The delegation led by Dimitar Dimitrov, rector of the National and World Economy University in Sofia, Bulgaria, visited the National University of Uzbekistan.
Address of the main building:
100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
The delegation led by Dimitar Dimitrov, rector of the National and World Economy University in Sofia, Bulgaria, visited the National University of Uzbekistan.
(Oʻzbek) Favqulodda vaziyatlarda harakatlanish bo‘yicha amaliy mashg‘ulot o‘tkazildi
23:47 / 06.02.2025
The rector checked on students living in rented apartments
23:14 / 06.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Talabalar ishtirokida profilaktik tadbirlar muntazam tashkil etib borilmoqda
17:56 / 06.02.2025
A promotional event was held at NUUz with the participation of the leadership of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications.
17:41 / 06.02.2025
The “Rector’s Cup” of the “Shunqorlar” military sports competition was held at the National University of Uzbekistan.
21:32 / 05.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Yong‘in xavfsizligi o‘quv mashg‘uloti o‘tkazildi
20:54 / 05.02.2025
(Oʻzbek) Talabalarni 2025/2026-o‘quv yilida Harbiy tayyorgarlik o‘quv bo‘linmalarida o‘qitish uchun saralash tanlovi o‘tkaziladi
16:12 / 05.02.2025
Pedagogical and qualification practices for fourth-year students began on January 27
12:32 / 31.01.2025
The opening of the activist hall and a meeting with the creator
10:59 / 31.01.2025
Meeting with youth held
10:07 / 31.01.2025