The Department of Botany and Plant Physiology was formed in 2005 by the merger of the Department of Plant Physiology and the Botany Educational and Scientific Center. Currently, it is headed by Matkarimova Anarjan Abdikarimovna, candidate of agricultural sciences.
On the basis of the Department of Higher Plants, founded in 1924, the Botany Educational and Scientific Center was established in 1995. Professor Mikhail Grigorevich Popov was the founder and first head of the Department of Higher Plants. He headed the department in 1924-1926. Later, Yevgeniy Petrovich Korovin (1926-1961), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Academician of the FA of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, joined the department. Correspondent member of FA, Ippolit Ivanovich Granitov (1961-1980), candidate of biological sciences, professor Hashim Melievich Akhunov (1980-1995), doctor of biological sciences, professor, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan Oktam Pratovich Pratov (1995-2005) led.
The Department of Plant Physiology was established in 1920. The founder of the department and the head of it for many years (1920-1930, 1941-1945) is the professor, distinguished scientist of Uzbekistan Andrey Vasilevich Blagoveshchensky. Andrey Vasilevich Blagoveshchensky took an active part in the organization of the Society of Botanists in Turkestan in 1921 and headed it in 1921-1930 and 1941-1945. Later, associate professor N.D. Leonov (1945-1948), associate professor P.G. Marsakova (1948-1949), candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Nikolay Antonovich Todorov (1949-1973), doctor of biological sciences, professor, Akmaljon FA Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan joined the department of plant physiology. Kasimovich Kasimov (1973-1976), Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Yuldosh Ahmedovich Ahmedov (1976-1988), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Karimjon Safarovich Safarov (1988-1997), Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Damir Komilovich Asomov (1998-2005) those who did.
The department of animal physiology was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Begali Ochilovich Beknazarov (2005-2011), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yuldashev Akramzhan Sultanmuratovich (2011-2014), Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Matkarimova Anarjan Abdukarimovna (2014-2016).
Botany and genetics
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Katta ilmiy xodim
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Research professors and teachers | Scientific degree, position | Dissertation topic |
1 | Matkarimova Anarzhan Abdikarimovna | қ.a/c.s., Associate Professor Head of Department | Productivity of sugar beet varieties on alluvial soils of the meadow Khorezm oasis. |
Safarov Karimjan Safarovich | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor \ Ph.D | The effect of gamma radiation on the energy systems of plants (1977); Doctor’s – State of the energy functions of plant mitochondria and chloroplasts under the influence of extreme factors (1994). | |
Davronov Kodirzhon Sotiboldievich | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor | ||
Safarov Alisher Karimdzhanovich | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor | Ph.D – Features of growth, development and chemical composition of two types of amaranth (1994); (DSc) – Physiological and biochemical bases of the introduction of new promising plants in Uzbekistan (2021) | |
Makhmudova Mamlakat Mirganievna | Ph.D., associate professor | (PhD) – Potentula of Uzbekistan | |
Tursunova Shohista Abdupatahovna | Ph.D. (PhD), associate professor | (PhD) – Biochemical and physiological properties of grain amaranth species under conditions of introduction (2019) |
International cooperation
K.S. Under the leadership of Safarov, research is being conducted on the study and implementation of new plants that are not inferior to traditional plants in terms of productivity and nutrition in the world’s gene pool. Scientific research is being carried out in different soil and climate conditions of our republic in order to test and adapt new promising plants brought from different countries and to select varieties resistant to local conditions.