After the Tashkent earthquake in 1966, at the suggestion of the Academy of Sciences and according to the decision of the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 1968, the department of “Geophysical research methods” was reorganized at the Faculty of Geology. From 1968 to 1993, the department was served by a laureate of the State Prize, a geologist who served in Uzbekistan, g-m.f.d. led by Professor B.B. Tal-Virsky. From 1993 to 1999, laureate of the State Prize named after Beruni, g.m.f.n. led by associate professor K. O. Otaboyev. From 1999 to 2010 g-m.f.d. led by associate professor Sh.S. Radjabov. From 2010 to 2023 g-m.f.d. from 2023, headed by associate professor D.Kh. Atabayev (PhD) A.Kh. Tokhtasinov is in charge.
In addition to the main field of education, scientific work is carried out on a large scale. “Territorial and exploration geophysics” and “Experimental and applied geophysics” laboratories were established to carry out scientific research in the field of geophysics. On the basis of economic contracts, these laboratories have taken leading positions in the University. The scientific research works of the department are mainly carried out in three directions. The first is geodynamics, seismicity and the deep structure of the lithosphere. The second direction, which is currently developing, is structural geophysics and the study of oil and gas regions by geophysical methods. The third direction is engineering geophysics and seismomicroregionalization (SMR). The members of the department actively participated in the implementation of the international Pamir-Himalaya project in cooperation with Russian, Indian, Pakistani and Italian geophysicists. Professor B.B. Tal-Virsky was the scientific leader of the university in carrying out this project. Since 1970, the members of the department have been implementing the international ELAS (electrical conductivity of the asthenosphere) project. 2001-2003 “Paleorift” international project was launched under the leadership of docent K. O. Otaboyev. In this case, the sediment cover of the Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region was studied by MOVZ methods. 2005-2014 Under the leadership of D.K. Atabaev, works on the depth structure of the Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya and Zarafshan depressions were carried out based on the economic contracts of JSC “Uzbekgeofizika”. According to the results of the work, a regional forecast of oil and gas structures was carried out. In 2017, in order to ensure the safety of the tunnel to be built for extracting ores from the Muruntau quarry under the economic contract concluded with NKMK, earth cracks on its edges were identified and studied.
Geophysics and hydrogeology
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
N | Name | Status | Theme |
1 | Tukhtameshov Fayzullo Gulomjon ogli | Doctorant | Microseismic zoning of large cities of Uzbekistan (on the example of Bukhara) |
2 | Tukhtasinov Ahmadjon Hasanjon ogli | Doctorant | Classification of the earth’s crust of the territory of Uzbekistan based on geological and geophysical data |
3 | Atabaev Behzod Dilshotovich | Doctorant | Geological features of the structure of the Zarafshan basin according to geophysical data |
4 | Israilova Zulfiya Ulugbekovna | Doctorant | Lateral variations in petrophysical features of Jurassic terrigenous deposits of the Hispano-Chandir depression in the Bukhara-Khiva region |
5 | Akbarov Umid Murodjonovich | Independent researcher | 3D geological and geophysical model of the Paleozoic sediments of the Ustyurt oil and gas region |
6 | Kudratov Sobir Sultanovich | Independent researcher | Conducting 3D seismic exploration in areas not served by seismic vibrators and explosive methods (for example, Krasnoye Lake) |
7 | Azimov Farrukh Shukhratovich | Independent researcher | Generalization of materials from geophysical studies of pre-Jurassic deposits and development (on the example of the Ustyurt plateau). |
8 | Toshpulatov Farhod Norbaevich | Independent researcher | Geophysical features of the source of strong earthquakes in the south of Uzbekistan |
International cooperation
Local partners:
- University of Geological Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Institute of Geology and Geophysics
- Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Center of Advanced Technologies”
- Institute of Seismology named after G. O. Mavlonov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Tashkent Geological Expedition
- Republic Center of Seismoprognostic Monitoring of UzR FVV
- “Uzbekgeofizika” JSC