The Department of Zoology was originally formed as two departments – the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and the Department of Vertebrate Zoology. The Department of Zoology was formed in 2005 by the merger of the Institute of Invertebrate Zoology (Educational Scientific Center) and the Department of Vertebrate Zoology. From the time the department was established until 2010, prof. I.K. Kadyrov came as a leader. Since 2010, the Department of Zoology has been called the Department of Zoology and Ichthyology. From 2010 to November 2015, B.F.N. G.A. Abdurakhmanova led. Since September 2015, associate professor M.Sh. Rakhimov is working as the head of the department.
The Department of Invertebrate Zoology was founded in 1920 by A.L. It was established on the initiative of Brodsky. From 1920 to 1941, A.L. Brodsky led. A.L. In 1920, Brodsky participated in the research of the fauna of the Syr Darya and the Aral Sea, the South Tien Shan and created several works. “Kornenojki Issik kulya”, “Metody analiza pochvennyx prosteyshikh”, “Mikrofauna hlopkovyx poley Uzbekistana”, “Protozoa pochvy i ix rol v pochvennyx protsessakh”, “Kornenojki Sredney Azii” and others are among them.
From 1941 to 1986, the department was joined by PhD, prof. A.T. Tolaganov was in charge. A.T. Tolaganov is a scientist who founded the School of Phytohelminthology in Uzbekistan, created more than 100 scientific works, more than 15 monographs. Including “Rastenieyadnye i pochvennye nematody Uzbekistana” Tashkent, 1949; “Nematody rasteniy i pochv Uzbekistana” Tashkent, 1972. “Fitonematody Uzbekistana” Tashkent, 1975. Volume 1., 1978. Volume 2. The scientist is a true correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, a recipient of the Beruni State Prize.
In 1986-1997, B.F.N. prof. Z.N. Norboev led. The scientist prepared more than 10 instructional manuals of 2 textbooks. “Practical training in invertebrate zoology” (Tashkent, 1991) is one of them.
In 1920, the Department of Vertebrate Zoology was founded by prof. D.N. Organized by Kashkarov. D.N. Kashkarov studied the animal world of Central Asia, a textbook of Vertebrate Ecology; “Ptisy Uzbekistana” 1987. Volume 1., 1990 Volume 2. Created the books.
From 1935 to 1981, zoologist-ecologist T.Z. Zohidov led. The scientist was an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, a laureate of the State Prize named after Beruniy, and a distinguished scientist. He created many scientific works. Including “Priroda i jivotnyy mir Sredney Azii” 1969. Volume 1, 1971. Volume 2., “Biocenozy pustyni Kyzylkum” 1971., Encyclopedia in Uzbek “Mammals” 1960. Volume 1., “Reptiles” 1969. Volume 2., “Fish” 1979. Volume 3., “Birds” 1987. Volume 1., “Encyclopedia of Zoology” 1979.
In 1981-2005, he joined the department. prof. It was led by I.K. Kodirov. I.K. Kadyrov published textbooks “Histology” and “Human anatomy” in Uzbek for students, first in Cyrillic and then in Latin alphabet. In particular, “Human Anatomy”. Tashkent. Chinor 2003.
In 1998-2005, he joined the department as a B.F.N. Assoc. B.A. Mominov was the leader. They created several books “Biological diversity: terms and definitions” (short dictionary in Uzbek and Russian) (Tashkent, 2002); Practical training in invertebrate zoology. O’/q. Tashkent, 2005.
Since 2010, the Department of Zoology has been called the Department of Zoology and Ichthyology. From 2010 to November 2015, B.F.N. G.A. Abdurakhmanova led.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
Reception days:
Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street, 4th house
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Researcher | Academic degree, title | The topics of the dissertation |
1 | Rakhimov Matnazar Shomurotovich | Ds Docent | Fauna, distribution and ecology of the Collembola family in Northeastern Uzbekistan |
2 | Eshova Kholisa Saidovna | Ds Docent | Nematodes in the desert areas of Uzbekistan and ways to adapt to their habitat |
3 | Kholboev Fakhriddin Rahmonkulovich | Ds Docent | Fauna, population and ecology of birds in the cities of the Kyzylkum region |
4 | Muminov Boqijon Alimovich | PhD Docent | Research of the morpho-physiology of chemoreceptors and sexual behavior of the cotton bollworm Heliothis armigera Hbn |
5 | Abdurakhmonova Gulnora Abdurakhmonovna | PhD Docent | Phytonematodes of cotton-alfalfa agrocenoses and the importance of agrotechnical factors in the formation of their communities |
6 | Sadykova Sayora Atabaevna | PhD Docent | Study of the effect of xenobiotics (dropp, butylcapstax) on some organs of the endocrine and immune systems of rats |
7 | Kuchqorov Abdivohid Hakimovich | PhD Docent | Dominance of the species of Myrid-bugs in the Tashkent oasis and their role in biocenotic processes |
8 | Boltabaev Adamboy Sadullaevich | PhD senior teacher | Bed bugs – Myrids (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) of the south of Pre-Oral sea |
9 | Elmuratova Zulxumor Urazovna | PhD teacher | Fauna and ecology of collembolas of soils of Southern Uzbekistan |
International cooperation
- Department of the Institute of Zoology of the RFA.
- Scientific-research center of livestock, poultry, fishery ITI stations, farms and centers of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Bird protection societies of Uzbekistan.
- Relations and contracts with the Fisheries Institute and other organizations under the RFA.