Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Head of the department


Kafedra mudiri


Fan nomzodi, PhD

Scientific title:


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Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house

History of the department

The first scientific research in the field of optics and spectroscopy at the university was founded in the 50s of the 20th century under the leadership of Prof. V.A. Kizel and Assoc. The study of the structure of the media was carried out using absorption and luminescence spectra.
The initial scientific and research work in the field of radiophysics began in the 60s of the 20th century under the leadership of the head of the department I.A. Gofman and the laureate of the Abu Raykhan Beruniy State Prize Kh.Khodjimukhamedov. focused on research. But a new direction of this field is quantum radiophysics by prof. Agzam Turapovich Mirzaev (1943-2002) developed it and raised it to the level of a scientific school in the 70s.
In 1973, A.T. Mirzaev studied at the targeted postgraduate course at Kyiv State University (Ukraine) and defended his candidate’s thesis. As soon as he came to work at the Department of Radiophysics of the National University of Uzbekistan, he started extensive scientific research in the field of laser physics. This soon became a solid basis for the establishment of a school of quantum radiophysics. From 1980 to the end of his life (2002), A.T. Mirzaev worked as the head of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics of the Physics Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan. Professor A.T.Mirzaev’s sense of foresight and sense of major, actual trends in physics and his organization raised the position of the scientific school of quantum radiophysics to a high level. He always attracted talented, science-hungry young people who graduated from the Faculty of Physics to his scientific school.
The scientific and practical results obtained at the scientific school were recognized by many world-famous countries and prestigious scientific schools abroad. For example, this was achieved on the basis of a mutual agreement with the Astrophysics Scientific Production Association (IIChB) in Moscow, Russia, the Scientific Research Institute of Laser Physics of the Russian FA in Novosibirsk, the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Optics, and the Plasma IIChB in Ryazan. scientific results and physical and technical devices created on this basis are not only recognized and recognized abroad, but also prove that they are used in industry. PHOTONICS
In 1978, in Uzbekistan, the first international conference on the topic of control of parameters of laser light, 1984 “Problemy lazernogo aerozondirovaniya poverkhnosti zemli” mobile seminars-councils of the Russian Academy of Sciences were held under the initiative and organization of the Tashkent School of Quantum Radiophysics. Mutual scientific visits, conferences and scientific cooperation, numerous applications of the scientific results obtained at the scientific school to the development of science and technology and the national economy, show that the importance of the position of the scientists of this school is widely recognized at the international level. .
Today, the scientific work of this scientific school is continuously developing in connection with the fundamental issues of coherent optics and laser physics. Currently, the main scientific directions of the scientific school are: development of stable gas lasers, development of high-order photon correlation methods for studying the coherence properties of optical fields, laser measurement systems, statistical properties of laser light propagation in inhomogeneous media and study of nonlinear dynamics.

It is known that laser light is an important research tool for obtaining and transmitting information about objects. In this case, great demands are placed on the source of laser radiation. In particular, its radiation frequency stability and energy consumption are important in many scientific and technical matters (space satellites, small displacements, laser atom coolers, etc.). Representatives of the scientific school, professor M.M. Mirinoyatov, candidates of physics and mathematics sciences I.A.Solovev, Z.I.Imonkulov created and put into practice low-noise, stable, low-energy series models of He-Ne, SO2 lasers. They made a great contribution to the development of the field of quantum radiophysics. As a result of the study of the electrical, optical and generation properties of the ultra-high frequency cross-discharge Ne-Ne active medium, a high-power single-frequency and low-noise Ne-Ne laser operating at low voltages was created and put into scientific practice. Creation of a single-frequency O`YuChKR He-Ne (helium-neon) laser, scientific results on the topic of creation of a single-frequency O`YuChKR CO2 laser Institute of Laser Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk city) and the Aviation Association of the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region, as well as Ryazan scientific research widely used in institutions. Associate professors E.O.Sagatov and M.Sh.Shorakhimov performed scientific research work on the creation of solid-state and powerful lasers.
The statistical properties of laser light propagation in different radiation sources and non-homogeneous environments is a fundamental topic of the scientific school. Under the leadership of A.T. Mirzaev, the theme of the application of the photon counting method for laser remote sensing was confirmed with FIAN named after Lebedev (Russia), and its main executor was R.R. Vildanov. As a result of the research conducted within the subject, a photon correlator that records and processes optical signals, a unique device for that time, was developed. Its future application was discussed at the Department of Wave Processes of MSU and Prokhorov IOFAN (Russia). Years of independence, continuing the work of the scientific school in this direction, under the leadership of associate professor R.R. Vildanov, based on the following State programs: Development and research of the high photon correlation method for determining the characteristics of the radiation of sensing objects in space and time, “Deformation displacement measuring distance creation of a laser device”, “Development of a laser photon-correlation spectrometer for the diagnosis of scattering media” was carried out. According to the research results, a dissertation was prepared and a monograph was written by the senior teacher G`.B. Eshonkulov, a member of the scientific group.
Today, the first experiment and practice in the direction of new singular optics, which is rapidly developing in physics, was carried out for the first time in this scientific school. This is the great sophistication of selected scientific researches and prof. It is a clear indication that the practical capacity of A.T.Mirzaev Scientific School is at a high level. The formation and presence of twisting phase distortions-dislocations on the surface of the speckle-field wavefront, which occurs during the propagation of laser light in non-homogeneous media, including optical beams, was studied by prof. S.S. Abdullaev and Assoc. T. Akhmadjonov was one of the first to test it experimentally and create its theory. Based on the conducted research, a method for determining the distribution of the refractive index of optical rays was developed.
The topic of optimal systems of information transmission and reception became a priority for the activists of the scientific school in their initial scientific research. During these periods, the scientific school fulfilled comprehensive state assignments on defense topics, multi-channel photon counters were created. A.T.Mirzaev drew the attention of his students to scientific research in the direction of reception of two-gradation discrete images generated by means of signals of extremely low intensity. As a result, associate professors As. T. Mirzaev, T. Akhmadjonov, A. K. Kasimov, M. Mamatkulov and Ph.D. I. Rasulov created a system of transmission and reception of binary images of extremely low intensity in the turbulent atmosphere and optical ray channels.

Researchers of the Scientific School of Quantum Radiophysics have managed to create a laser system (deformograph) that records extremely small shaking displacements, working in Ne-Ne laser light. In order to create such highly sensitive heterodyne laser complexes and use them in geophysical measurements, scientific research was carried out on the problems of restoring the characteristics of light fields passing through the atmosphere. Early detection and prediction of earthquakes is one of the most pressing issues in world science. In order to fulfill these tasks, the foundation of the Radiophysical Range was laid in front of the Tian-Shan mountain with the participation of D.A. Talipov, Sh.Zokirov and R.Shayakhova, and the developed devices were tested. The basis of the method is laser heterodyning f.-m.f.d. Developed by A. N. Yakubov. Scientific grant work was carried out in cooperation with Ukrainian scientists.
Based on the results of scientific work carried out within the scientific school of quantum radiophysics, 4 doctoral theses, 17 candidate’s theses were defended and 10 state patents were obtained.
The scientists of this school with high scientific power and potential are making significant contributions to the training of young specialists as well as great scientific researches. Relying on such qualified specialists, the Department of Optics and Laser Physics has opened a bachelor’s degree in 5A440105 Laser physics, 5A440109 Radiophysics, and 5523100 Laser technique and laser technologies. Professor M.M. Mirinoyatov is conducting scientific and practical research in the field of laser physics on the basis of large-scale economic contracts. Including, a complex of training laboratories was created in Optika, and therefore the state patent of Uzbekistan was obtained.
In the scientific school, together with the Ion plasma and laser technology institutes of the UzFA, training of higher scientific and pedagogical personnel has been started. Also, the activists of the scientific school are currently working with the Department of General Physics and Wave Processes of the Moscow State University, the Institute of Laser Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), the Ryazan State Pedagogical University, the Ryazan Plasma IIChB, and the radiophysics faculties of the Kyiv National University. are carrying out scientific and research work.
In the following years, very important results were obtained as a result of fundamental scientific research conducted in the field of optics and magneto-optics of magnetic materials under the leadership of professors U. V. Valiev and B. Yu. Sokolov.
In 2005, the Department of Optics and Laser Physics was established on the basis of the departments of optics and quantum radiophysics.
In 2005 and 2012, Prof. Sh. Otajonov, Associate Professor T. Akhmadjanov in 2012-2016, Prof. I.A. in 2016. Rakhmatullaev worked as the head of the department.
Since May 2016, the department has been named Photonics. From January 17, 2017, the Department of Photonics was appointed by Ph.D. It is managed by A. Kh. Ramazanov.

The composition of the department


Abduraxmanov Gulmurza Xxx



Otajonov Shavkat Xxx



Vildanov Ramil Rifgatovich



Kasimov Abdugappar Kaxarovich



Ramazanov Asror Xamroyevich



Talipov Damir Abidovich



Akramov Mashrab Ergashali o‘g‘li

Katta o‘qituvchi


Malisheva Mariya Yevgeniyevna

Katta o‘qituvchi


Reymbayeva Sanabar Rejepbayevna



Scientific activity

English Content

International cooperation

English Content