The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+

Sustainable development goals: foreign experience and practice of Uzbekistan

Today, on April 26, an international conference on "Sustainable development goals: foreign experience and practice of Uzbekistan" was held in connection with "April 22 - International Earth Day" at the…

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“Clarivate” company representatives held a seminar for young scientists

On April 25 of this year, a seminar was held at the National University of Uzbekistan with representatives of "Clarivate" on the topic "National subscription to the resources of "Pivot-RP"…

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A conference on “Problems and priorities of strategic development of the financial and credit system” was held

The financial and credit system plays a key role in any state economy. This will not only be able to provide the use of financial resources of businesses and the…

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 The conference was held with the participation of representatives of foreign universities and partner organizations

Today the department of French philology in collaboration with the department of Translation theory and Comparative linguistics of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of the National University of Uzbekistan held…

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An international conference was organized at the initiative of the Department of Cartography

A conference was organized at the initiative of the Department of Cartography of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Systems at the National University of Uzbekistan. At the international scientific-practical…

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A meeting with writers was held at NUUz

On April 24, 2024, a meeting with the participation of writers and poets was organized at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek within the framework of the…

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A conference dedicated to current issues of historical source studies was held

On April 23, 2024, the department of "Source studies and archival studies" of the Faculty of History of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek held an international…

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O‘zMUda qozog‘istonlik olimning etnosiyosat va diasporalogiya bo‘yicha ma’ruzasi tashkil etildi

Joriy yilning 22-aprelida Tarix fakulteti "O‘zbekistonning eng yangi tarixi" kafedrasining tashabbusi bilan Al-Farobiy nomidagi Qozog‘iston Milliy universiteti Osiyo tadqiqotlar instituti direktori, tarix fanlari doktori, professor G.N.Kimning "Qozog‘istonning zamonaviy etnosiyosati va…

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Kompyuter lingvistikasiga oid mavzuda xalqaro konferensiya bo‘lib o‘tdi

2024-yil 22-aprel kuni Mirzo Ulug‘bek nomidagi O‘zbekiston Milliy universitetida O‘zbek filologiyasi fakulteti Kompyuter lingvistikasi va amaliy tilshunoslik kafedrasi tomonidan ‘‘Kompyuter lingvistikasining zamonaviy texnologiyalari- CTCL.2024” mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya bo‘lib o‘tdi.…

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Academician Zaripov studied a lecture at American universities

Director of the Physiology Research Center of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, professor of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology, academician Bakridin Zaripov visited the…

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