Ushbu veb-sayt hozirda test rejimida ishlamoqda. Ba'zi funksiyalar mavjud bo‘lmasligi yoki kutilganidek ishlamasligi mumkin.

Head of the department


Kafedra mudiri


Fan doktori, DSc

Scientific title:


Reception days:


Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house

History of the department

The Department of Theoretical Physics was established in 1935. In 1935-1941, this department was run by prof. A.E. Levashov, academician of 1941-1957. S.U.Umarov, 1957-1965 years prof. GM Avakyants, 1965-1967 prof. A. Teshaboev, 1967-1972 years prof. R.H. Mallin, 1972-2005 academician. M.M. Musaksanov was the director. From 2005 to 2016, the Department of Theoretical Physics was merged with the Department of Nuclear Physics and the Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics was established. In 2016, the Department of Theoretical Physics was released as a separate department, and it was produced in May 2017 in 2nd place. M.M. Musaksanov is leading.
    With the agreement of M.M. Musakhanov to the department, among the scientific research conducted here on the physics of semiconductors, scientific research works were started in such directions as high energy physics, collision of atoms and nuclei, and the interaction of radiation with the environment. Major scientific centers with great competence: the United Institute of Nuclear Research (Yatbi, Dubna, Russia), the Lebedev Institute of Physics (RFA FII, RFA FI Moscow) created the basis for active research. At the initiative of M.M. Musakhanov, new special courses for theoreticians such as quantum chromodynamics, theory of elementary particles, theory of calibrated fields were introduced into the educational process. The close interaction with YaTBI created opportunities for the students and graduates of the department to attend a large scientific school in Dubna. Proposals for information to read the theorists in the cafe. The demand for graduates of the department has increased in scientific centers of the world, the popularity of the department has spread to the national Uzbekistan, but also to Georgia.
    The new era of the Department of Theoretical Physics began after the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The scientific field of the department includes elementary particle physics and quantized field theory (M.M. Musakhanov, B.A. Fayzullaev, U. Yakhshiev, A. Karimkhodjaev), theoretical nuclear physics (B.F. Irgaziev), matter-radiation interaction (P.E. Pliyak), matter-radiation interaction ( P.E. Pliyak), the theory of wave processes (A.A. Abdumalikov, A.S. Rakhmatov, H.N. Ismatullaev), the theory of condensed physical physics (M.M. Musakhanov, B. Abdullaev) appeared on his own.
    The field of theoretical physics occupies a special place in the faculty of physics training. Professor A.A. Abdumalikov’s chair of the creative team in the disease in the Uzbek language on the general sciences of theoretical physics 2008-2011 four volumes on the theoretical physics course (B.A. Fayzullayev Theoretical mechanics, A.A. Abdumalikov Electrodynamics, M.M. Musakhan. A.S. Rahmatov Quantum mechanics, A.A.Abdumalikov, R.Mamatkulov Thermodynamics and statistical physics) textbook publication book. In 2014, the textbooks Mathematical Physics Methods (B.A. Fayzullayev, A.S. Rahmatov) and Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics (B.A. Fayzullayev) for masters were published. The department is proud of its highly qualified professors and teachers.
    Modern university education process cannot be imagined without ICT components. It is the effort-technique, scientific-technical tools, modern e-learning methodology and literature developed for the construction of these components, and the extensive research of the faculty members and students on the activities of the electronic environments that are reflected in the pedagogical activities of the members of the department. found (A.Karimkhodjaev). It is no secret that the process of informatization is fundamentally different from the process of computerization, and therefore it is a process that requires a lot of money. With the help of docent A.Karimkhjaev, 12 grants from international donors (total: 825,000 euros and 240,000 US dollars), TEMPUS (European Union), UNESCO grants, productive, qualified UzMU, as well as student campuses and doctors.
    The Open Educational Information Center with a total of 120 computers and modern servers was launched (A.Karimkhodjaev, A.S.Rakhmatov), ​​the UNESCO Department of Astronomy and Physics was established and is operating (M.M.M Usakhanov, A.S.Rakhmatov). ).
    In the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Uzbek`bek, among the students who studied the wide application of the scientific work conducted in our department of theoretical physics (Abdufarrukh Abdumalikov 1997, Jasur Abdullaev 2005) is an example of the scientific work of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan he did. The current employee of our department, Ulugbek Yakashev, conducts scientific research at Inha University. V. Morozova at Princeton University in the USA, E.B. Abdikamalov at Nazarboev University in Astana.

The composition of the department


Irgaziyev Baxadir Fayzullayevich

Professor(0,50 stavka)


Raxmatov Azamxan Sayfiyevich

Dotsent(1,00 stavka)


Fayzullayev Biruniy Amanullayevich

Dotsent(1,00 stavka)


Karimxodjayev Abdugapur Xxx

Dotsent(1,00 stavka)


Nishonov Muxtorali Madaminovich

Dotsent(1,00 stavka)


Ismatullayev Xayotullo Nasrullayevich

Katta o‘qituvchi(1,00 stavka)


Akramov Tohir Vohidovich

Katta o‘qituvchi(1,00 stavka)


Scientific activity

English Content

International cooperation

English Content