Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Head of the department

History of the department

Initially, prof. I.M. With the efforts of Jabbarov, in 1983, the term ethnography was added to the name of the Department of History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages, with the permission of the Ministry of Higher Education. I.M.Jabborov, G.B.Nikolskaya, among the scientists working in the department, the teacher T.O’.Salimov was given the topic of his candidate’s dissertation on ethnography, which he defended in 1986. At the end of the 80s, when the number of departments of the Faculty of History reached 14, “Ethnography” began to operate separately, and then joined the Department of Archaeology.
    Academic subjects and plans of the Faculty of History: Adoption of the “National Personnel Training Program”, especially the in-depth study and promotion of the ethnic history of the Uzbeks during the meetings of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov with a group of historians, scientists and journalists on June 26, 1998 Based on his ideas, we included the subjects “Ethnology of Uzbeks”, “Ethnogenesis and ethnic history of Uzbeks”, “Basics of Ethnology” in the bachelor’s curriculum, and these works made it possible to restore the “Ethnology” department in 1999. However, from 2010 to 2020, as a result of the merger of the faculty with the department of archeology, attention to ethnological sciences decreased and came to the point of disappearance.
    Finally, in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 14-07/1-3796 of February 5, 2020, “Systematic organization of monitoring of the state of early prevention and prevention of major conflicts and conflicts that may arise in the field of international relations” In accordance with paragraph 8 of the “Plan of practical measures for 2020-2021” on August 30, 2020, according to the decision of the meeting No. 1 of the Council of the National University of Uzbekistan, the department was re-established under the name “Anthropology and Ethnology” .
    The general project topic of the department is called: “Creation of the digital ethnographic atlas of Uzbekistan “I-ETNOATLAS“, this topic is conducting scientific research in the field of inter-ethnic relations, strengthening socio-political stability in Uzbekistan, ensuring inter-ethnic harmony. in the preparation of information, proposals and recommendations, in the development of “road maps”, in the preparation of scientific and popular publications on the history and culture of ethnic groups and diasporas living in our country, ethnic conflicts and their prevention, resolution of conflicts, and “Uzbekistan – general “Our home” is important in holding projects, events and festivals.
    “Anthropology and Ethnology” Department, Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, “Ethnology and Anthropology” Center, Committee on International Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “Applied Ethnology” Laboratory under UzMU is working in close cooperation with The members of the department are working on a number of textbooks and scientific monographs. In particular, “Methods of conducting ethnographic research” by T. U. Salimov, professor of the department. Tashkent, TashSU, 1993, “Ancient Zaamin” (collective monograph). Tashkent, Science. 1994, “Peoples of Australia and Oceania”. Study guide. Tashkent, UzMU resource center, 2003. -40 p., Vsemirnaya istoriya (7th grade). Textbook. Tashkent, 2004. 18 p.l., World history. 7th grade. textbook for secondary schools. Tashkent, 2009. 10 p.t., World history. 7th grade. textbook for secondary schools. Tashkent, 2013. 10 p.t., World history. European countries in the V-XV centuries. Textbook. Tashkent, “Universitet” publishing house. 2014. 25 p.t., World history (textbook for 7th grade students of secondary schools). Tashkent, “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan” State Scientific Publishing House, 2017. 10 p.t., Vsemirnaya istoriya (7th grade). Tashkent, “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan” State Scientific Publishing House, 2017. 10 p.l., Ancient Zomin (History, archeology, numismatics, ethnography) collective monograph. “Muharrir” publishing house, -Tashkent, 2018. 0.8 b.t., Nurota and Nurotaliklar (monograph). “University”, Tashkent, 2019. 10 b.t., Ethnology of the peoples of the world. Study guide. Tashkent, “Fan” publishing house, 2019. 10 p.t.,

The composition of the department

Scientific activity

   The research professor’s full name Academic degree, title   The topic of the dissertation
1 Bababekov Akbar Dovurbaevich PhD, Head teacher “Ethno-economic processes in the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan in the XX century” (on the example of Sangzor-Zaamin region)
2 Ubaydullaeva Barno Mashrabjonovna Docent “Uzbek traditions and innovations in child rearing” (second half of the XX century – early XXI century)
3 Ashirov Adham Azimbaevich Professor “The traditional way of life of the Uzbek people – ancient religious beliefs” (based on materials from the Fergana Valley.
4 Narziev Nabijon Narzullaevich Head teacher “Traditional culture of Uzbek communication” (historical and ethnological research)
5 Abduzohirov Ravshan Hamdamovich Teacher “Migration processes in the era of globalization (on the example of Kashkadarya region)”
6 Babaraximov Turon Gulomnazarovich Teacher “Visual anthropological image of modern Uzbek culture (On the example of Tashkent city) ”
7 Anorkulov Sayfiddin Muxitdinovich PhD., Teacher “Socio-cultural processes in the industrial cities of the Tashkent oasis”

International cooperation

Local and foreign partners:

  • Department of the Institute of History of the Russian Federation.
  • Hankook University, South Korea.
  • Institute of Developing Economies of Japan.
  • Japan’s Chubu.
  • He has established mutual cooperation with the universities of California in the USA.