The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+


The presentation of the first book of the President of Turkmenistan entitled “Youth – the support of the motherland” was held at the National University of Uzbekistan

On February 22 of this year, the presentation ceremony of the first book of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the Turkmen language entitled "Youth - the support of…

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Today, representatives of the delegation of Nazarbayev University of Kazakhstan visited the National University of Uzbekistan.

The purpose of the visit: further expansion of cooperation with the National University of Uzbekistan. The delegation included Altinay Murzakulova, head of the department of work with foreign students, admissions…

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Мастер-класс от академика

Очередное заседание кружка «Молодые физиологи нового Узбекистана», организованное академиком Бакриддином Зариповым, состоялось на биологическом факультете Национального университета Узбекистана. В упражнении на тему «Образование и наука США на примере Гарвардского и…

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Cooperation relations with the University of Bulgaria have been established

The delegation led by Dimitar Dimitrov, rector of the National and World Economy University in Sofia, Bulgaria, visited the National University of Uzbekistan.

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A Belgian student is in NUUz

It is known that academic mobility links between NUUz and the University of Mons in Belgium were established in 2022. As part of this mobility, to date, 6 Belgian students…

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European students have successfully completed the academic mobility program in NUUz

As is known, the cooperation between the National University of Uzbekistan and leading European universities within the framework of the academic mobility program is expanding from year to year. In…

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Professor of Bahcesehir University-BAU in Turkey at National University of Uzbekistan

Professor Dr. Chorier Ashuraliev, F.-M.f.d., of Bakhcesehir University-BAU in Turkey, has been working as a lecturer in the National University of Uzbekistan, at the Department of "Computational Mathematics and Information…

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Mobility program with HEIs of Tajikistan.

In 2024, cooperation was established with the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics in the framework of the academic mobility program. Today, the first representatives of the academic…

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Xorijiy talabalar tahsil oladigan 1-sonli talabalar turar joyida bayram dasturxoni tashkil etilib, osh tortildi

Ayni vaqtda O‘zbekiston Milliy universitetining xorijiy talabalar tahsil oladigan 1-sonli talabalar turar joyida Yangi yil bayrami ko‘tarinki ruhda nishonlanmoqda. Rektor boshchiligida universitet rahbariyati 1-sonli talabalar turar joyida bo‘lib, talabalar bilan…

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A round table of the Faculty of Geology and Engineering Geology was organized

A round table was organized for students of the Faculty of Geology and engineering geology of the National University of Uzbekistan with the participation of senior inspector of prevention, Lieutenant…

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