Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Head of the department


Kafedra mudiri


Fan nomzodi, PhD

Scientific title:


Reception days:


Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house

History of the department

State security is directly related to the security of national information resources. This dependence is increasing every year, which means that the rapid development of information and communication technologies requires reliable protection of national information resources. Therefore, information security personnel training is one of the important issues for our republic. For this purpose, on September 25, 2014, the leadership of UzMU named after Mirzo Ulugbek established the Department of “Information Security” on the basis of the Department of “Computing Technologies and Mathematical Modeling”, and the candidate of physics-mathematical sciences, associate professor G. U. Joraev was appointed as the head of the department.
    In July 2016, the Department of “Information Security” merged with the Department of “Computing Technologies and Information Systems” and operated as the Department of “Mathematical Modeling and Cryptoanalysis”.
    In October 2018, the “Information Security” department was reorganized on the basis of the “Mathematical modeling and cryptanalysis” department. From October 2018 to August 2020, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor F.N. Ibragimov served as the head of the department.
    Since September 2020, the department has been headed by Joraev Gayrat Umarovich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.
    60610300 – Bachelor’s degree in information security (by fields), 70610301 – Cryptography and cryptanalysis (by fields) and 70610302 – Information security (by fields) at the “Information security” department on) training of masters in magisterial specializations has been launched.
   Professors and teachers of the “Information Security” department are conducting research in the following areas of science:

  • Actual problems of information security;
  • Fundamental problems of cryptology;
  • Algebra and theories of algorithms;
  • Mathematical modeling of complex processes.

    The creation of the “Information Security” department and the organization of educational and scientific activities in the department were greatly contributed by the professor of the department, doctor of physics and mathematics sciences, the late Kha.A. Muzafarov.
    The department also pays great attention to the implementation of scientific and research work on current problems of the national economy. In particular, during the years 2012-2017, 4 scientific projects in the field of security were successfully completed under the leadership of professor X. A. Muzafarov, associate professors G. U. Joraev and M. Kh. Hakimov.
    Ph.D., professor A.V. Kabulov in 2017-2020 under the leadership of BV-M-F4-004 – “Development of the principles of algorithmization of complex systems control based on the algebra of functional tables” and in 2018-2020 OT-Atex-2018-486 – “Logical control and implementation of information security systems on the basis of programmed logic controllers and automated CAD logic system that designs them” has been completed.
    International scientific projects are also being implemented at the “Information Security” department. In particular, in 2018-2019, the international scientific project MRU-OT-30/2017 – “Using modern supercomputers to solve the problems of gas dynamics, filtration and transport flow dynamics” under the leadership of Ph.D., professor A.R.Marakhimov, the international scientific project M.V. Keldysh of RFA Applied Mathematics performed in cooperation with the institute.
    From 2021, Ph.D. Under the leadership of G. U. Joraev, an international scientific project on the topic “Research and development of stream encryption algorithms” is being carried out together with the Institute of Applied Statistics of India UZB-Ind-2021-98.
    Khafiz Azizovich Muzafarov was born in 1948. In 1970, he graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute named after A.R. Beruni as a mechanical engineer, and in 1980 from the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, majoring in applied mathematics.
    In 1982, he received a candidate’s degree in the field of “Mechanism and machine theory” in the field of “Control of the dynamics of stepping machines”, in 1992 in the field of “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and a set of programs” in the field of “Construction of parallel calculation algorithms for some problems of mathematical physics” and He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of “implementing them in multiprocessor computing systems”.
    From 1992, he continued his work at ToshDU. At first, he worked as a leading researcher of the “Mathematical Modeling” scientific laboratory, and from 1994 to 1995, he worked as the head of this laboratory.
    From 1995, Professor Kha.A. Muzafarov was the head of the “Mathematics of Computation” department and headed this department under different names until 2012.
    In 2000-2003, he headed this faculty as the dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies of UzMU.
    Professor X. A. Muzafarov from 2012 “Computational mathematics and mathematical modeling”, from 2014 “Information security”, from 2016-2017 “Mathematical modeling”
    Professor X. A. Muzafarov worked as a professor of “Mathematics of Computation and Mathematical Modeling” from 2012, “Information Security” from 2014, “Mathematical Modeling and Cryptoanalysis” from 2016-2017.
    During his teaching career, he introduced new academic subjects and special courses such as Mathematical Modeling, Parallel Computing Algorithms, Supercomputer Technologies into the educational process.
    Professor X. A. Muzafarov began his scientific career by researching the issues of mathematical modeling of the movement of walking robots. As a result of these studies, he received the scientific degree of Candidate of Physics and Mathematics.
    Since the mid-1980s, he has been conducting scientific and research work on the creation of parallel algorithms for solving mathematical physics problems and their implementation in transputer and multiprocessor computing systems, mathematical modeling of complex objects and processes, and in 1992 he received the scientific degree of doctor of mathematical sciences.
    Since 2010, Professor X. A. Muzafarov has paid special attention to the development of scientific and research work on current problems of information security. Therefore, it can be considered that the professor of the department, the deceased Kha.A. Under his leadership and participation, 4 scientific projects on closed topics of information security were successfully completed at UzMU in 2012-2017. As a result, UzMU got the status of the only higher educational institution that has the licenses of the Authorized body for cryptographic protection of information.
    Under his direct scientific supervision, Ph.D.-M.F.D. G. U. Joraev, associate professors M. Abduraimov and Sh. Allamuratov defended their candidate theses. Also, professor Kha.A.Muzafarov was a scientific advisor for G.U.Zhoraev’s doctoral dissertation.

The composition of the department


Kasimov Nadimulla Xabibullayevich



Kabulov Anvar Vasilovich



Jurayev Gayrat Umarovich



Normatov Ibroximali Xolmamatovich



Javliyev Sarvar Kurbonmiratovich

Katta o‘qituvchi


Saymanov Islambek Mi‘rzabaevich

Katta o‘qituvchi


Bozorov Obidjon Norqobilovich

Katta o‘qituvchi


Farmonov Bobur Davronovich

Katta o‘qituvchi


Alayev Ruhillo Habibovich

Katta o‘qituvchi


Abdullayev Timur Rashidovich

Katta o‘qituvchi


Xolmatova Iroda Ismoiljon qizi

Katta o‘qituvchi


Muxamadiyev Firdavs Rudaki o‘g‘li



Scientific activity

  № N.S.M of the research professor-teacher Academic degree, title Dissertation topic
1 Joraev Gayrat Umarovich Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Closed topic on information security
2 Kabulov Anvar Vasilovich Doctor of technical sciences, professor
3 Kasimov Nadimullo Habibullaevich Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
4 Normatov Ibrohimali Xolmamatovich Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, etc
5 Dadajanov Ruzmat Normatovich Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
6 Boltaev Sherzod Tuyliboevich Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor v.b


International cooperation

The Department of Information Security has established cooperation relations with the following local and foreign organizations:

State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

“UNICON.UZ” scientific-technical and marketing research center DUK;

Cyber ​​Security Center DUK;

Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Al-Khorazmi;

“Industrial Construction Bank” of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;

RFA Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics;

Novosibirsk State University;

Tomsk State University (Russian Federation);

Kazan State University;

Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan);

Center for Cryptology and Security at Indian Statistical University (India)