Head of department
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
- +998 712271540
- kengash@nuu.uz
The Council of the National University of Uzbekistan (hereinafter – the Council) is the supreme collegial body of the university. Council Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions, Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions and orders of the Board of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Higher Education operates on the basis of the Charter, the Charter of the National University of Uzbekistan and the Council Charter.
Duties and powers of the Council:
The council works on the main directions of the National University of Uzbekistan. Including:
– effective organization of educational, methodical, scientific and other activities for the training of qualified personnel for all areas of the educational system;
– to satisfy the intellectual, cultural and spiritual-ethical needs of the person through pedagogical education, to satisfy the need of the state and society for highly educated, qualified specialists and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel;
-training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, conducting fundamental and scientific researches;
– implementation of regulatory legal documents, state programs, annual plans and decisions and orders of the OTFIV board at the university;
– strengthening executive discipline, increasing the personal responsibility of university managers and employees in ensuring the timely and quality performance of job (service) tasks;
– retraining of teaching staff and improving their qualifications;
– development and implementation of measures necessary to be implemented on the basis of relevant normative legal documents related to spiritual-educational, educational-methodological, educational and scientific research works; hearing the reports of the rector, vice-rectors, faculty deans, department heads, heads of departments on the implementation of the tasks assigned to the university;
– reviewing the powers of the vice-rectors, university departments, faculties and departments;
Consideration of candidates for vacant positions in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 10, 2006 No. 20 and the Regulation “On the procedure for recruiting teaching staff to higher education institutions based on competition”; It resolves issues such as recommendation to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the academic titles of professor and associate professor. Other issues that require collegial discussion related to the university’s life, related to the council’s authority.
Board composition:
Rector, vice-rectors are part of the Council according to their position. The number of members to be elected to the council is determined by the rector’s order and they are elected from faculty deans, heads of departments, heads of structural units, professors and teachers. The council may include representatives of other interested agencies, well-known scientists and experts dealing with the problems of the continuing education system. Currently, the composition of the University Council consists of 49 members.