The formation and development of economic and social geography as a science in Uzbekistan was directly linked to the Department of “Economic and Social Geography” of the Faculty of Geography and Geographic Information Systems of the National University of Uzbekistan. Initially, this department was established in 1940 under the name “Economic Geography,” the only one in Central Asia. Later, it was called “Economic and Social Geography” (1978). Since 1998, this department has been operating under the name “Social Geography and Regional Economy.” Later, its name changed several times, but today it is also called “Economic and Social Geography.”
The first head of the department was Candidate of Geographical Sciences, docent V.G. Kuznetsov. Then the department was headed by M.G. Kadek (1941-1945), Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor V.M. Chetyrkin (1944-1948), Candidate of Geographical Sciences, docent R.S. Lobach (1948-1954), Candidate of Geographical Sciences, docent Sapenko (1954-1959). Later, from 1960 to 1969, this task was performed by the candidate of geographical sciences, docent N.G. Smirnov. Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor Z.M. Akramov was the first Uzbek scientist to head this department. From 1969 to 1984, he served as the head of the department, from 1984 to 2010, the department was headed by a well-known scientist, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor A.S. Soliev. From 2019 to the present day, the department is headed by Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor Z.N. Tojieva.
The contributions of scientists such as G.N. Cherdantsev, A.N. Rakitnikov, O.B. Ota-Mirzaev, A.A. Kayumov, T.I. Raimov, R.A. Khodiev, T.E. Egamberdiev, T.T. Tojimov, S.S. Saidkarimov, S.B. Boqiev, M.R. Burieva, and A.M. Sodiqov have been significant in enhancing the scientific and pedagogical potential of the department and developing educational and methodological work.
If we pay attention to the history of the department, it becomes clear that scientific research is being conducted in the most important and relevant areas of economic and social geography: economic zoning, industry, agriculture, population geography, problems of urban development and urbanization, and various fields of social (social) geography in general. Since the 1998-1999 academic year, the department has been studying with great interest theoretical and practical issues related to the direction of regional economy, which was first put forward by Professor A.S. Soliev among CIS countries.
In recent years, based on standards corresponding to global development, traditional scientific directions have emerged in Uzbekistan. For example, medical, educational, and other services for the population, political geography and geopolitics, social geography, tourism and recreation, medical and disease geography (nosogeography), and criminal geography are developing. In all of them, the direct contribution of the national scientific school of economic geography and the scientists associated with it, formed during the years of independence on the basis of the Department of “Economic and Social Geography” of the National University of Uzbekistan, was great. It should be noted that two senior scientists, Ziyovutdin Mukhitdinovich Akramov and Abdusami Solievich Soliev, were the leaders in the formation and effective development of this scientific school.
The scientific school of economic and social geography in our republic has two main directions. One of these areas is agrogeography (agricultural geography), and the other is population geography. In particular, regional problems of urban development and urbanization processes are being studied in this direction.
The aforementioned important scientific directions were directly related to the harmonious and fruitful scientific-creative and pedagogical-pedagogical activities of two outstanding scientists and great people, professor Akramov Ziyovutdin Mukhitdinovich and professor Soliev Abdusami Solievich, who are the pillars of modern homeland geography. That is why this informal scientific association can be called the “Akramov-Soliev Scientific School.”
The Uzbek Scientific School of Economic Geography soon gained attention not only in the republic, but also in neighboring republics and other foreign countries. In particular, in this regard, in particular, candidates and doctors of science raised in this scientific school, its international relations were highly evaluated by professors of Moscow State University Y.G. Saushkin, A.I. Kovalev, professor of Perm State University M.D. Sharigin, professor of Saint Petersburg State University A.I. Chistobaev, professors of the National University of Kazakhstan S.R. Erdavletov and Sh.M. Nadirov.
The main goal of the members of the department – is to continue the traditions of the Scientific School of Economic and Social Geography of Uzbekistan, formed by Professors Z.M. Akramov and A.S. Soliev, to maintain a healthy educational and scientific environment in the team and to make a worthy contribution by training highly qualified competitive personnel loyal to the idea of national independence, which is consistently implemented in our country under the leadership of President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev.
Currently, the department, as the main center of geography in Uzbekistan, maintains scientific relations with all regional higher educational institutions, as well as with geographic educational institutions and research institutes of countries such as Moscow, Rostov-on-Don (ARGO, Russia), Russian Peoples’ Friendship University (RUDN), Duisburg Essen University of Germany, Karlova University of the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan (KazNU), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and others.
The specification for training personnel – the Department of Economic and Social Geography participates in the training of bachelors and masters within the faculty. The department specializes in the training of bachelor and master geographers.
Economic and social geography
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Reception days:
(Oʻzbek) Haftaning barcha ish kunlari 9:00 dan – 12:00 gacha
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
Of the total number of professors working at the Department of Economic and Social Geography, 1 is a Doctor of Sciences, 5 are Candidates of Sciences, 1 is an assistant professor without a title, and 4 are teachers and 2 are trainees-teachers. A number of textbooks, scientific and educational literature have been prepared and published within the framework of scientific research and the creation of educational and methodological literature carried out at the department, and they are used in the educational process.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, under the scientific supervision of Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor Z.N. Tojieva, the department’s basic doctoral candidate M.Sabirova defended her PhD dissertation on the topic “Geodemographic Problems of Family Composition of the Population of the Tashkent Economic Region” at the Scientific Council DSc.03/30.12.2019.Gr.01.06 of the National University of Uzbekistan, which awards scientific degrees. Additionally, third-year foreign independent researchers Zheng Hui and Zhao YongFeng defended their PhD dissertations on the topics “Issues of Studying the Relationship Between Population Composition in Inner Mongolia (People’s Republic of China) and the Regional Economy” and “Issues of Studying the Relationship Between the New Type of Urbanization Process and the Environment in the Yellow River Basin of Inner Mongolia (People’s Republic of China) ” respectively.
About researchers and scientific works
№ | The S.N. F. of the research professor-teachers | Academic degree, title | Theme of the dissertation |
1 | Nazarov Mamatkodir Ismatillaevich | c.g.s.,
docent |
Territorial organization and development of social infrastructure in rural areas of Uzbekistan |
2 | Egamberdieva Matluba Mamanazarovna | c.g.s.,
docent |
Issues of socio-economic development of urban settlements in Uzbekistan |
3 | Rayimjonov Rustam Zakirovich | c.g.s.,
sen.-teacher |
Issues of rational use of the socio-economic potential of regions |
4 | Jaloliddinov Nizomiddin Khusniddinovich | Basic doctoral | The life expectancy of the population of Tashkent region |
5 | Omanova Kamola Botir qizi | teacher | Economic and geographical problems of population growth and distribution in mountainous and sub-mountain regions of Jizzakh region |
6 | Ernazarov Shukrulla Eshboy o‘g‘li | teacher | Issues of organizing educational processes in Surxondaryo Region |
7 | Pardayev Nodirbek Saidahmadovich | teacher | The geographical foundations of employment for the population of Surkhandarya |
The professors and teachers of the department actively participate in the republican and international scientific-practical conferences. Among them, in 2024, the monographs “Geographical Problems of Socio-Economic Development of the Shafirkan District” by Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Z.N. Tojieva, and “Economic-Geographical Features of the Development and Location of the Cities of the Mirzachul Economic Region” by Z.N. Tojieva, B.M. Musaev, and
O.I. Sherkholov were published.
Six basic doctoral students (N. Pardayev, D. Ruzmonova, K. Khusanova,
S. Khursanov, N. Jaloliddinov, and E. Khamdamov) are conducting their research at the department.
International cooperation
Within the framework of international cooperation, professors and teachers of the department establish cooperation with foreign universities included in the top-1000 of the world, in particular, with prestigious universities of Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries, lecture at these universities and bring certificates. At the same time, professors and teachers from prestigious universities of Germany, Russia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and other countries are attracted to teach students.
Information about foreign universities where cooperation has been established at the Department of Economic and Social Geography
Name of enterprises in the industry in which cooperation is established | Cooperation agreement number and date | Cooperation agreement expiration date | |
1 | Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian Federation, Moscow) | № 02
11.04.2017 |
11.07.2014 |
2 | National Geographic Society of Kazakhstan | № 04
17.08.2018 |
16.08.2025 |
3 | Osh State University | № 09
02.02.2021 |
02.02.2024 |
4 | Penza State University (Penza, Russian Federation) | № 07
17.09.2020 |
17.09.2025 |
5 | FGFOU VPO “Kazan Federal (Privolzhsky) University” | № 06
20.09.2019 |
20.09.2024 |
6 | Saint Petersburg State University (Russian Federation, St. Petersburg) | № 08 20.09.2021 |
17.10.2025 |
7 | Russian Higher School of Economics (HSE) (Russian Federation, Moscow) | № 10 20.09.2021 |
20.10.2025 |
8 | Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (Russian Federation, Moscow) | № 07 20.09.2021 |
20.10.2025 |
9 | Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, University of Salzburg, Austria | № 05
19.06.2019 |
18.06.2024 |
10 | Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russian Federation, Kaliningrad) | № 03
15.03.2018 |
14.03.2025 |
Professors and teachers of the department undergo training and internships in Russia, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, India and other countries within the framework of international cooperation. In particular, in recent years, the head of the department, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, prof. Z.N. Tojieva regularly participates in advanced training programs and internships at the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship (RUDN), the Russian National Research University “Higher School of Economics,” and the Karlov University of the Czech Republic and is awarded a special certificate.
Docent of the Department, c.g.s. M. Egamberdieva advanced her qualifications in the “25th PG course on Remote Sensing and GIS” course of the CSSTEAP program (Dehradun, Republic of India).
The main goal of the program is the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation between India and the developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region in the technical, economic, scientific and cultural spheres, and during the program, experience was exchanged with representatives and specialists of about 10 partner countries. She also attended training courses in the field of GIS at an Indian university, advanced his qualifications at the level of modern requirements, gained experience, and was awarded a special certificate at the end of the course.
Photo clips from the department’s international cooperation relations
Videos of the teaching process of the department’s professors and teachers at the TOP-1000 university (South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auyezov)
Footage from the teaching process of the associate professor of the department, PhD in Science, M. Nazarov, to his students at the TOP-1000 university (Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov)
“Videos from Professor R. Yuchelka, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, teaching students at the faculty (2023)”
Photo clips from the process of foreign professors teaching students at the faculty
Head of the Department, Doctor of Philosophy, Prof. Z.N. Tojiyeva Photo clips from advanced training courses at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), the Russian National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Photo clips from the internship of the head of the department, PhD in Political Science, prof. Z.N. Tojiyeva and the department’s basic doctoral student N.Kh. Jaloliddinov at Charles University in the Czech Republic (2024)