The history of the Department of Geochemistry and Mineralogy begins in 1924. Professor A.S. Under the initiative of Uklonsky, it was formed as a separate Department of Mineralogy in 1927 and served as the head of the department until 1974.
The founders of the department of mineralogy were academician A.S. Uklonsky, a graduate of MSU in 1920, the department of petrography and lithology – in 1942. academician V.I.Popov. V.I.Popov, I.H.Khamrabaev, T.N.Dalimov received academic titles from this department in the fields of mineralogy, geochemistry, petrography, more than 10 doctoral dissertations were defended (R.I. Koneev, A.A. Koldaev, A.A. Kustarnikova, L.N.Lordkipanidze, Kh.D.Ishbaev, R.T.Dalimov, R.A.Khalmatov, etc.), about 100 candidate theses were defended. Most of the graduates work as leading specialists in production. Graduates of the department worked in the university in the positions of rector (Academy T.N. Dalimov), vice-rector, dean (K.D. Ishbaev, E.E. Igamberdiev, A.Z. Umarov).
During the last 30 years, the chair was headed by T.N. Dalimov, K.D. Ishbaev, R.I. Koneev, O. Koshmurodov, A.Z. Umarov, K.K. Khoshzhanvova. In accordance with modern requirements, today the departments are united under the name of “Geochemistry and Mineralogy” department.
Geochemistry and mineralogy
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | The research professor-teacher F.I.Sh. | Type of research | Subject and supervisor of the dissertation |
1 | Akbarova Zuhra Tashtemirovna | PhD doctoral student | “Mineralogical and geochemical criteria for the formation of uranium deposits of the sandy type of Western Uzbekistan (based on the comparison of the deposits of Djasaga, Djengeldy and Zapadny Ziaetdin).” Supervisor g.-m.f.d. A.A.Xalilov |
2 | Saxibov Turmon Koylievich | PhD doctoral student | Mineralogical-geochemical properties and prospecting of gold mining (Oriental prospective area in the Auminza Mountains). Supervisor – Ph.D., Associate Professor KK Khoshjanova |
3 | Oripov Saidazimkhoja Giyos oglu | PhD doctoral student | Laws of localization of gold mineralization in the eastern Kyzylkum province. Scientific adviser -g.-m.f.d., A.E. Antonov |
4 | Khaliyorov Kholmurod Khalmirzaevich | PhD doctoral student | Location law of copper ore between Shaugaz and Kondirsay (in the East Almalyk mining area) Supervisor – Ph.D., Associate Professor KK Khoshjanova |
International cooperation
Foreign partners:
- Kazan Federal University
- Russian State Geological Research University
- University of Tromsø, Norway
Local partners:
- Institute of Geology and Geophysics named after H.M.Abdullaev
- Institute of Mineral Resources
- Museum of Geology
- Center of advanced and innovative technologies
- Institute of advanced training and retraining of employees of the geological network DK