In 1956, S.A. With the efforts of Azimov, the department of structure of matter was established at the Central Asian State University. This was the first place where specialists in nuclear physics and cosmic rays were trained. In 1957, a laboratory of nuclear physics and cosmic ray problems was established at the department. Within three years, a betatron with energy of 25 MeV was put into operation in this laboratory, and research was conducted to determine the interaction cross section of various nuclei with gamma quanta. Also, a station was built on top of Mount Kumbel, at an altitude of 3160 m above sea level, where the interaction of nuclei and descriptions of electromagnetic cascades were studied using the most modern methods in the field of energies of 1011-1012 eV at that time (Y.P. Kratenko).
In order to train scientific staff for the newly established Institute of Nuclear Physics, a special department of radiation physics was separated from the department of substance structure. The Department of Structure of Matter was renamed the Department of Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Rays. Now, in this department, not only low-energy nuclear physics, but also high-energy physics and cosmic ray physics specialists have been trained.
At the same time as the fundamental scientific researches in the problem laboratory of the department, a wide range of practical work on nuclear physics of Uzbekistan was carried out. In the 70s, the department’s betatron laboratory was built. A 50 MeV betatron was to be installed in it. Later, this device was installed, and on its basis, the Institute of Applied Physics Scientific Research of TashSU was established. Academician T.M. Mominov headed this institute for many years. For half a century, the department has trained more than 15,000 specialists in nuclear physics. More than 300 of them have a scientific degree. 30 of them are doctors of science. They work not only in Uzbekistan, but also in other countries of the former union. Famous scientists such as U.G.Gulomov, A.A.Abdurazzokov, R.B.Bekjonov, B.S.Yoldoshev also worked in the department.
The following worked as the head of the department in different periods: academicians S.A.Azimov, A.A.Abdurazakov, R.B.Bekjonov, B.S.Yuldashev, T.S.Yuldashbaev, professor A.M.Mukhamedjanov, K.R.Nasriddinov, A.A.Abdumalikov, associate professor Z.Kanokov.
In 2005, the Departments of Nuclear Physics and Theoretical Physics were merged and a new Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics was established. In 2016, based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2016 No. 2527 “On measures to further improve the activities of the National University of Uzbekistan”, a new “Physics of Low Energy” department was established. On October 25, 2017, at Council No. 3 of the university, the name of the department “Physics of Low Energy” was changed to “Nuclear Physics”. Associate Professor S.R. Polvonov was appointed. Currently, one academician, 2 doctors of science, 5 candidates of science are working in the department. The department has master’s specialty 5A140205 – “Atomic nucleus and elementary particle physics, accelerator technology”. The professors and teachers of the department, in cooperation with the staff of the “Unique objects” complex, conduct scientific research works within the framework of the state scientific and technical programs in two fundamental and two practical grants.
Nuclear physics and astronomy
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
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Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

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International cooperation
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