Just as teaching foreign languages in non-philological areas is important in all universities, this area also has its historical place in the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Since the university was founded and the faculties of natural and exact sciences began their activities, the department of foreign languages also began its activities within each of them. Later, as a result of the formation of a number of faculties in social areas at the university, the number of foreign language departments increased and in order to optimize the structure of the university, a language center was established at the university, and the existing foreign language departments within the faculties were divided into areas, namely, foreign languages in natural sciences, foreign languages in exact sciences, foreign languages in business and law, and foreign languages in social and humanitarian areas, and these four departments were included in the established Language Center. This center was headed by Ravshana Karimdzhanovna Isakova from 1999 to 2009.
In 2009 the Language Center was closed and two departments were established – the Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Sciences and the Department of Foreign Languages in Socio-Humanitarian Sciences, and these two departments were included in the Faculty of Foreign Philology of the university. The Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Sciences was headed by Mavluda Halimovna Kasimova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, and in the 2013-2014 academic year this department was headed by Dilnoza Tuygunovna Mazlitdinova, and the Department of Foreign Languages in Social Sciences and Humanities was headed by Raima Khakimovna Shirinova, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Qualified professors and teachers such as R. Hoshimova, A. Abdalina, B. Kerbolayeva, D. Aliqulova, D. Jo’raboyeva, M. Qosimova, R. Shirinova, J. Djumabayeva, N. Sa’dullayeva, M. Soliyeva, M. Bolibekova, Sh. Jalolova, and other candidates of science and associate professors worked in these departments.
September 25, 2014 According to the resolution of the Scientific Council of the National University of Uzbekistan No. 01-362, the Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Sciences and the Department of Foreign Languages in Social and Humanitarian Sciences were merged and named the Department of “English Language” and the department was headed by Associate Professor S.R. Babayeva.
June 25, 2020 In accordance with the order of the Scientific Council of the National University of Uzbekistan No. 01-337, the department was renamed the “Interfaculty English Language” department and from September 2020 to the present, the department has been operating under the leadership of Mazlitdinova Dilnoza Tuygunovna.
The Interfaculty English Department conducts practical classes in the subject of Foreign Language (English) in all faculties of the National University of Uzbekistan. Teaching English is carried out in accordance with the curriculum with first-year students in all non-philological areas of the bachelor’s degree.
The “English Textbook” (for non-philological areas), created by Ph.D., Associate Professor Y. Abdalina and Ph.D., Associate Professor R. Khoshimova, Associate Professor D. Mazlitdinova, has not lost its relevance. Currently, the professors and teachers of the department have created dictionaries for the specialty and textbooks for each non-philological area and provided them for students to use.
In order to further improve the quality of foreign language teaching, the department organizes methodological seminars and master classes for young teachers twice a month.
The team of the Interfaculty English Department feels the support of the teachers from the head of our state at every step. In this regard, the university leadership has created all the opportunities to ensure the implementation of the tasks set by the President for the development of foreign language teaching.
Year after year, the strengthening of interdisciplinary ties between the department’s professors and teachers with leading departments of the faculties, the holding of various language study circles by the team, and the holding of educational competitions allow students to master the language in their specialty.