Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Head of the department


Kafedra mudiri


Fan nomzodi, PhD

Scientific title:


Reception days:


Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house

History of the department

     1962 year. On the initiative of Ya.Kh.Turakulov, the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics was created for the first time in Uzbekistan at Tashkent State University. In 1963, the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics began its work in full, Ya.Kh. Turakulov, D.N.Sakhibov, B.O.Toshmukhamedov, N.K.Mirzaeva, L.I.Kurgultseva worked at the department. The same year, B.O.Toshmukhamedov was appointed associate professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics. In 1964, after completing his studies at Moscow State University, M.N.Valikhanov was accepted as a senior lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
The scientific and theoretical principles obtained in this area made it possible to put a significant stop to the development of goiter in Uzbekistan and other neighboring republics. For outstanding achievements, Ya.Kh. Turakulov, together with his comrade-in-arms and fellow surgeon R.K. Islombekov, was awarded the Lenin Prize, the highest state award given at that time for discoveries in science. In 1965, senior lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics M.N.Valikhanov successfully defended his candidate’s dissertation on the topic of “Phosphorus metabolism during germination of cotton seeds” and continued working as an associate professor of the department. In 1966, Ya.Kh. Turakulov was elected a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1974, T.S.Saatov defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of “Thyroglobulin and other iodinated proteins of the thyroid gland”. His scientific consultant was Academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov. In 1975, Ya.Kh.Turakulov’s monograph “Thyroid Hormones” was published. This monograph became one of the reference books for endocrinologists and biochemists not only in Uzbekistan, but also in all the republics of the USSR. In 1975, this classic work was translated into English and published in the USA. In 1977, M.N.Valikhanov was appointed Dean of the Biology and Soil Faculty of the Tashkent State University. 1982 Sagdullaev I.N. defended his PhD dissertation on “Study of inorganic polyphosphates and some other phosphorus compounds of cotton”. His scientific supervisors were Academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov and Prof. M.N.Valikhanov.
Under the supervision of Academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov and Doctor of Biological Sciences S.K.Khalikov, she defended her candidate’s dissertation S.N.Dalimov on the topic: “The effect of thyroid hormones on the adenylate cyclase system.” In 1989, Sadikova K.A. successfully defended her candidate’s dissertation on the topic of “Regulation of ion transport in the cotton root system.” Scientific supervisor prof. M.N.Valikhanov.
     Under the supervision of Professor M.N. Valikhanov in 2000, Umarova G.B. successfully defended her candidate’s dissertation on the topic of “Dephosphorylation of phytin by soil micromycetes” at the specialized council of the Research Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2001, the Department of Biochemistry was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Surayo Nugmanovna Dalimova. In 2002, Umarova M.M. successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Study of Some Enzymes of Phosphorus Metabolism in Ripening Cotton Seeds.” Supervisor: Abdullaeva M.M.
      In 2006, Abdullaeva M.M. successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Some Patterns of Phospholipid Conversion in Cotton Seeds and Other Higher Plants during Germination and Ripening.” Scientific Advisor: Prof. M.N.Valikhanov. In 2008, Mukhammadzhonova G.M. successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Study of Various Polyphenols on Proliferative Processes and Functional State of Liver Mitochondria in Chronic Hepatitis.” Supervisor: Prof. Dalimova S.N. In 2009, D.T. Turaeva successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Study of the pharmacological properties and mechanism of action of the hemostatic agent Lagovin”. Scientific supervisor prof. Dalimova S.N.
On November 25, 2015, a scientific and practical seminar was held dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the professor of the department Mukhsin Nabikhanovich Valikhanov on the topic “Modern problems of biology, ecology and soil science”.
In November 10-11, 2016, a scientific and practical conference was held dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yalkin Kholmatovich Turakulov, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the topic “Actual problems of physicochemical biology and endocrinology”. In 2022, an applicant of the Department of Biochemistry Yunusova M.Kh. defended her dissertation on the topic “Study of the effect of natural compounds on the cardiovascular system of rats with experimental myocarditis” in the specialty 03.00.01 – Biochemistry (biological sciences) for the degree of PhD. Today, talented research scientists have joined the scientific school created by Yalkin Kholmatovich Turakulov. These scientists lead the biochemical scientists of Uzbekistan and pass on their knowledge and experience to their students.

The composition of the department

Abdullayeva Mubarak Maxmusovna



Dalimova Suraya Nugmanovna



Abramov Andrey Yurevich



Sadikova Kamiliya Abidovna



Umarova Gulbaxar Bazarbayevna



Muxammadjonova Guzal Muxammadjonovna



Yalalova Ilmira Rafikovna



Yunusova Muslima Xalmatovna

Katta o‘qituvchi


Kuldoshova Karomat Mamanazarovna

Katta o‘qituvchi


Dadaxonova Muxlisa Baxrom qizi



Hamroyev Sobir Husenovich



Xamdamova Nigora Azamjon qizi



Seit-Asan Lenara Serverovna



Xasanov Feruzbek Aliaskar o‘g‘li



Yuldashev Eldor Ilxomjon o‘g‘li



Mardanov Rustam Pardayevich



Scientific activity

Scientific research is conducted based on government grant projects in priority areas of science, engineering and technology; fundamental, applied and innovative research is conducted to clarify the effects of natural compounds, as well as to identify mitochondrial changes during aging:

  1. Within the framework of fundamental research programs, project manager No. -13/01 “The role of cell signaling systems in hormonal regulation” (1998-2001);
  2. Within the framework of fundamental research programs, project manager No. F-4. 1.40 “Study of the mechanisms of enzymatic interactions of inositol with plant phospholipids” (2003-2007)
  3. Within the framework of applied research, project executor No. A-11-10 “Creation and development of drugs against mitochondrial diseases” (2015-2017);
  4. As part of fundamental research, the executor of the project OT-F-6-2 “Study of the mechanisms of biochemical action of some supramolecular complexes based on polyphenols on rat brain mitochondria” (2017-2020);
  5. As part of applied research, the executor of project No. A-FA-2019-35 “Creation of immunotropic agents based on local plant materials” (2019-2022);
  6. As part of fundamental research, the head of the project F-5-05 “The effect of oxyhumate on the metabolism of phospholipids of some plants” (2012-2016);
  7. As part of applied research, the executor of project No. -OT-F3-146 “Study of the properties of phytase and the role of polyphenols on cell metabolism”;
  8. As part of fundamental research, the executor of the project F-OT-20-21-155 “Creation of new lines with economically valuable traits based on the exchange of the cotton chromosome from Gossypium barbadense to Gossypium hirsutum” (2021-2026); 9. As part of applied research, the executor of project No. AL-662205544 “Selection and use of promising algae based on taxonomic analysis and adaptive capabilities of aquatic organisms of the Aral Sea and its dried-up bottom” (2024-2025);

International cooperation

     The Department of Biochemistry has established cooperation with scientists from a number of countries, including the USA, Great Britain, Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Since 2019, cooperation has been carried out with the head of the department of the Institute of Neurology at the University Colleges of Great Britain (UKPDC), Professor Andrey Yuryevich Abramov. During this time, he has been conducting classes on “Fundamentals of Neurochemistry” and “Biochemistry of Lipids”. Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Harvard Broad Institute (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA), PhD E.Sh. Kurganov, annually conducts classes on the subject of “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”. Professors and teachers of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, conduct classes for undergraduate education in the subject of “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”.