The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+


O‘zbekiston Milliy universitetida O‘zbek filologiyasi fakulteti Rus tilshunosligi kafedrasi tomonidan “Гуляй, Масленица!” madaniy-ma’rifiy festivali o‘tkazildi

Unda rus, o‘zbek, qozoq, tojik, qirg‘iz millatlariga mansub talabalar ishtirok etishdi. Tadbir jarayonida milliy taomlar, liboslar ko‘rgazmalari, musiqiy chiqishlar, sahna ko‘rinishlari namoyish etildi. Faol ishtirokchilar hakamlar hay’ati tomonidan baholandi va…

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NUUz and the newly opened Uzbek-French University will train personnel in the fields of bioinformatics and mathematics

On March 12, a delegation of French universities visited the National University of Uzbekistan. The purpose of the visit of representatives of French universities to our country is to establish…

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Italiya oliygohlari bilan hamkorlik kengaymoqda

Bugun, 5 mart kuni, O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti va Italiyaning Tussia univeristeti o‘rtasida onlayn uchrashuv tashkil etildi. Uchrashuvda O‘quv ishlari bo‘yicha prorektor Shuhrat Toshmatov, Xalqaro aloqalar bo‘yicha prorektor Raima Shirinova, Magistratura bo‘limi boshligi Majidov Nurali, Taʼlimning kredit tizmini tashkil etish boshqarma boshlig‘i…

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Representatives of Putra University of Malaysia at NUU

On 4 March this year, Professor Dr Bani Ariffin Amin Noordin, Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Putra, Malaysia, and Dr Anuar Shah Bin Bali Mahomed…

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Oʻsh davlat universiteti talabalari OʻzMUda akademik mobillik dasturini muvaffaqiyatli yakunladi

Bugun, 2-mart kuni xalqaro aloqalar boʻyicha prorektor Raima Shirinova mazkur talabalarga o’qishni muvaffaqiyatli yakunlagani toʻgʻrisida sertifikatlarni taqdim etdi.Maʼlumki, Oʻzbekiston Milliy universiteti soʻnggi yillarda akademik mobillik dasturi doirasida qator ijobiy ishlarni…

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Professors and specialists of Finland’s Oulu University and VTT Technical Research Center visited NUU

The main purpose of the visit is to establish cooperation with NUU within the framework of the project financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The project aims…

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Erasmus+KA 107 grand loyihasi

Ma’lumki, Mirzo Ulug‘bek nomidagi O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti so‘nggi yillarda Fransiyaning yetakchi universitetlari, jumladan Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, Poitiers, Tours, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Bordeaux Montaigne, Sorbonne Paris Nord kabi universitetlari bilan hamkorlik…

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Visit of professors from the University Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III .

It was previously reported that, at the initiative of the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, 25 French Language teachers teaching in the direction of STEM Sciences were able to return to…

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NUUz Rector Inom Madjidov’s lecture was organized at the “Ulugbek” Foundation

Today, the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan, Inom Madjidov, gave a lecture on the topic "The role of higher education in the social life of the society" at…

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Professors of Jan Kohanowski University visited at the National University of Uzbekistan

Today, 23 February, professors of Jan Kohanowski University of Poland Jozwiak Marek, Jozwiak Malgorzata Anna, Selski Janusz Krzyszto, Wilkomirski Boguslaw Andrzej visited the university. They give lectures on "Biogenetics" and…

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