The Department of German Philology was established in 1962. The department includes qualified teachers D.F. Rashidova, O.A. Dansiger. and others operated. The first head of the department is Assoc. Rashidova D.F. was Then, for different years, the department was run by Ph.D., associate professors Abduqadirova G.M., Iskhakova A.A., Ph.D., prof. Avazbayev N.A., Assoc. N. Yu. Shakirova, senior teacher Medjitova H. T. led. The department was headed by teacher N.V.Tyan until 2017. Currently, the department is headed by Ph.D., professor Sh.S. Imyaminova.
Sh.S. Imyaminova – candidate of philological sciences, professor. Specialist in modern German and Uzbek languages. His specialty is comparative literature, hybrid linguistics and translation studies. Author and translator of 9 textbooks, 2 monographs, 15 training manuals, 10 methodological manuals, 4 biobibliographic indexes, 6 dictionaries and 6 translations of works of art from German to Uzbek and from Uzbek to German. Author of more than 200 articles and theses published in foreign countries and in our republic. Sh.S. Imyaminova is a scientist who created the school of comparative phraseology and theory and practice of translation. Head of the “Young Translator” circle. He is a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the field of philology of the University of World Languages of Uzbekistan, a member of the scientific seminar under the special Council defending doctoral theses, and the scientific secretary of the scientific seminar at the National University of Uzbekistan. She is the only female professor of the German language in Uzbekistan.
Currently, the department has a candidate of philological sciences, professor (Sh.S. Imyaminova), candidate of philological sciences, associate professor (Zulkhanov M.J.), candidate of philological sciences, senior teacher (Torakulova S.T.), 4 senior teachers and 10 teachers.
German Philology
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
No | Research professor- teacher FISH | Scientific rank , rank | Dissertation work topic |
1 | Imyaminova Hall of fame Salijanovna | ffn ., professor | Joint harvest of being linguistic and statistics research ( many articulated words example ) |
2 | Yakubov Sadirjon Bakievich | ffn ., associate professor | Uzbekistan and Germany literary , cultural , political and economic relations (1960-1975) |
3 | Zulkhanov Mustafa Jurayevich | ffn ., dot.vb . | Various in the system in languages word at the end two phoneme consonant of compounds Linvostatistics analysis ( German and Uzbek languages material based on |
Confirmed dissertation topics
4 | Tian Natalya Viktorovna | big teacher | German- skiv lexicon isoglosses , UzMU the 4th meeting of the Council on October 29, 2021 decision |
5 | Umirzakova Fatima Irisbaevna | big teacher | Uzbek and german It is similar to their language ( thought ) . of units semantic , syntagmatic study |
6 | Zoirov Alisher Abdugapporovich | teacher | German and Uzbek of the concept of ” time ” in languages communicative-cognitive features |
International cooperation
T/r | Name of foreign / local university | Date of signing the contract or memorandum | Name and phone number of the person in charge of contacting the university | The term of the contract |
1 | Goethe Institutes | 13.12.2021 | Jan Helfer, director of the Goethe Institute | 2 years |
2 | School No. 42 of the Ahangaron district of Tashkent region | 15.09.2021 | Director of School No. 42 Sh. Xidirboyev +998(71) 252 43 59 | 10 years |
3 | 60-specialized school named after Goethe in Tashkent | 25.10.2021 | The director of the School No. 60 in Tashkent, T.P. Nekrasova +998 (71) 252 34 59 | 10 years |