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Meeting of the Project Management Committee ofsasmus + Inmacom at the Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Belgium

On November 27-29, 2024 in Brussels Free University (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Belgium, loyihasmus-EDU-2022-cbhe-Strand-2 (101083224)-project “INMACOM: innovative master’s program in photonics and optical communications to meet the needs of the telecommunications labor market of Uzbekistan in accordance with the plan inmacom held a meeting of the project management committee. A.A.Nasyrov, P.B.Parchinsky and R.R.Vildanov participated from the National University of Uzbekistan.

The meeting discussed the report on the first half year of the inmacom project and the plan for the third year of the project. Reports on the work done by each of the project partner universities were heard.

European partners, whose representatives spoke on issues related to the organization of the educational process and quality control of education in European universities.

International Relations Department