Today, the Department of Uzbek Linguistics within the Faculty of Journalism was part of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology in 1991-2016, that is, during the 25 years of independence. Uzbek Linguistics (head of the faculty Prof. K. Nazarov, Yo. Tojiev, R. Sayfullaeva, Prof. M. Qurbanova), General Linguistics (head of the faculty Prof. Sh. Rakhmatullaev, Associate Professor M. Kadirov, A. Juraev, Kh.Dadaboev, associate professor B.Abdushukurov), interfaculty Uzbek language and Turkology (head of department I.Kochkortoev, associate professor A.Rafiev, Kh.Kahhorova) with lectures and practical trainings from 3 departments of linguistics went Ayub Ghulamov created the foundation of Uzbek linguistics. He established a large school of linguistics in Uzbekistan. In a number of higher educational institutions, prestigious research institutes and other scientific centers of our republic, representatives of these maktabs, students of the scientist are creating as captains of Uzbek linguistics.
The department of Uzbek language and speech culture was established based on the annex of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2016 No. 2527 “On measures to further improve the activities of the National University of Uzbekistan”. The department has been teaching Uzbek, Russian languages and speech culture to students in 36 undergraduate majors and 67 master’s majors in 10 faculties of the university. From September 2016, the department was run by Ph.D. Assoc. M. T. Abdurakhmanova managed. From September 2017, the department was renamed as the “Uzbek and Russian Languages” department. After 2018, the Department of Uzbek Philology was restored, Philology language teaching (Uzbek language) evening, part-time course, Linguistics (Uzbek language) and Computer Linguistics specialties, 10.00.11 – Theory of Language and Computer Linguistics , 10.00.01 – Uzbek language specialty was opened.
Since November 2019, the Department of Uzbek Linguistics has been operating as a separate department. Currently, under the leadership of the head of the department, professor Kurbanova Muhabbat, 23 main and 7 associate professors are teaching at the department.
The department has published several books during its history. “Affixal synonymy in the Uzbek language” by Professor Yo.Tajiev (verb formation, verb generators, verb form generators 1992), “Morphemics of the Uzbek language” (1992), “Grammar of the Uzbek language” 1999), “Basics of Uzbek speech culture and methodology” (Textbook, co-authored 1994, 2006),
Professor R. Sayfullaeva… “Current Uzbek literary language” (R. Sayfullaeva and others), “Modern morphology” by professor M. Qurbanova (in collaboration with the team) 2009, “Uzbek dialectology”, “Computer linguistics” (A. Polatov), ”Foreign sociolinguistics” (H. Dadaboev, Sh. Usmonova), “Etymological dictionary of Turkish languages” (Sh. Rahmatullaev), “Current literary Uzbek language” (Sh. Rahmatullaev), “Methodology of mother tongue teaching” (M. Kadirov et al.), “Theory of linguistics” (Z. Kholmanova, 2019), “Uzbek language” (M. Abdurahmanova et al. 2018), “Current Uzbek language” (R. Sayfullaeva et al. 2010), “Current Uzbek language” (R. Sayfullaeva et al. 2021) are actively used in the higher education system where textbooks and training manuals have been created.
Professors and teachers of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics have established relations with the world’s leading scientific schools in the field of philology, scientific and pedagogical cooperation with Ankara University (Turkey), Baku-Slavic University, Eurasian University named after Gumilev, National University named after Al Farabi and other scientific centers. work is underway. As a result of them, several international scientific conferences are held, language and literature are taught on the basis of joint programs.
Uzbek linguistics
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Name of the researcher professor, teacher | Scientific degree, position | The topic of the research works |
1 | Kurbonova Mukhabbat Matyakubovna | DSc candidate, professor | Formal-functional direction and interpretation of simple sentence construction in Uzbek linguistics |
2 | Sayfullayeva Ra’no Raupovna | DSc candidate, professor | Formal-functional interpretation of compound sentences in the modern Uzbek language |
3 | Abdurakhmanova Muqaddas Tursunaliyevna | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Comparative study of noun categories in Uzbek and Turkish languages. Turkish languages. |
4 | Keldiyorova Gulchehra Saydiyevna | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Antithesis in Uzbek artistic speech |
5 | Alavutdinova Nodira Ganiyevna | PhD candidate | Methods of developing independent thinking skills in mother tongue lessons (on the example of 5th grade) |
6 | Ubaydullayev Alisher Abdusalomovich | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Lexicographic study of the “Lugati turkiy” |
7 | Fattakhova Dilorom Abdurakhmanovna | PhD candidate | Methods of teaching the means of speech expressiveness of the Uzbek language to Russian-speaking students of language universities |
8 | Bekmukhamedova Nargiz Islamovna | teacher | Sociopragmatic features of advertising texts |
9 | Inagamova Nargiza Shavkatovna | teacher | Linguopoetic analysis of Iqbol Mirzo’s works |
10 | Khalmukhamedova Umida Rasulovna | teacher | Factors of speech development of Uzbek language group students |
11 | Isroilova Saodat Turopovna | teacher | The semantics and thesaurus of the “ko`k” lexeme |
12 | Topildiyeva Feruza Rahimjonovna | teacher | Linguocultural features in the work of Farida Afroz |
13 | Yulbarsov Ochilbek Obidjon ugli | teacher | Linguistic principles of creating a thesaurus in law |
14 | Aliyev Farhodbek Mirzoulugbek ugli | teacher | Giving verses and hadiths of the Qur’an in Navoi’s prose works |
15 | Khomidova Mahfuzakhon Farhodjon qizi | teacher | Intertextuality in the Perception of Literary Text |
16 | Abdurakhmonova Nilufar Zaynobiddin qizi | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Linguistic support of the program for translating English texts into Uzbek |
17 | Nasriyeva Dilnoza Muhiddinovna | teacher | Linguopoetics of the works of Isajon Sultan |
18 | Qobilova Nargiza Eshimovna | teacher | The pragmalinguistic feature of a paragraph in a literary text |
19 | Bakhodirova Shakhlo Bakhodirovna | teacher | Psycholinguistic bases of oral speech formation |
20 | Khujamkulova Makhbuba Bobonazarovna | teacher | The relationship between communication and pragmatism in simple terms |
21 | Abdusagatova Firuza Khamidovna | teacher | Coverage of national values in the years of independence on the radio of Uzbekistan |
22 | Rasulov Namoz Murodulloyevich | teacher | Reflection of the linguistic landscape of the world in Uzbek euphemisms |
23 | Tairov Zair Tairovich | PhD candidate, assistant professor | Formation of pragmatic semantics in the Uzbek language and the emergence of subjective relations in them |
International cooperation
This year, in order to increase the rating of the University, many foreign professors and teachers were involved in the educational process by all departments, and this process is still ongoing. Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Professor Aynur Oz Ozjon, Ankara University, Turkey, Professor Hikmat Korash, Niyda Holisdemir University, Turkey, Zilola Khudoybergenova, Professor Bartin University, Baku Slavic University, Nurida Navrozova, Professor Erjan, Firat University, Turkey Alkaya, professor of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev Karligash Sarakenova, professor of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Raushangul Avakova conducts lecture classes on subjects taught in the department on a soatbay basis. We plan to invite Professor Gayrat Samiullin of Kazan State University, who is included in the top 300 federal universities. Among these universities, a memorandum was signed with Baku Slavic University, Firat University of Turkey, Professor Karligash Sarakenova of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.
In order to increase the national rating of the university, the team of our department and partner universities are holding international scientific conferences. In August, the Department of Uzbek Linguistics held an international conference on the topic “Issues of formation of speech competences in the educational process”.