Roziboev Xaydarali – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246-82-67
e-mail: rusoha@mail.ru
In 1962 the creation of the department of biochemistry and biophysics by the famous scientist Yolkin Kholmatovich Turakulov became the first step in the development of biophysics in our country. In 1963 Bekjon Oybekovich Toshmukhamedov began his research and teaching activities at this department. The creation of a biophysics school in Uzbekistan is directly related to his name. In 1979 the department of biochemistry and biophysics was divided into two independent departments: the department of biochemistry and the department of biophysics and environmental protection. In 1988 the department of biotechnology and cell biology was organized on the basis of the biotechnological group of the department of biophysics, headed by professor M.M. Rakhimov. In the future, the department of biophysics and environmental protection was renamed to the department of biophysics.
Since the establishment of the department until 1986, it was headed by a professor, then an academician of the academy of sciences of the republic of Uzbekistan B.O. Tashmuhamedov. It should be noted that B.O. Tashmukhamedov is a principled and talented scientist with encyclopedic knowledge. He is a knowledgeable organizer and a big fan of science who shared his knowledge and experience with his students. In 1985-2001, the department was headed by a professor A.I. Gagelgans, the student of academician B.O. Tashmukhamedov, a well-known expert in the field of bioenergetics and ion transport. In 2001-2005 the department of biophysics was headed by professor M.Z. Zamaraeva, in 2005-2008 – by doctor of biological sciences, academician R.Z. Sabirov, in 2008-2013 – by PhD, associate professor Yu.V. Levitskaya, in 2013-2018 – by associate professor G.G. Radjabova and since September 2018 the department is headed by doctor of biological sciences, professor U.Z. Mirkhodjaev. All of them are representatives of the school of biophysics created by B.O. Tashmukhamedov. Since the December of 2020 the department of Biophysics is being headed by the PhD. X.C.Ruzibayev.
The department of biophysics has trained more than 20 doctors of science: Z.U. Bekmuhametova, A.K. Kosimov, A.I. Gagelgans, P.B. Usmonov, N.M. Mirsalikhova, M.Kh. Gaynutdinov, M.U. Tuychibaev, R.N. Akhmerov, O.V. Krasilnikov, U.Z. Mirkhodjaev, R.Z. Sabirov, D. Kalikulov, E.M. Makhmudova, I.G. Akhmedjanov, B.U. Otakuziev, M.I. Asrorov, Z.Z. Gizzatulina and about 50 PhD.
Scientific relations and cooperation have been established between the department of biophysics and foreign scientific centers, as well as graduates of the department of different years working abroad:

The research work of the department is conducted on the topic: “Investigation of the ionic mechanisms of membrane active compounds”.
Fundamental studies of the mechanisms of transmembrane ion transport induced by biologically active molecules made it possible to come to the practical aspects of their use: from ion channels and ionophores to use in oncology, artificial nutrition of the silkworm, neutralization of poisons and so on.
At the department of biophysics scientific seminars are held:
1. Ionic mechanisms of a cell volume regulation system.
Seminar time: the last Friday of each month at 14.00.
Lecturer: doctor of biological sciences, academician R.Z.Sabirov.
2.Mechanisms of ion transport through membrane ion-conducting structures
Seminar time: the first Thursday of each month at 14.00.
Lecturer: doctor of biological sciences, professor U.Z. Mirkhodjaev
Employees of the department of biophysics:
1. Ruzibaev Xaydarali Sobirjonovich (PhD Head of the department)
2. Mirkhodjaev Ulugbek Zakirovich (DSc professor)
3. Sabirov Ravshan Zairovich (DSc akademic)
4. Pozilov Mamurjon Komiljonovich (DSc Assistant professor)
5. Leviskaya Yulya Vladimirovna (PhD Assistant professor.)
6. Baev Artyom Yurevich (PhD Senior lecturer)
7. Xamidova Ozoda Joxongirovna (PhD lecturer)
8. Fayziev Diyor Davronovich (PhD lecturer)
9. Gaibov Ulugbek Gapparovich (PhD lecturer)
10. Gaibova Sabina Narimanovna (PhD lecturer)
11. Umarova Fatima Tadjibaevna (Senior lecturer)
12. Berdiyeva Khabiba Yakubovna (lecturer)
13. Komilova Nafisa Rajabovna (lecturer)
14. Khasanova Maxfirat Amonmuradovna (lecturer)