A.S. Matyakubov’s scientific works made a great contribution to the study of non-divergent parabolic systems. A.S. Matyakubov has published more than 100 scientific articles and theses, author of 2 monographs and 2 training manuals.
Under the supervision of M. Aripov, in 2010 he successfully defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Asymptotics and numerical solution of Klein-Gordon type equations and systems”, and in 2020 he successfully defended his doctoral (DSc) thesis on the topic “Numerical modeling of processes represented by nondivergent nonlinear systems of parabolic type”.
Since February 2021, A.S. Matyakubov has been working as the head of the “Applied mathematics and computer analysis” department of the National University of Uzbekistan.
This department is prof. On the initiative of M. Aripov, it was founded in 1978 as a department called “EHM and programming”, later “Informatics and applied programming” (1995-2016) and now, according to the decision of the university council on May 25, 2016 – “Practical “Mathematics and Computer Analysis”.
Currently, 3 doctors of science, 5 candidates of science and a number of young teachers work in the department.
The department conducts research on processes in a non-linear environment (numerical, automodel), information systems, information protection, cryptography, development of distance education methods and tools, interval methods and other areas.
Applied mathematics and computer analysis
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
The members of the department executed a number of contracts on the basis of business contracts and implemented the results of scientific research. For example, TashTransGaz, Institute of Astronomy, Institute of Electronics, MSU, FOTON IChB in St. Petersburg, ASU “Malika”, ASU “Tashgramplastinka” and others. Prof. Under the leadership of M. Aripov, ASU VUZ was developed and launched in a number of HEIs of our republic (SamSU, FarPI, BukhSU).
During the years 2000 – 2020, more than 100 masters graduated from the department, and now they work in all regions of the republic, in various fields of production (schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, scientific research institutes, finance, tax and banking systems, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, defense Ministry, etc.) are working.
Scientific projects carried out at the department in the 21st century:
From 2003 to 2005 – “Education hypersystem based on WEB-client-server technologies” (leader M. Aripov);
2003 – 2007 – “Computer simulation of diffusion processes using multimedia technologies” (leader Prof. M.Aripov);
2003 – 2007 – “Improperly posed boundary value problems for higher-order differential-operator equations” (leader Prof. Q.S. Fayazov);
2005 – 2008 – international grant Tempus JEP 25-221-2004COCUZ – “Preparation of master’s degrees in the universities of Uzbekistan on the basis of computer science oriented to chemistry” – in cooperation with the Vienna Institute, the Technical University of Munich, DANUBE and the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (leader Prof. M. Aripov );
3 master’s students completed their master’s theses at the University of Munich (Germany). Based on this project, two computer classrooms equipped with modern computers and a server and two color printers were opened. On the basis of this grant, more than 150 literatures in the field of applied mathematics and informatics were obtained and made available to students. An electronic library system containing more than 50,000 books was created in our department and put into use through the university’s local network.
2004 – 2006 – “Computer modeling of diffusion-reaction type problems” (youth grant, supervisor A.S. Matyakubov);
2007 – 2011 – “Computer modeling, visualization of nonlinear processes described by equations and systems such as reaction-diffusion and Klein-Gordon, incorrect and inverse problems for differential equations” (leader – Prof. M.Aripov) Russia- Uzbekistan grant;
2009 – 2012 –158918-TEMPUS-12009-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPCR CANDI: international grant “Educational competencies and infrastructure for e-learning and retraining” (leader Prof. Aripov M.M.);
Partners – English Open University, University of Vienna, Technical University of Vienna, Technical University of Munich, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Urganch State University, National University of Kazakhstan, International Kazakh-Turkish University.
2012-2013 – “Numerical modeling of biological population systems of the Kolmogorov-Fisher type”. (leader Assoc. Sh.A. Sadullaeva) youth grant;
2013 – 2015 – UZWATER, Tempus grant (leader Prof. Aripov M.M.);
2015-2017 A-5-44 “Numerical modeling of nonlinear biological population systems of the Kolmogorov-Fisher type” (leader Prof. Aripov M.M.);
2014-2017 F-4-30 “Internal and boundary problems for differential-operator equations with operator-type coefficients” (leader Prof. K. Fayazov);
2015-2016 I-2015-4-9 “E-HOSPITAL” Corporate medical information system”. (leader Prof. Aripov M.M.);
2015-2016 I-2015-4-10/1 Creating an information system for calculating the rating of higher education institutions. (Head: Matyakubov A.S.);
2017-2020 Investigating the qualitative properties of a doubly nonlinear crossover system under source, convective transfer, variable density, source or sink effects. (Leader: Prof. Aripov M.).
International cooperation
In addition to making scientific contacts with prestigious foreign scientific centers, the professors and teachers of the department pay attention to the issues of professional development in many foreign countries, such as the USA, Germany, England and Japan. In this regard, good relations have been established with foreign countries such as Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Metz (France), Madison (USA), Belfast, London (England).
Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Metz (France), Madison (USA), Belfast, London (England), Göttingen (Germany), Fukuoka (Japan), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Firat ( Scientific relations have been established with research centers in Turkey), Pitesti (Romania), Zurich (Switzerland), Vienna (Austria), Munich (FRG) and several other cities. Prof. M. Aripov gave scientific lectures at the universities of Piteshti (Romania), Mes, France, Wuhan (PRC), Madison (USA), Firat (Turkey), Germany, Putra (Malaysia), Zurich (Switzerland). He gave scientific lectures at the World Congress of Mathematicians (Berlin) and presided over its meetings. He is a member of the “Mathematics” societies of the United States of America and Europe and the “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” societies of Germany. He is included in the list of “Who is Who” and “2000 intellectuals of the world”.
During the activity of the department, prof. Under the leadership of M.Aripov, 10 international and republican scientific conferences (OS, application of EHM in the educational process, meeting of chief constructors, current problems of applied mathematics and information technologies – Al-Khorazmi 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2021 ) was conducted.
On November 19-21, 2021, the international scientific conference “Modern mathematics and its applications” (ICCMA2021) was organized by the department at a high level. Scientists from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, the USA, Kazakhstan, and a number of scientific-research institutes, including young scientists, graduate students and students, took part in the conference and participated in scientific discussions.
234 (including 57 young scientists and researchers and 31 masters), Kazakhstan 4 scientists from the Republic of Estonia, 4 from the Russian Federation, 2 from Saudi Arabia, 3 from Egypt, and the USA participated.