The “Geology” department was established in 1996 on the basis of the four departments “General geology”, “Paleontology”, “Lithology” and “Aerospace research methods” that form the basis of the faculty of geology. For many years, famous scientists not only in the republic, but also outside the republic – academician V.I.Popov, professors T.A.Sikstel, G.S. Chikrizov, S.Kh. Mirkamalova, O.I. Islamov, Sh.D. Davlatov, U.M. Rasulov, associate professors Z.F. Gorizdro-Kulchinskaya, V.G. Mukhina., Y.V. Stankevich., N.D. Arapova., S.N. Nurtayev., D.I. Khusanbayev., A.Y. Zaprometov., A.A. Filippov., F.P. Korsakov., Sh.Sh. Shorakhmedov., A.J. Zhuliyev., Kh. Chinikulov, A.R. Kushakov, S.S. Navruzov, A. Abduvakhobov, G.H. Ilkhamova were active.
Currently, the department has the following professors and teachers: I.S. Togayev., M.S. Karabayev., P.S. Sultonov., A.G. Stelmakh., I.B. Turamuratov., T.Kh. Shoymuratov., G.G. Djalilov., X.A. Khusainov., E.M. Amirov., M.M. Rizayev., M.K. Aripova., M.M. Kurbonova., Sh.A. Toshtemirov., M.M. Alimov., F.S. Cholliyev., K.A. Boboyorov., A.B. Yusupov., B.B. Abdujabborov. , A.A.Samiyev., Y.A.Fyodorov and other young teachers are working.
The department prepares “5140800 – (today the code of direction has changed to 60530500) Geology (in the field of activity) personnel of a wide profile for scientific and production organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Students who successfully complete their studies receive a “bachelor’s” degree. 5A140801- (today the code of the course has changed to 70530501) General and regional geology, (geology of minerals) 5A140806 – (today the code of the course has changed to 70530502) Geological survey, exploration of mineral deposits, 5A140807- (today the field code has changed to 70530503) Lithology, 5A140808 – (today the field code has changed to 70530504) Paleontology and stratigraphy, master’s fields have been opened. The duration of study in them is 2 years, after completing the studies, the academic degree of “master” is obtained. The department has opened basic doctoral studies in the specialties “04.00.05 – Paleontology and Stratigraphy”, 04.00.01 – “General and Territorial Geology”.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
Т / р | Full name of the research professor | Doctoral student or independent researcher | Dissertation topic |
1 | Kurbanova Mokhigul Mamasoliyevna | Doctoral student PhD | Stratigraphy of the Surkhandarya oil and gas bearing strata of the Paleogene based on the remains of nanoplankton |
2 | Romanov Saifulla Abdulla’s son | Doctoral student PhD | Characteristics of the conditions and conditions of the formation of gold ores in siliceous and carbonaceous rocks of the Kizilturuk field. |
3 | Meliboev Bakhodir | Doctoral student PhD | Lithofacies features and minerals of the Paleogene deposits of the Fergana Depression and Tashkent region |
4 | Usmonova Shaksodat Valizhonovna | Doctoral student PhD | Geological and petrogeochemical features of the Yoshlik intrusive locations. |
5 | Dzhovliev Bakhrom | Doctoral student PhD | Biostratigraphy and facies features of the melovics deposits of Zirabulak – Ziyatdinsky uplifts. |
6 | Fatkhullaeva Zilola Mamirzhonovna | Independent seeker | Geological and structural position of the gold ore occurrence of the Auminzatau-Beltau ore region. |
7 | Musaeva Nigora Abrorovna | Independent seeker | Stratigraphy and conditions of formation of chalk sediments of the Kuldzhuktau Mountains |
8 | Cholliev Farkhod | Independent seeker | Geology and development of the western part of the Turkestan paleoocean margin-continental volcanic belt |
9 | Fedorov Yuri Alexandrovich | Independent seeker | Stratigraphy and conditions of formation of chalk sediments of the Kuldzhuktau Mountains |
10 | Akhmedzhanov Bakhtiyor Akhmedzhanovich | Free seeker | Geology and culture of the Katarmai dike belt (Western Uzbekistan) |
11 | Aripova Mavdzhuda Karimdzhanovna | Free seeker | Stratigraphy of the Fergana Eocene deposits based on the remains of ostracots. |
12 | Saksibov Turman Kulievich | Doctoral student PhD | Mineralogical and geochemical features of gold mining and exploration (Eastern section in the Auminza mountains) |
International cooperation
- O’zbekiston Respublikasi Geologiya va mineral resurslar davlat qo’mitasi Sharqiy O’zbekiston geologik suratga olish qidiruv ekspeditsiyasi Stratigrafiya partiyasi.
- O’zbekiston Respublikasi “O’zbekneftegaz” Milliy xolding kompaniyasi “Neft va gaz konlari geologiyasi hamda qidiruvi instituti” DM.
- H.M.Abdullayev nomidagi “Geologiya va geofizika instututi” DM.