The interfaculty Russian language department has a rich history. It was founded in 1951 and is associated with the name of Otaqozi Azizovich Azizov, a famous methodologist, doctor of pedagogic sciences, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan. O. A. Azizov – the first head of the department. The development of the science of linguistics in our republic is inextricably linked with its name. The scientist is famous not only in our country, but also beyond its borders.Author of more than two hundred studies: textbooks, dictionaries, methodical manuals, monographs. He trained all his students and now outstanding scientists who made a great contribution to bringing nations and peoples closer together based on the concept of linguistics.
Thanks to the system of teaching the Russian language in the national schools created by him, thousands of young men and women mastered the language of international communication and got to know the treasures of Russian and world culture.
Over the past years, the department has received: prof. Amirov G.S., Professor Zinin S.I., Professor Nechaeva A.I., Associate Professor Sadullaev D.S., Bashatova N.A., Gurtueva E.M.
Since 2007, the interfaculty Russian language department has been operating under the leadership of R.K.Isakova. and adequately fulfills its educational mission.
Prof. Amirov G.S., prof. Zinin S.I., prof. A.I. Nechaeva, Assoc. Bashatova N.A., Assoc. Sa’dullaev D.S., associate professor Kamildzhanova L.A., associate professor Panina I.M., associate professor Zakharov, associate professor Haldarova S.M., senior teachers Nagornova Yu.S., Korovina KD, Guralskaya I.M., Fayzieva M.N., Ganieva S.A., Davydenko L.I., Ostankova I.F., Grishanova N.N. and others. In the 1990s, when the Republic of Uzbekistan gained independence, at the interfaculty Russian language department: Bashatova N.A., Isokova R.K., Tursunova I.M., Rakhimova A.I., Kalinina O.N., Ten S.K., Begmatova N.A., Otajonova F.Sh. , Yadgarova G.I., Shakarova F.D. Formation of intellectual and spiritual personality of students.
Interfaculty Russian language
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
- Today, the department includes professors and teachers with extensive experience, as well as young teacher-trainees who started working after completing the master’s degree. Scientific research is being conducted in the field of Russian language teaching methodology in foreign language classrooms.
- Continuing the traditions, the scientific topics “Linguo-didactic foundations of teaching Russian as a foreign language in modern conditions”, “Introduction of innovative and computer technologies in teaching Russian in groups taught in Uzbek” are being improved.
- Scientific and research work is being carried out successfully in the department. Until now, the topics of dissertation research are the senior teachers of the department: Shakarova F.D., Khaitboyeva N.Kh., Khosilova F.R., Yuldasheva F.T. approved by
- Independent researcher Haitboyeva N.Kh. The theme of the evolution of the Uzbek translation school in the 20th century (as an example of translations of Uzbek prose into Russian) was confirmed. scientific leader prof. Kamilova S. E. (UzMU)
- Independent researcher Shakarova F.D. He is successfully working on the topic “Project method as a technology of person-oriented approach”. Scientific leader – P.F.N., Assoc. Akhmedova M.Kh. (UzMU).
- Independent researcher Yuldasheva F.T. He started work on the topic “Pedagogical mechanisms for the development of grammatical competences in students of higher education institutions”. Scientific supervisor – doctor of pedagogic sciences, prof. Abdullaeva B.S. (TDPU in charter name).
- Independent researcher Khosilova F.R. He deals with the topic “Development of professional speech of student philologists through ICT”. Scientific leader – Ph.D., Assoc. Akhmedova M.Kh. (UzMU)
International cooperation
International relations with universities of the near and far abroad countries are being strengthened: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow), St. Petersburg State University, Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture (St. Petersburg), Beijing State University (PRC), RUDN (Moscow), GIRYAP (Moscow), OGPU (Kyrgyzstan), BSU (Bashkortostan), KNU, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (RF), International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University, etc.
Together with the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, holidays of the Russian and Uzbek languages are traditionally held, in which Russian scholars and Turkologists from the countries of near and far abroad take part. For many years, the Department has been taking part in scientific and practical seminars and webinars, exhibitions of new educational literature, meetings with scientists and cultural figures of the Russian Federation. Teachers of the Department improve their qualifications at the Center for Science and Culture “Rossotrudnichestvo” in the Republic of Uzbekistan at the Embassy of the Russian Federation; RCC in Tashkent.