In 1960, on the basis of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Physics, the first step to the foundation of the scientific direction and specialization of the physics of semiconductors and dielectrics was made by the head of this department and the laboratory of semiconductor problems under it, Ph.D., prof. G. M. Avakyants was established and the first specialists in semiconductor physics began to be trained. Assoc. one of the first experts in this field. A. T. Teshaboev was appointed the head of the laboratory of semiconductor problems and the specialty, and in 1966-1981 many talented young people were attracted to this scientific direction and specialty.
The importance of scientific research, their scientific and practical importance, achievements in the field of training of specialists became the basis for the establishment of the first Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics in the republic in 1970. The organizer and first head of the department is prof. A.T. Teshaboev (1970-1981 years) became. 1981-1996 in this position, prof. S.Z. Zaynobidinov worked, from 1996 to 2012, prof. S.I. Vlasov presided.
In 2012, as a result of merging the departments of Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics and Physics of Polymers, its name changed to Physics of Semiconductors and Polymers. From 2012 to 2017, Assoc. D.E.Nazirov presided. Since January 2018, Assoc. A.A. Nasirov is the director.
The Department offers undergraduate courses in Physics, Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, Physical Electronics, and Physics of Condensed States, and two master’s majors: Physics of Condensed Environments (by types) (5A140204) and Heliophysics and Solar Energy Use (5A140203). educational process on 24 special courses is conducted in the schools.
The department includes educational laboratories of Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Electricity and Magnetism and Physics of Semiconductors, as well as a scientific laboratory of Semiconductors and Microelectronics (head – Ph.D. Sh.B. Utamuradova).
Physics of semiconductors and polymers
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
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Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
English Content
International cooperation
English Content