A.Sadikov-Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00

V.I.Kvint-scientific advisor
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
The curriculum for this specialty was created on the basis of the curriculum of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova.
Academician Vladimir Lvovich Kvint is the scientific director of the Department of State and Corporate Strategies.
V.L. Kvint – Doctor of Economics, Professor of Political Economy, Academician, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, is Head of the Department of Economic and Financial Strategy, Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (since 2007), and director of the Center for Strategic Research at the Institute for Mathematical Research of Complex Systems at Moscow State University.
Organization of the department
The department of “State and Corporate Strategies” was created by order of the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, I.U. Majidovom October 3, 2023 No. 01-348
The main goal of creating the department is to train highly qualified economists-strategists who combine fundamental knowledge, primarily in the field of strategy and modern economic science with the ability to competently understand the realities and features of the economy of Uzbekistan, having practical skills to work in government and regional economic structures and large commercial organizations.
From October 30 to November 3, 2023, the dean of the Faculty of Economics A. Umarov, the head of the department of “State and Corporate Strategies” A. Sodikov and the associate professor of the department L. Tskhay completed an internship at the Moscow State University School of Economics at the department of “Economic and Financial Strategy” in order to study the organization activities of the master’s program in the relevant field.
Academician V.L. Kvint on May 3, 2024 (Tashkent) gave a lecture to the teaching staff of the National University of Uzbekistan on the topic “Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of strategizing.”
Subjects existing and planned to be taught at the department:
1 | Sustainable Development Strategy | Since the experience of different countries in the field of sustainable development is very different, all goals associated with it and annual targets for the period until 2030 are formulated in a general, universal form and, as a rule, do not have specific quantitative goals. It has been determined that each country must localize BRM, that is, develop national development goals based on its development priorities and financial capabilities. |
2 | Economic development forecast for Uzbekistan | Among the main factors influencing the economy are: a sharp decline in economic activity in the world economy and among the country’s foreign trade partners, falling prices for raw materials, observation of economic downturn trends against the backdrop of instability in financial markets. |
3 | Regional economy | Various natural and climatic conditions, economic opportunities, and the implementation of market reforms manifest themselves primarily at the regional level. To teach how the responsibilities of regional authorities are distributed to solve existing socio-economic problems and expand their powers, as well as transfer important economic issues from the network, national level to the regional level. |
4 | Basics of economic strategy | Familiarize students with the main problems arising in the process of socio-economic development, their solutions, priorities of the development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as expand their thinking on this issue. |
5 | Corporate Strategies | This is a company management plan that specifies the operating principles, mission and goals of the enterprise, as well as the means and methods of achieving goals. |
6 | Strategic management. | The subject “strategic management” studies the management of the economic activities of enterprises based on various forms of ownership in the context of economic modernization, their actions in market conditions, and ways to effectively use limited production resources. |
Subjects that are planned to be taught in the curriculum:
7. Basics of economic strategy
8. Microeconomics 3 (strategic aspects)
9. Macroeconomics 3 (strategic aspects)
10. Econometrics 3 (use in strategy development)
11. Theory and methodology of strategic planning
12. World economic development (strategic aspects)
13. Strategic financial management
14. Fundamentals of regional strategy
15. Basics of network strategy
16. Strategic management
17. Strategic leadership
18. Fundamentals of regional strategy
19. Basics of network strategy
20. Human resource management strategy
Department staff:
T.r. | FULL NAME | Academic degree: | Position: | State unit |
1 | Sodikov Avazbek Madaminovich | I.f.d., professor | professor | 1 |
2 | Zakirov Saidfozil Saidakbarovich | I.f.d., professor | professor | 1 |
3 | Tskhay Lana Alexandrovna | (PhD) Associate Professor | associate professor | 1 |
4 | Musayeva Dilnoza Dilshodovna | PhD | Head teacher | 1 |
5 | Begimova Dilshoda Dilshodovna | PhD | Head teacher | 1 |
6 | Alikulov Aziz Haydarjonovich | Teacher | Teacher | 0.5 |