The Department of Russian Literature is one of the leading departments of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. In 1990-2001, the department was headed by professor A. Z. Vulis, associate professor P. P. Filippov, associate professor K. R. Babadzhanova. From 2001 to 2011, the department was headed by Doctor of Philology A. N. Davshan. From 2011 to 2013 – the head of the department was associate professor A. V. Popov. From 2013 to 2016 – O. N. Gibraltarskaya. From 2017 until now, the department has been headed by S.E. Komilova.
Komilova S.E. – doctor of philological sciences, professor. Specialist in modern Uzbek and Russian literature. Field of interest – comparative literary studies, translation studies. He is the author of translations of a number of artistic works in Uzbek and Russian languages. He is also the author of textbooks, monographs, foreign and republican articles, and an active participant of international conferences. A scientific school of the department of comparative literature and modern literature was established under the leadership of S.E. Komilova. Komilova S.E. – Participant of the international project “Anthology of Literature of the CIS Countries”. Member of the jury of the international award “Sheriyat”, member of the international community of the Institute of Translators, moderator of the International School of Translators, co-author of the annual international conference “Vinogradov Readings”, member of the editorial board of the “Yulduzli” magazine. . Sharq” magazine.
Currently, two doctors of philological sciences (S.E. Komilova, O.N. Gibraltar), seven candidates of philological sciences (N.M. Mirqurbanov, M.N. Nizamova, D.A.M. Egamberdieva, E.M. Kaminskaya, A.M. Baltabayeva, A.B. Kasimova), nine teachers (doctors) work in the department. N.Kh.Alimova, AV Korzun, A.N.Rotanov, AS Ziganshina, A.Sh.Kurchastova, O.B.Yuldosheva, Z.A.Dobrenkova, N.U.Yuldosheva, P.O.Klebleeva).
Russian literary studies
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
No | Research professor- teacher FISH | Scientific rank , rank | Dissertation work topic |
1 | Kamilova Happiness Ergashevna | ffd, professor | 20th century the end of the 21st century in their heads Russian and Uzbek in literature story genre of poetics development (2016) |
2 | Gibraltarskaya ON | ffd ., prover etc. | MA Bulgakov , AP Platonov , BL Pasternak modern Russian in the language in literature artistic systems show (2020) |
3 | Mirkurbanov Nasirullah Mirsultanovich | ffn ., prover | Aibek’s historical and revolutionary of novels artistic-aesthetic features (1973) |
4 | Nizamova Munira Nizamovna | ffn ., docent | of Thomas Love peacock novels (1979) |
5 | Khatamova Dilfuza Abduvakhabovna | ffn ., docent | Literary studies in terminology equivalence and identification problems ( Russian and Uzbek terms in the case of ) (2010) |
6 | Egamberdieva Guzal Madiyarovna | ffn ., docent | Khorezm epics fairy tale type Poetics (2006) |
7 | Kaminskaya Ye.M. | ffn ., docent etc. | Andrey Platonov by of the story structure (2008) |
8 | Kasimova Literature Begalievna | ffn ., big teacher | Pelevin ” Chapaev and in the novel ” space ” . Buddhist-philosophical motives (2015) |
9 | Baltabaeva dear Manabovna | ffn ., big teacher | Uzbek Russian in the language novel genre in literature development (2020) |
Confirmed dissertation topics
10 | Alimova NX | big teacher | 20th century last America is short for three story poetics ( report . 3, 2018) |
11 | Korzun AV | big teacher | Alexander Kahn’s poetics (2-10/21 report ) |
12 | Rotanov AN | teacher | Modern Russian in prose graph of the novel demonstration (February 2, 2021 minutes ) |
13 | Kurchastova A. Sh . | teacher | Modern Prose is artistic time and space ( report . 3 15.09.21) |
14 | Yuldasheva OB | teacher | Central Asia Russian in the language in literature East image (February 2, 2021) |
15 | Ziganshina AS | teacher | Sukhbat of Plato explanation strategy (11 minutes 20.01.21) |
16. | Yuldasheva NU | teacher | Ildar Abuzyarov modern Russian literature in context creative case ( report of 23.06.21 of 21 ) |
17 | Dobren’kova ZA | teacher | Leo Tolstoy It’s late of the frame of ” righteousness ” in the stories linguocognitive side |
Master’s degree dissertations topics
18 | Sultanova NR | teacher | AP Chekhov the concept of ” family ” in the drama (2021) |
19. | Makhkamova RM | teacher | Shakespeare and IS Turgenev ‘s works intertextual connections (2021) |
20. | Klebleeva P. | teacher | DN Mamin-Sibiryak at work legality and to lawlessness against lawlessness (2014) |
International cooperation
T/r | Name of the foreign university | Date of signing the contract or memorandum | Name and phone number of the responsible person in contact with the University | Term of the contract |
1 | A.S.Pushkin Russian State University | 27.08 2019 | Тuychiev S.B. (0 371) 2030047 | 2019 |
2 | Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University | 12.02 2019 | Кamilova S.E. | 2022 |