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Head of the department

History of the department

In 1971, in connection with the establishment of the Faculty of “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” at the Tashkent State University, the department began to operate under the name “Mathematical support of EHM” under the leadership of Academician N.Y. Satimov.
    The faculty, including the department of EHMMT, set itself the main goal of training high-level specialists who will model practical issues encountered in various sectors of the national economy of our Republic and implement automation of management issues with the help of computers.
    Since 1992, the department has been operating under the name “Mathematical support of computing and automated systems”, since 2002 “Programming technologies”, since 2005 “Programming and network technologies”, since 2016 it has been named “Algorithms and programming technologies”.
    During the past years, the department was headed by:

  • 1971-1972 , ph.-m.f.d., prof. N.Y. Satimov,
  • 1972-1997, ph.-m.f.d., prof. B. Kurmanbaev,
  • 1998-2010, Ph.D.-M.Ph.D., prof. A.A. Khaldjigitov,
  • 2010-2016, ph.-m.f.n., Assoc. Sh.F. Madrakhimov,
  • 2016-2017, Ph.D., associate professor A.Kh. Ishmukhamedov,
  • 2017-2022, Ph.D., Associate Professor Sh.F. Madrakhimov,
  • From 2023 until now, Ph.D. Assoc. U.E. Adambayev is leading.

    Until that time, the department trained specialists with high academic degrees and titles, in particular doctors of science B. Kurmanbaev, I. Mirzaev, U.Y. Yuldashev, A.A. Khaldjigitov, N.A. Ignatev, A.M. Polatov, Sh.F. Madraximovs and candidates of science M.Kh. Khakimov, T.T. Imamov, S.M. Gaynazarov, A.M. Ikramov, U.E. Adambaevlar, PhD D.Y. Saidov, K. Khudoyberganov, Y.S. Yusupov, B. Haytkulov have matured.
    To date, the department has trained thousands of software developers. They are effectively working as IT specialists in state organizations, banks and firms. Most of the department’s graduates are engaged in pedagogical activities and scientific research, and among them there are many candidates of science and doctoral dissertations. Among them, we can list professors Sh.U.Nazirov, K.S.Fayazov, M.Tukhtasinov, I.Mirzaev.
    Most of the talented graduates of the department are engaged in pedagogical activities and scientific research, and among them many candidates of sciences and doctors have graduated. Among them, we can list the following: f-m.f.d. K.S. Fayazov, f-m.f.d. M. Tukhtasinov, Ph.D. Sh.U.Nazirov and others. Professors who carried out scientific and pedagogical activities in this department: I. Mirzaev, U. Yuldashev, B.F. Abdurakhimov, N.A. Ignatev, Sh.F. Madrakhimov, associate professors: V.B. Buzrukhonov, M. Ikromov, A. Sattorov, T. Imomov, T. Azlarov , N.R.Kadirova, A.A.Abdukadirov can be noted with pride.

The composition of the department

Scientific activity


Under the guidance of Professor A.M. Polatov 05.01.07- “Mathematical modeling. Conducts scientific activities in the field of “Set of numerical methods and programs”. The seminar on “Mathematical and numerical methods of solving practical problems” is regularly held in the department. Doctoral students of the department will give lectures on their scientific results, dissertations will be discussed.

Defenses of doctoral theses: Kurmanbaev B. (1992), Ignat’ev N.A. (2005), Polatov A.M. (2016), Madrakhimov Sh.F. (2020),

Candidate theses defenses: Gaynazarov S.M. (1994), Abdukadirov A.A. (1994) Madrakhimov Sh.F. (1994), Rasulov S. (1994), Matlatipov G’. (2001), Ikramov A.M. (2005), Adambaev U.E. (2008), Yuldashev R. (2009), Eshmurodov Sh. (2010).

PhD theses defenses: Saidov D.Yu. (2018), Kalandarov A.A. (2018), Khudaybergenov Q.Q. (2020), Yusupov U.S. (2021), Hayitkulov B. (2021).

The members of the department publish their scientific works in prestigious scientific journals of the Republic and abroad, participate in scientific conferences. Examples of scientific articles published in recent years:

A.A.Khaldzhigitov, A.Kalandarov, M.Babajanov, U.E.Adambaev, D.A.Sagdullaeva. Three-Dimensional Coupled Dynamic Thermoplastic Boundary Value Issue for a Transversely Isotropic Parallelepiped Numerical Solution.AIP Conference Proceedings 2686, 020008 (2022);
A.A. Khaldjigitov, Yu.S. Yusupov, U.E. Adambaev, D.A. Sagdullaeva. Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Coupled Thermoplastic Problems.AIP Conference Proceedings 2637, 040007 (2022); Scopus;
Khaitkulov B.Kh. Complete Solution of a Class of Differential Pursuit Games with Integral Constraint and Impulse Control// Russian Mathematics. Russia. 2022. 22-29.
Polatov A.M. Investigation of the Amplitude-Frequency Response of a Dam-Type Viscoelastic Body with Steady-State Forced Harmonic Vibrations// The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics. Russia. 2022, vol. 39, pp. 51–61.
Polatov A.M. Study of the dam-type body under seismic impact // AIP Conference Proceedings. SShA. 2022, 8 r.
Pulatov S.I. Investigation of the Amplitude-Frequency Response of a Dam-Type Viscoelastic Body with Steady-State Forced Harmonic Vibrations // The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics. Russia. 2022, vol. 39, pp. 51–61.
Pulatov S.I. Computer simulation of two-dimensional nonstationary problems of heat conduction for composite materials using the FEM // AIP Conference Proceedings. SShA. 2022. 11 p.
Latipov N.K. Influence of kinematic flow parameters on vacuum in jetters // AIP Conference Proceedings. SShA. 2022, 68 str.
Yusupov Yu.S. Matematicheskoe i chislennoe reshenie dvumernoy svyazannoy zadachi termouprugosti na osnove deformation teorii // PERIODICAL, Periodica Journal of Modern Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN NO:2720-4030, SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 5.911 Poland. 2022 year 11 str.
Yusupov Yu.S. Numerical Solution of a Two-Dimensional Dynamic Related Problem of Thermal Support // Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN (E): 2795-7640, Journal Impact Factor: 7.995. Belgium. 2022 10 str.

The scientific results of the department’s staff are reflected in the following monographs:

  1. Ignatev N.A. Obobshchennye otsenki and local metric objects and intellectual analysis data. Monograph. – Tashkent: Izdatelstvo “Universitet”, 2014.
  2. Madrakhimov Sh.F., Khurramov A.Kh. Generalized indicators and their use in the formation of knowledge.
    Monograph, Karshi: Karshi State University, 2014.
  3. Ignatev N. A. Intellectual analysis of data and hypothesis of compact class. Mery compact nosti, kriterii otsenok.
    Palmarium Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2016.
  4. Ishmukhamedov A.X Modelirovanie otsenki nadejnosti upravleniya sistemoy svyazi. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2019.
  5. Polatov A.M, Computer modeling of fiber material MKE. Monograph. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2018.
  6. Ikramov A.M. Konechnoelementnoe modelirovanie trechmernyx uprugoplasticheskix zadach. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2018.
  7. Ishmukhamedov A.X Modelirovanie otsenki nadejnosti upravleniya sistemoy svyazi. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publication RU-2019.
  8. Khakimov M.Kh. The technology of the mnogozykovogo modeliruemogo computer translator. LAMBERT. Academy Publishing, 2019.
  9. Khaldzhigitov A.A., Kalandarov A.A., Yusupov Yu.S. “Svyazannye zadachi termouprugosti i thermopslichnosti”, “Science and Technology”, 2020.
  10. Madrakhimov Sh.F. Sistemy obnaruzheniya skrytyx zakonomernostey na baze metodov vychisleniya obobshchennyx otsenok.
    Monograph // Tashkent, “MUMTOZ SOZ” 2021.
  11. Marakhimov A.R., Khudaybergenov K.K. Structural-parametric synthesis of neurosetevykh modeley dlya zadach intellectualnogo analysis of data and recognition of images. // Monograph. – Tashkent: “MUMTOZ SOZ” 2021.
  12. Hayitkulov B.Kh. Algorithmic and numerical modeling of the process of controlling the spread of heat and conflict resolution. 22.04.2022 Report No. 4 of the Scientific and Technical Council at the National University of Uzbekistan. SCIENCE INTELLIGENCE.

International cooperation

The department cooperates with our country and foreign scientific and educational organizations on educational-methodical, scientific and personnel mobility.

Foreign higher education institutions:

International grant “Informatics-additional specialization” 544319-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-FRTEMPUS-JPCR PROMIS of the European Union. Preparation of normative, educational and methodical documents for opening a master’s degree in informatics for non-specialists (2013-2015).
“Erasmus+ Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education student and staff mobility” international project of the European Union. On employee mobility. Coordinator: N.A. Ignatev. (2017-2019 years)
On the basis of Poland’s “KATAMARAN” program, regulatory documents and training in subjects necessary to open a master’s degree “Mobile Application Development – Joint Master Studies in English” at the National University of Uzbekistan with Lublin University of Technology (Professor Marek Milosz) preparation of materials and teaching of 3D scanning of historical monuments and artefacts under the “3D DIGITALSILK ROAD” project (2019-2021);
on conducting lectures at the National University of Uzbekistan with L.N. Gumilov Eurasian National University in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (professor, doctor of technical sciences Sharipboy Altinbek Amirugli);
With the United Arab Emirates University (associate professor, PhD Sherzod Turaev) on conducting lectures at the National University of Uzbekistan.

Organizations in our country:

Tashkent Medical Academy with the Urganch branch on the training of a qualified specialist in information technologies in the medical field;
PhD training on the application of intellectual methods to medical issues with the Central Clinic No. 1 of the General Medical Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Doctor of Medical Sciences Rozikhodjaeva G.A.);
with “Kibera Technology” LLC on the training of a specialist with a team programming qualification;
Training of a programmer specialist on seismic stability testing of mechanical processes and structures with the Institute of Seismic Stability of Mechanics and Structures of the UzFA;
with the Karshi State University (Department of “Applied Mathematics”) in the issue of training employees with academic degrees;
On the training of teachers in informatics and mathematics with secondary school 249 of Almazor district of Tashkent city.