemistry scientific research in the department of analytical chemistry; “Immobilization of reagents used in optical methods, creation of modified electrodes and their application to the analysis of environmental objects” and “Removal of heavy and toxic metals, flammable substances, ecotoxicants, biological materials, organic and inorganic substances from environmental objects” together with the “development of optical and electrochemical methods of detection” scientific directions, professors and teachers, doctoral students and researchers were able to launch scientific research works in the following new directions.
The department publishes more than 50 scientific works every year. Since the establishment of the department, patents and copyright certificates have been obtained for about 40 inventions. In recent years, 5 patents for inventions have been obtained, and the results of scientific research have been applied to the educational process.
International cooperation
- MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov (acad. Yu. A. Zolotov, prof. O. A. Shpigun, prof. T. N. Shehosova, prof. M. A. Proskurnin);
- Gumilova Euro-Asia Kazakhstan National University (prof. S.S. Dosmagambetova),
- Cooperation relations have been established with the Russian Academy of Sciences and foreign universities and scientific research institutes.