The Department of Psychologywasfoundedin1972andformanyyearswas the only one in the region of CentralAsiaandKazakhstan that trainedpsychologists of a wideprofile. The head of the department,ProfessorMahamadVakhidovichVakhidovmade an invaluablecontribution to theopening of the Department of Psychology.
Until 1976, the Department of Psychology was called “Logic and Psychology” and functioned as part of the philological and historical faculties. Since 1976, it has been transformed into a separate department of psychology. By 1990, about 800 specialists had graduated from the Department of Psychology. Among the graduates, such scientists as V.M. Karimova, F.R. Abdurakhmanov and I.E. Khudoiberdiev defended their doctoral dissertations. Most of the graduates are currently working in various sectors of the national economy, as well as in the management system of our government.
The students of the department were lectured by famousscientists,includingB.F.Lomov,G.M.Andreeva,L.M.Vekker,K.M.Gurevich,I.V.Ravich-Shcherba,L.A.Petrovskaya,T.V.Kudryavtsev,A.M.Matyushkin,N.N.Danilova.
Studentsfromvariouscountries studied at thedepartment(for example,fromCuba,Nicaragua,Mexico,Vietnam,Laos,Mongolia,Afghanistan,Yemen,Egypt,Angola,Mali). The department has trainedmore than 150specialistsforforeigncountries.
Currently, thedepartmenthas a ScientificCouncilfor the defence of scientificdegrees.
Professor Ergash Gazievich Gaziev, Doctor of Psychology was the Head of the Department from 1982 to 2010. Professor Dilbar Gafurzhanovna Mukhamedova, Doctor of Psychological Sciences is the Head of Department since 2016.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
Report on the scientific activity of the Department of Psychology for the 2024-2025 academic year
TwoarticlesinScopusjournals,38scientificarticlesininternationalscientificjournalsincludedin the list of the Higher Attestation Commission,56scientificarticlesinrepublicanjournalsincludedin the list of the Higher Attestation Commission,26articlesinjournalswith an impactfactor have been published. In addition,95abstractswerepublishedincollections of internationalscientificconferences,71innationalscientificconferences.
One monograph, one textbook, 7 textbooks, and one teaching manual were published. 3 certificates of invention of a utility model have been obtained.
International cooperation
- University of Warsaw,University of PolitechnikaLubelska(Poland).
- SakaryaUniversity, Kirikkale University (Republic of Turkey).
- Moscow State University(RussianFederation).
- FirstSaintPetersburgStateMedicalUniversity(RussianFederation).
- SouthFederal University(RussianFederation).
- UralFederalUniversity(RussianFederation).
- BelarusianStateUniversity(Republic of Belarus).
- KazakhNationalUniversity named after Al-Farabi(Republic of Kazakhstan).
- KaragandaUniversitynamed afterA.Buketov (Republic of Kazakhstan).
Activity within the framework of international cooperation
- On September24, an onlinemeetingwasorganizedwithSemakin, Associate Professor at KAZGUUnamed after M.Narikbayev, and workonforeignresearchandinternationalprojectsbegan.Responsible persons:head of the departmentMukhamedovaD.G.,seniorlecturerTurakulovaA.S.
- On October9-10, Petersburg(RussianFederation)hosted a presentationat the All-RussianConferenceonMedical(Clinical)Psychology,held by theI.P.PavlovFirstSt.PetersburgStateMedicalUniversity.Responsible persons:head of the departmentMukhamedovaD.G.,seniorlecturerTurakulovaA.S.
- . On October21, a meeting was heldwith the By MichaelaPeshkova.Present:head of the departmentMukhamedovaD.G.,actingprofessorKudratullayevaR.B.,seniorlecturerTurakulova.Responsible persons:head of the departmentMukhamedovaD.G.,actingprofessorKudratullayevaR.B.,seniorlecturerTurakulovaA.S.
- On November1, a meeting was heldwithSh.Umarov,UNICEF’s nationalconsultanton the youthworkprogram,andaninternationalproject is currentlybeingpreparedjointlywithResponsible:seniorlecturerTurakulovaA.S.
On November 25-26, online participation took place in the practical conference “16 days of activism against violence against women and children”, organized by the Public Foundation named after F. Ebert is in Kazakhstan. Responsible persons: head of the department Mukhamedova D.G., acting professor Kudratullayeva R.B., senior lecturer Turakulova A.S.