The Department of Philosophy was established in 2024 on the basis of the departments of “Philosophy and Logic”, “Fundamentals of Philosophy and Spirituality” and “Ethics and Aesthetics”.
The department employs 7 doctors of science (DSc) – professors, 17 candidates of science (PhD) – docents, senior lecturers, and 6 teachers and interns.
The Department of Philosophy is a base department that trains qualified bachelors and masters with in-depth knowledge and skills. 225 students are studying at the bachelor’s level, about 30 master’s students at the master’s level, and 24 researchers are studying at the doctoral and basic doctoral levels.
The professors and teachers of the Department of Philosophy teach undergraduate students of all faculties of the university in the subjects of “Philosophy” and “Religious Studies”.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
Within the framework of the scientific research programs of the National University of Uzbekistan on the topics of “Philosophical innovations and approaches”, “Modern theoretical and methodological problems of the history of philosophy”, “Logic: history and modern problems”, “Current issues of ethics and aesthetics”, “Trends of spiritual and moral development of society”, scientific research is carried out in the specialties 09.00.01 – Ontology, epistemology and logic, 09.00.02 – Forms of consciousness, culture and practice, 09.00.03 – History of philosophy and 09.00.04 – Social philosophy.
International cooperation
The department has established scientific and practical cooperation with Hofstra University in the USA, Indiana University, Konstantin Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia, Mukhtar Avezov South Kazakhstan University, San Pablo University in Spain, Belarusian State University, Belarusian Institute of Philosophy under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Baku State University of Azerbaijan, Dagestan State University of the Russian Federation, Grozny University of Oil and Gas, Tajik National University, Tajik State Polytechnic University named after Osimi, Kyrgyz-Turkish University named after Manas, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, and national cultural centers of France.
The cooperation includes academic exchange programs, scientific conferences, training courses, internships and other educational, methodological and scientific activities.