Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Head of the department


Kafedra mudiri


Fan nomzodi, PhD

Scientific title:


Reception days:


Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house

History of the department

The establishment of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics in 1962 by the renowned scientist Yolqin Kholmatovich To‘raqulov marked the first step in the development of biophysics in our country. In 1962, Bekjon Oybekovich Toshmuxamedov was appointed as a junior researcher at the Biophysics Department of Tashkent State University, and later, in 1963, he was appointed as an associate professor in the same department. The creation of the Biophysics school in Uzbekistan is directly associated with his name. In 1979, the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics was divided into two independent departments: Biochemistry and Biophysics, and Environmental Protection. In 1988, based on the biotechnology group of the Biophysics Department, a separate Department of Biotechnology and Cell Biology was established, led by Professor M.M. Rakhimov. Later, the Department of Biophysics and Environmental Protection was renamed the Department of Biophysics.

From the time of its establishment until 1986, the department was headed by Professor B.O. Toshmuxamedov, who later became an academician of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. It is important to note that B.O. Toshmuxamedov is an encyclopedic scholar, a principled and talented researcher. They were knowledgeable organizers and active science promoters, and their scientific work has been continued by their well-trained disciples. From 1985 to 2001, the department was led by B.O. Toshmuxamedov’s disciple, a prominent specialist in bioenergetics and ion transport, PhD, Professor A.I. Gagelgan. From 2001 to 2005, the Department of Biophysics was headed by PhD, Professor M.V. Zamaraeva; from 2005 to 2008 by PhD, Professor R.Z. Sabirov; from 2008 to 2013 by PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Leviskaya; from 2013 to 2018 by PhD, Associate Professor G.G. Radjabova; and from 2018 to 2019 by Professor U.Z. Mirkhodjaev. Since December 2020, the Department of Biophysics has been headed by PhD (Doctor of Physical Sciences) X.S. Ro‘ziboev. > Durdona Malikova: At the Department of

Biophysics, more than 20 doctors of sciences have been trained, including Z.U. Bekmuxametova, A.K. Qosimov, A.I. Gagelgan, P.B. Usmonov, N.M. Mirsalixova, M.X. Gaynutdinov, M.U. To‘ychiboev, R.N. Axmerov, O.V. Krasilnikov, U.Z. Mirkhodjaev, R.Z. Sabirov, D. Kalikulov, E.M. Maxmudova, I.G. Axmedjanov, B.U. Otaqo‘ziev, M.I. Asrorov, Z.Z. Gizzatulina, and others. Additionally, nearly 50 candidates of sciences have been trained.

To this day, the following scientists have served as the heads of the Department of Biophysics at the National University of Uzbekistan:

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics:

1962-1979 – Y. Kh. To‘raqulov

Department of Biophysics and Environmental Protection:

1979-1986 – M.M. Rakhimov

Department of Biophysics:

1986-2001 – A.I. Gagelgans
2001-2005 – M.V. Zamaraeva
2005-2008 – R.Z. Sabirov
2008-2013 – Yu.V. Leviskaya
2013-2018 – G.G’. Radjabova
2018-2019 – U.Z. Mirkhodjaev
2019-2020 – G.G’. Radjabova
2020-present – X.S. Ro‘ziboev

The composition of the department

Mirxodjayev Ulugbek Zakirovich



Pozilov Ma’murjon Komiljonovich



Kurbannazarova Ra’noxon Sharapovna



Sabirov Ravshan Zairovich



Komilova Nafisa Rajabovna



Gayibova Sabina Narimanovna



Bayev Artyom Yurevich



Xamidova Ozoda Joxongirovna



Fayziyev Diyor Davronovich



Gayibov Ulugbek Gapparjanovich



Muratova Dilnoza Xasanovna

Katta o‘qituvchi


Berdiyeva Xabiba Yakubovna

Katta o‘qituvchi


Malikova Durdona Zokirjon qizi



Scientific activity

Cooperation and mutual scientific connections have been established with graduates of the department from various years who are working in scientific centers in a number of foreign countries.


The scientific direction of the department is named “Studying the ionic mechanisms of the action of membrane-active compounds,” and research work is being carried out on this topic.


An applied research project is being implemented on the topic of “Developing and improving methods for obtaining primary cell cultures in order to study the neuroprotective properties of various biologically active compounds.”


Currently, the following scientific seminars are being conducted at the Biophysics Department:

  • Ionic mechanisms of the cell volume control system

Seminar Time: Every last Friday of the month at 2:00 PM.

Lecturer: DSc, Academician R.Z. Sabirov

  • Mechanisms of ion transport through ion-conducting structures in the membrane

Seminar Time: Every first Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM.

Lecturer: DSc, Professor U.Z. Mirkhodjaev

International cooperation

1. The department collaborates with the Advanced Technologies Center under the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
2. The Biophysics and Biochemistry Institute at the National University of Uzbekistan;
3. The Bioorganic Chemistry Institute named after O.S. Sodiqov at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
4. The Scientific Association of the European Institute of Postgraduate Education EIPOS-Kielce in Poland;
5. The Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin” in Russia.