The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+


O’zbekiston Milliy universiteti rektorining xalqaro reytingdagi muvaffaqiyat munosabati bilan jamoaga tabrigi

Assalomu alaykum, hurmatli professor-o'qituvchilar, muhtaram jamoa, qadrli talaba-yoshlar! Kuni kecha dunyoning ta’lim tizimidagi tahliliy agentligi hisoblangan QS World University Rankings 2025 yilda eng nufuzli universitetlar reytingini e’lon qildi. Mazkur reyting…

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National University of Uzbekistan in the ranking of top-1000 universities of the world

Today, a solemn event was organized to mark the first result of the National University of Uzbekistan in the history of the higher education system of our country, taking place…

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NUUz ranked among the TOP-1000 universities in the world

QS Quacquarelli Symonds International Higher Education analytical agency today published the results of the world's best universities ranking for 2025-QS World University Rankings 2025. Fortunately, the National University of Uzbekistan…

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The Arnasoy Art Festival of students of NUUz was held

On June 1-2 of this year, in the Arnasoy District of the Jizzakh region, in the Tuzkon Lake area of the Aydar-Arnasoy Lakes system, with the participation of students of…

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The university hosted an international scientific and practical conference on the topic «Media education in Uzbekistan: problems, solutions and prospects»

The ideological struggle raging in the media space is dangerous because it affects the consciousness of the younger generation. The event, which covered all issues - from media literacy and…

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Ta’lim yo‘nalishlari va mutaxassisliklar bo‘yicha “Eng yaxshi darslik” tanlovi e’lon qilinadi

O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti pedagog-xodimlar o‘rtasida ta’lim yo‘nalishlari va mutaxassisliklar bo‘yicha “Eng yaxshi darslik” tanlovida ishtirok etishga chorlaydi. Tanlovning umumiy talablari va unda ishtirok etish shartlari bilan quyidagi havola orqali tanishish…

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Italiyalik olimlar “Oqsoq ota” o‘quv-dala amaliyot bazasida master-klass o‘tishdi

Ayni kunlarda Geologiya va muhandislik geologiyasi fakulteti talabalari Toshkent viloyati "Oqsoq ota" o‘quv-dala amaliyot bazasida yozgi amaliyotini o‘tamoqda. 30-may kuni Italiyaning Piza universiteti Yer haqidagi fanlar fakulteti, dotsent Anna Gioncada…

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Professor of the University of Malta Sergio Portelli visited the Faculty of Foreign Philology   

Today, on the initiative of the Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics at the Faculty of Foreign Philology was held a seminar on the topic: “Experience of the University…

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Adiblar xiyobonida hisobot konserti tashkil etildi

Shu yilning 28-may kuni poytaxtimizda joylashgan Adiblar xiyobonida O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti tomonidan talaba-yoshlarni kitob mutolaasiga jalb etish, badiiy savodxonlik darajasini oshirish orqali ularni vatanparvarlik va yurtimiz kelajagiga daxldorlik ruhida tarbiyalashga…

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O‘zMU terma jamoasi OTMlar o‘rtasida o‘tkazilgan futbol chempionati g‘olibi bo‘ldi

“Bitiruvchi va talaba-yoshlar – 2024” loyihasi doirasida Toshkent shahridagi oliy ta‘lim muassasalari o‘rtasida sportning futbol turi boʻyicha “Toshkent shahar hokimi kubogi” o‘tkazildi. To‘qimachilik kombinati futbol stadionida o‘tkazilgan final o‘yinida Oʻzbekiston…

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