The department of “Pedagogical education”, in the faculty Social sciences, offers “General pedagogy”, “General psychology”, “Inclusive education” to students of the university’s undergraduate courses (day, evening, part-time and distance). “Hospital pedagogy” and “Treatment pedagogy” teach the scientific foundations of the pedagogical process, working in the conditions of inclusive education, the psychology of pedagogical self-management, innovative management of the educational process in theoretical and practical training. performs the task of preparing for independent pedagogical activity by forming pedagogical and deontological competence.
The history of the department is connected with the name of the son of Munavvar Qari Abdurashidkhan, the leader of Turkestan resistance movement, the founder of the national school of the new method, writer, poet, trainer, editor, public figure, enlightener. Also, the famous Uzbek enlightener, poet and public figure Abdulla Avloni worked in the department in the mid-20s.
During these years the department was led by Yusuf Tahiri (from the late 1950s to the middle of the 1960s); honored teacher in Uzbekistan, associate professor Nikolay Porfiryevich Arkhangelsky (1960-1964); Professor Yusuf Umarov (1964-1971); Professor Rakhimjon Usmanov (1971-1985); Associate Professor of Higher Education, Leonid Petrovich Zhdarkin (1985-1991); Associate Professor of Higher Education, Rahmonjon Yodgorov (1991-1992); higher education expert, professor Naim Gaibullaev (1992-2004), professor Nurali Saidahmedov (2004-2006); Professor Botir Kadyrov (2006-2008); associate professor Nabi Majidov (2008-2013); associate professor Nilufar Dalimova (2013-2016); Associate Professor Mamadjon Mavlonov (2016-2018); associate professor Abror Askarov (2018-2021); associate professor Ulugbek Sodikov (2021-2023).
Since the years of independence, the department has founded a scientific school under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Naim Gaibullaev, about twenty candidates of science and doctors of science have been trained.
In 2018-2020, the work of the Scientific Council No. DSc.28.12.2017.Ped.01.09, awarding scientific degrees in the specialty of theory and methodology of education and training (natural and exact sciences) 13.00.02-13.00.02, was launched . In this Scientific Council, the head of the department, associate professor A. Askarov – the secretary of the Scientific Council, among the members of the department: professor Sh. Abdullaeva – a member of the Scientific Council, D. Makhmudova – a member of the Scientific Seminar worked in this Scientific Council.
Also, in 2018-2020, within the framework of the department’s practical research project No. P3-20170929789 on the topic “Development of mechanisms for improving the use of advanced pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions in Uzbekistan”: “Higher education The republican scientific-practical conference on the topic “Introduction of advanced pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies in the educational process of educational institutions: practice and prospects” held (2018); An information-resource site ( was developed and put into use for the subject “General pedagogy”.
On October 6, 2021, a scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of pedagogue scientist Khal Jumaevich Khudaikulov was held on the topic “Prospects of innovative development of pedagogy in New Uzbekistan: theory and practice”. During the conference, the role of pedagogical and information technologies in the development of modern education, modern approaches to youth education in the system of reforms were discussed, and specific proposals were formulated in these directions.
On March 27, 2024, a republican scientific-practical conference was held on the topic “Current issues of modern pedagogy and psychology”. Within the framework of the conference, proposals and recommendations aimed at solving the current problems of pedagogy and psychology, effective use of advanced pedagogical and digital technologies in the educational system, and covering innovative approaches were made.
On May 22, 2024, at the international scientific-practical conference on “Media education in Uzbekistan: problems, solutions and prospects”, potential professors and teachers of higher education institutions of Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and our republic and doctoral students participated. At the conference, current issues of media education were analyzed, suggestions and recommendations were developed on the role of PR-technologies in improving the image of educational organizations and pedagogical-psychological aspects of media culture formation.
Pedagogical education
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Researcher and faculty member | Academic degree and title | Dissertation thesis |
1 | Axrarova Zebuniso Bakhramovna | Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences | “Scientific-theoretical foundations and modern didactic content of Jadid pedagogy” |
2 | Sadikova Shoira Odeljanovna | Senior Lecturer | “Improvement of mechanisms of preparation of university students for pedagogical activity” |
3 | Khudaynazarov Tursunali Alinazarovich | Senior Lecturer | “Rag‘batlantirish va jazolash fenomenlari, talabalarning o‘quv faoliyati samaradorligini ta’minlashning psixologik omili” |
4 | Sattarov Timur Sabirovich | Lecturer | “Value and semantic determinants of youth participation in the activities of political organizations” |
5 | Nigmatova Shoxsanam Nabi qizi | Lecturer | “Qualimetry of self-awareness in the process of psychological consultation” |
International cooperation
Since 2019, the department has brought international cooperation to a new level. Including Kazan Federal University (Russia), Belgorod State National Research University (Russia), Kaynar Academy (Kazakhstan), South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov, Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Dulati scientific-pedagogical cooperation agreements were concluded with the Taraz State University named after Taraz State University and the Educational Academies of Tajikistan. Conducting scientific seminars, symposiums and conferences with partner foreign higher education organizations according to the agreement; carrying out fundamental and applied research in the innovative, scientific-technical and educational spheres; Obligations such as organizing scientific internships for professors and teachers and doctoral students are defined.