The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+

O‘zbekiston Milliy universitetida O‘zbek filologiyasi fakulteti Rus tilshunosligi kafedrasi tomonidan “Гуляй, Масленица!” madaniy-ma’rifiy festivali o‘tkazildi

Unda rus, o‘zbek, qozoq, tojik, qirg‘iz millatlariga mansub talabalar ishtirok etishdi. Tadbir jarayonida milliy taomlar, liboslar ko‘rgazmalari, musiqiy chiqishlar, sahna ko‘rinishlari namoyish etildi. Faol ishtirokchilar hakamlar hay’ati tomonidan baholandi va…

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NUUz and the newly opened Uzbek-French University will train personnel in the fields of bioinformatics and mathematics

On March 12, a delegation of French universities visited the National University of Uzbekistan. The purpose of the visit of representatives of French universities to our country is to establish…

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O‘zMU mas’ullari Toshkent gidrometerologiya texnikumida bo’ldi

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligining 2023-yil 2-noyabrdagi 114-sonli bayoni 6.3-bandida belgilangan topshiriqlar ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida 26-fevral kuni universitet Hududiy ta’lim muassasalari bilan ishlash bo‘limi xodimlari M.Gaybiyeva hamda…

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NUUz Rector Inom Madjidov’s lecture was organized at the “Ulugbek” Foundation

Today, the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan, Inom Madjidov, gave a lecture on the topic "The role of higher education in the social life of the society" at…

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The presentation of the first book of the President of Turkmenistan entitled “Youth – the support of the motherland” was held at the National University of Uzbekistan

On February 22 of this year, the presentation ceremony of the first book of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the Turkmen language entitled "Youth - the support of…

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