The Department of Mechanics was established in 1920 at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Turkestan (Central Asia (1923), Tashkent (1960), now Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan (since 2000)). Theoretical mechanics, fundamentals of celestial mechanics, theory of elasticity, hydromechanics, theory of fields and other subjects are taught in this department.
Since 1936, the Department of Mechanics has achieved the status of a specialist training department and began training specialists in theoretical mechanics, theory of elasticity and plasticity, and hydromechanics. Heads of the Department of Mechanics Assoc. A.K. Pavlenko (1936 – 1938), prof. M.F. Shulgin (1939-1975) was born. In 1956, two departments of General Mechanics and Mechanics of Adjacent Environments were established on the basis of the Department of Mechanics. Heads of the Department of General Mechanics Prof. M.F. Shulgin (until 1975), Assoc. A.F. Shulgin (1975-1982), prof. A.G. Azizov (1982-1997). Scientific problems of the department are united in the topic of control problems, optimization and integration of mechanics equations.
In connection with the needs of the national economy and the significant development of scientific researches on the theory of elasticity and hydromechanics at the department of mechanics of the university, a great mechanical scientist, academician, doctor of technical sciences, laureate of the state award named after Beruniy, who made a great contribution to the development of science and higher education in Uzbekistan. M.T. In 1956, on the initiative of Orozboev, a new Department of Mechanics of Adjacent Environments was established. The first head of the department of TMM M.T. Oz of Orozboev, then Assoc. A.D. Bagdasarov (1965-1973), Assoc. Sh. Mamatkulov (1973-1983), prof. A. Begmatov (1983-1997).
In 1997, the Departments of General Mechanics and Mechanics of Adjacent Environments were merged and became one Theoretical and Applied Mechanics department began to operate. In 2016, the name of the department was changed to “Theoretical Foundations of Mechanics”. Scientific research is conducted in these areas. Currently, scientific research is carried out in the following directions: Dynamic effects of structures interacting with liquid and soil environments (B.E. Khusanov, N.T. Mamatova, D.A. Sagdullaeva, Sh. Ibodullaev); Control problems, optimization and integration of mechanics equations (N.A. Korshunova, M.N. Sidikov, I.K. Khaidarov, M.I. Ruzmatov); Current problems of the mechanics of single-phase and multi-phase media (A. Begmatov, M.I. Ruzmatov).
Mechanics and mathematical modeling
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
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Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

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International cooperation
English Content