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Network (regional) center for retraining and advanced training of teaching staff

Tilavov Oktamjon Gulomovich, Doctor of Philosophy (DSc), professor- Center Director

12 Ziyo Street, Almazar District, Tashkent City, 100174

Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:00


The network (regional) center for retraining and professional development of pedagogues at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek began its activity in 1994, and the only Higher Pedagogical Institute in the Republic of Uzbekistan was founded in it. – professors-teachers of all higher education institutions in our Republic in humanities, concrete and natural sciences have improved their qualifications in their fields according to the order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Strengthening the material and technical base of higher education institutions and On the measures to radically improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists” dated May 20, 2011 No. PQ-1533 and in order to further improve the system of retraining of teaching staff of higher education institutions and improving their qualifications. 09.26. In 2012, higher education institutions were established as a Regional Center on the basis of Resolution No. 278 on measures to further improve the system of retraining pedagogues and their professional development. Block of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences in the center; Uzbekistan in order to fundamentally improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists based on the block of mathematics and natural sciences and on the basis of constantly improving the professional level and qualification of professors and teachers of higher educational institutions, introducing an improved system of their regular retraining in accordance with modern requirements Decree of the President of the Republic of June 12, 2015 on measures to further improve the system of retraining and professional development of managers and pedagogues of higher education institutions and the Cabinet of Ministers of Higher Education Institutions pedagogy of 21.09.2015 No. PF-4732 According to the decision No. 273 on the measures to further improve the system of retraining and professional development of teachers, within the framework of the National University of Uzbekistan, as a network (regional) center for retraining and professional development of pedagogic personnel under the National University of Uzbekistan is operating.
Retraining of pedagogic personnel at the National University of Uzbekistan, which embodies the most advanced achievements of world experience as the flagship of the higher education system of our country and serves as a model for all higher education institutions. and the educational institution operating under the name of a network (regional) center for improving their qualifications is a school oriented to work on the basis of the high requirements of the new, international experience. The center uses the mature scientific-intellectual potential of the National University to develop educational-methodical, scientific-methodical, pedagogic-psychological knowledge, skills in the use of digital technologies, the educational process related to the development of skills, the highest of our republic is a basic educational institution for improving the skills of pedagogues of socio-humanitarian, concrete and natural sciences of the educational system in pedagogical and scientific-innovative activities.
Today, the center includes the “Educational Technologies” department, the study of the organization and quality of the retraining and professional development educational process, departments of retraining and professional development educational programs and implementation of best practices, International scientific-innovative for professors and teachers of higher education institutions, which reflects the content of reforms in the higher education system due to the effective work of the team consisting of cooperation specialists, lays the foundation stone for harmonizing pedagogical activities with the world’s best practices, strives to become an educational institution that serves to improve pedagogical and methodological skills and achieves high results. The training sessions on the educational modules provided for in the curriculum and programs are conducted by mature specialists, their quality is regularly monitored, and during the sessions, the students are provided with theoretical knowledge, practical skills and modern skills of specialized disciplines. special attention is paid to their deep mastery of trends. As a result, the rate of participation of students in classes is always at the highest level.
The activities of the center’s pedagogues are always analyzed, based on setting monthly increments to their basic salaries and hourly wages to the qualified pedagogues who are involved in the training, multiplied by the set percentage of the hourly wages. material incentives are implemented.
Within the framework of foreign cooperation, scientific-methodological cooperation was implemented, and work on the exchange of experience in the field of skill improvement, attracting foreign investments and advanced technologies from foreign countries was launched.
The relations organized in cooperation are aimed at real practical results, the topics of organized international seminars, webinars and trainings, practical trainings are directed to the solution of existing problems in the system of professional development, improvement of the content of course programs and educational-methodological complexes and future serves to develop cooperative relations.
The center has classrooms, electronic educational tools, equipment, and modern digital equipment, which are required for the organization of a quality educational process. There are also dormitories equipped with all the necessary conditions for the listeners.
Since 2021, the Center has been managed by Doctor of Philosophy (DSc) Associate Professor Tilavov Oktamjon Gulomovich. The professors and teachers of the center have achieved results at the level of modern requirements in the areas of educational-methodical, scientific-methodical and research work, as well as spiritual-educational work, and in turn, they are praised for imparting knowledge and experience to the audience. activity is launched.